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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Okay, so it's not the Steam version, it should be working but you might have to re-unzip it to make sure you have a clean copy.
  2. It should work in Wine, but it also should work in Linux, did you download KSP from the store?
  3. Hi joshosh, welcome to the forums There's lots of people here to play challenges with, check out the Challenges forum, and you can share craft with the guys in the Spacecraft Exchange! Also you can hang out on the Space Lounge and chill out
  4. :/ Maybe the card won't handle them, it's always a bit tricky with Intel, there are some fixes here though you could try.
  5. Best way to use/need less fuel to reach the Mun is to use a lighter craft, you don't need a monster to get there, land, take off and return
  6. trash0551, you may have to reduce the render quality slider, it controls shadows amongst other things. jamie92, I don't see a crash unfortunately, maybe it's not KSP directly, can you try the install script here and see if it helps?
  7. Probably because the launcher still has a few issues, not just on Linux either, so ignore it until you see that 0.24 is released on the forums or other official Squad channels but that's going to be a while, check HarvesteR's latest article here.
  8. BrutalRIP, we're on 0.23.5, check your builtID.txt, it should say the following: Jamie92, you have an Intel graphics card, while the latest ones are good the older ones, and laptop ones, tend to be lacking in feature support at the driver or hardware level, you can see a lot of features are disabled in the log. Try enabling the fallback part shaders and disabling the planet shader in the settings screen, also turn down the atmospheric effects slider.
  9. Squad aren't going to add weapons, sorry, KSP is about space flight and exploration, not violence. Combat and weapons are on the list of what not to suggest for this very reason, so this would be better off as an addon request after multiplayer is complete.
  10. Did you install MechJeb, that will cause that issue. And welcome to the forums
  11. Good thread, very "exchangy" though, so I'll float this one over to the Exchange
  12. Hi Hades51, welcome to the forums The re-entry heat effect won't harm your Kerbal or you panels, but the air flow over them will rip the solar panels to shreds and can easily pull your Kerbal off the side of your rocket!
  13. He can play KSP in his way, as you can play KSP in yours iDan122, fly your own flights please, not the flights of others. Also, stay on topic, thank you.
  14. I can't, sorry, I can't even get the editor to run (I'm a Linux user) but there's this from the Unity website that might be useful, the lighting tutorial.
  15. How would Squad provide such support to stuff that's made by others and not in Squads control? Isn't it enough that they have deliberately made KSP as moddable as they have?
  16. I dunno, having a lump of radioactive material, enough to be fissile and produce enough heat to propel a rocket, sitting on a 105m tower of fuel that happens to explode and collapse does not sound easy to clean up after.
  17. You can stack surface samples and other science too as long as it's from different biomes, stuff like crew reports can just be transmitted at no loss So you should only need one pod.
  18. Don't mind Regex, he's getting old in his old age There's no real cheating in KSP, unless you are entering a challenge posted by another player you are free to do what you like, and in challenge threads just stick to the challenge rules and spirit of the competition and everything will be fine. Ultimately the only person you cheat is yourself, out of the satisfaction of accomplishing something in the game unaided.
  19. Make sure they are both up to date, and check the forums for any known issues between the two addons, if it continues you may have to make a choice between them :/
  20. sal_vager


    Welcome to the community pvtawol
  21. The Curse client does not yet support KSP, this will change in time but for now we have to download addons and install them manually.
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