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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Patience and a tolerance for low frame rates Seriously impressed, I didn't think this was possible.
  2. Funny We need more adventures of Kerbaboy!
  3. Nice modded craft, don't forget the Mod tags!
  4. Renaming the thread, if your craft is Christmas related post it here, trees, presents, full nativity scenes, anything
  5. Merry Christmas everyone And have a happy new year Craft
  6. This really belongs here A/V software will scan the KSP.exe frequently, it is best to add KSP.exe to your A/V's whitelist.
  7. Welcome to the community Uqabos You start with a basic description of Curious George but after a few posts you become a Bottle Rocketeer, and when that happens you can set a custom description in your profile settings, complete with forum avatar Have fun on the forums and fly safe!
  8. All that's missing are all the icons from the failed launches east of the KSC
  9. Yep, you can't repair panels, which is a pity, it would be a really useful feature.
  10. I can never remember the fix for optirun, I think you need bumblee at least, if anyone know the answer to this one let me know and I'll add it to the OP
  11. Decouplers have not been crossfeed capable for some time, and now only parts that don't crossfeed will have the text notifying you of such, in other words all parts are able to crossfeed unless otherwise stated
  12. I wouldn't know how to do that Post production editing maybe?
  13. Welcome to the community ReeceEngineering The second point I can answer, you are going beyond physics range, and it was decided a long time ago to limit the range at which you could change vessels with the square bracket keys so you were not having to cycle between dozens or more flights. This range limit is not tweakable in the stock game unfortunately. As for the first point, KSP is using another part as its control origin on those gliders, though from looking at them I don't see what part would be used, as only parts that can control should be used as the origin point.
  14. Won't help unfortunately Tomahawk, the info is indeed gone, looks like it was missed when the UI was updated.
  15. Lots of issues are related to catalyst :/ I hope the Unity update hasn't broken AMD support, can anyone else using an AMD card and Linux let us know if KSP is still working for them?
  16. Welcome to the community Rob Light weight craft can do as much if not more than heavy rockets, just because you aren't lifting as much mass, so don't feel you have to build big to reach the planets. Have fun on the forums and in KSP, and fly safe!
  17. There is also the floorit addon that turns the Z key into a max throttle key
  18. LudwigVonHellsing, I didn't know LC_ALL fixed that Colmo, will do. ricotero, delete your settings.cfg willlim, this may be because of the new version of Unity :/ mueslo, not as of yet no, remember though that Unity only really supports Ubuntu (debian) so while KSP can work on other distros, there may be missing or incompatible libraries.
  19. Little old now, but still capable of getting to Duna and back even without solar panels and batteries, if you are careful
  20. Brilliant! Now we can answer those pressing questions, such as "what do Kerbals taste like?"
  21. A lot of back end optimisations occurred, nothing directly related to the sound but then it's also a new version of Unity, so maybe that's why. Hopefully as Unity improves and those changes make it into KSP, the sound issues will disappear entirely
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