April turned out to be a busy month, with the 0.23.5 update there's been activity forum wide there's lots to see and do for May __________ Starting off we take a look in GD at SlowThought's thread on re-entry technique, are you kind to your Kerbonauts, or do you like yours well done? __________ Next up are Tutorials, have you wondered just what on Kerbin is going on with your fuel flow? Kasuha has and he's gone to some lengths to find out, are the secrets of Kerbal plumbing finally known? __________ The update boosted the power of the Ion engines, and zarakon challenges us to reach for the stars!, you're going to need a lot of solar panels for that! __________ There's been some interesting new craft in the Exchange since the update, and we stay with Ion power with Camaron's thread showcasing the new Ion craft that the update has made possible, with the tiny engine now a lot more viable what can you build with it? __________ From the Fanworks, if you fancy a bit of reading (and lots of pics), Dave Kerbin takes us through his career save and mission report using the "Better than starting manned" addon, this addon greatly changes the feel of the game, Kerbals take a back seat while they slowly build up the tech to put a (Ker)man in space. If you'd rather watch someone play with this excellent addon, then Elodia7's ongoing video reports are the thing for you, I almost missed this, check it out. __________ Space won't always be about peaceful exploration, sooner or later one nation will accuse another of spilling its coffee and there will be a fight, but just how will such a fight take place? We don't know but the guys in bighara's thread are giving it some thought, it makes for some interesting, if scary, reading. __________ And finally, after all the seriousness, we take a break in the Lounge with a fun little side game of Spore played by the KSP community, take a look and let Holo know what the little Groszvenatz should do next