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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Looks like this has been answered, twice over I better close one of these.
  2. Just let me know when you need a thread moved, I'm happy to help
  3. Gentlemen, I understand this is an important topic, as an Englishman myself it is something I am concerned about, I'd like less surveillance even though I know the UK government and any contractor they choose to use to do any such monitoring is simply not competent enough to do so. However, this kind of subject is beyond the scope of the KSP forums, even for the Space Lounge, and as such I'll be closing it here, everyone who has wanted to has had a say by now and it looks like the thread has deteriorated. Thank you all for your comments, but I ask that if you wish to continue this that you do so on another site such as Reddit.
  4. Hate to have to say it but this idea has been thought of many times before, any sort of warp drive that was not strictly for moving from one star to another would remove the main part of KSP's gameplay, that being orbital mechanics. Multiplayer itself has been suggested by everyone on these forums and is now on the "What not to suggest" list, basically don't expect any form of multiplayer for KSP, except maybe as an expansion pack. I better close this before it turns into a clone of every MP thread that's come before it.
  5. It might be possible to edit out the ladder in the persistent.sfs, I strongly recommend you make a backup of the file first though. As the ladder does not attach to nodes it should be enough to just delete it as its parent part won't reference it.
  6. Well I didn't go as fast as I'd have liked, turns out I was looking at my orbital speed before, I will need to work on a faster craft. My plane on the runway, horizontal: http://i.imgur.com/NoXCerP.jpg Taking off: http://i.imgur.com/j3AAEqy.jpg Getting hot up here: http://i.imgur.com/UgDIXcO.jpg Top speed over land was 2227m/s: http://i.imgur.com/dmxaz1D.jpg
  7. Docking mode is accessed from the second (middle) of three icons in the bottom left of the flight UI, the first (top) being staging mode, and the third (bottom) being the map To actually dock though, you need to bring the docking ports of both craft together slowly and facing each other nearly straight on.
  8. Congratulations Mulbin, your Munbug has been stickied as the Spacecraft Exchanges first featured thread
  9. I think for me it was watching sci-fi as a kid, my dad was really into his sci-fi back then, so I watched Star trek, Blake's 7 and Space 1999. Course, none of that was really like spaceflight but I didn't know it at the time, it wasn't till watching stuff like 2001 that I started to get a proper idea of what space was like, but it took KSP to really show my what it was like in space for a spacecraft, much different to the likes of Star wars and similar Oh and congrats Pawelk198604, you've been stickied
  10. DGatsby, thanks for finding this, and all props to BarryDennen12, really good vid, by the way this thread has been stickied this month so more people see it
  11. Congrats TheHengeProphet, you made sticky of the month for the challenges section! I have been trying this challenge and the best I can do is about 2235m/s, I'll get some pics for you soon
  12. This month we have four (count em!) threads that have caught the mod teams collective eye, one each for Challenges, Fanworks, the Space Lounge and for the first time ever, the Spacecraft Exchange! First up, lets have a round of applause for TheHengeProphet and The MachingBird Challenge!. This long running challenge has drawn many players to try to beat the top speed of 2340m/s, will you be the one to knock Pbhead from the top spot? In the Fanworks section we have BarryDennen12's amazing machinima, In The Shadow Of The Mün, the thread links to his youtube account. Chilling out in the Space Lounge we have Pawelk198604's thread asking us What triggered your interest in spaceflight to begin with, it'd be interesting to hear how you all got started And finally the new area to get a stickied thread, the Spacecraft Exchange, sees Mulbin's fantastic Munbug, IX -Saturn V, Apollo CSM, Lander, Buggy, and ALSEP vehicles, all stock and all cool. That's it for September, enjoy the threads listed here, post cool, insightful or just plain great threads and maybe next month the stickied thread could be yours
  13. I like how they used smaller tanks under the orange tanks to stop their engines overheating
  14. Not tried 319 yet as I tend to stick to the x-swat drivers, which seem to still be on 313. Yeah KSP is still a bit slower but not much, and it's like the top end is gone rather than being slow overall, so it stays playable
  15. MartinVD, as you know KSP is under development and the development of any game takes time and resources, the changes and additions that Squad make are often deeper than is possible than with the plugin system, which adds greatly to development "cost". This subject has been brought up before several times now and the answer has not changed, no further good can come from continuing to revive this, as said above (even by HarvesteR himself) game development takes time and effort so adding more things becomes harder with every update. Rest assured however that the developers are very aware of the diminishing returns, but this is normal and to be expected with any project, be it a game or an office application. This thread will be closed now to prevent the usual off-topic flaming that this subject often attracts, your concerns have been noted and I hope the next update is more to your liking, I and others are happily looking forwards to it
  16. Docking ports have to be moved away from each other enough so they can reset, but really we do need to see your craft so we can properly help you. Please use the F1 key to take a few screen shots, then upload them to Imgur for us Craft files might help as well, so we can test your crafts ability to redock ourselves.
  17. Yeah this would be neat, I had the thought that you should be able to generate a new staging icon when assigning an action to the "stage" group, then you could drag that into place and activate it with space in the usual way
  18. It sounds like you need struts, I also have made an Apollo style craft and it has four struts from the CSM to the third stage, passing the lander on the way. Depending on the size of your lander you may need to run struts from the CSM to the LM, then from the LM down to the rest of the rocket
  19. This thread is fine in the Space Lounge Vespasianus, don't worry I am unable to make any suggestions though, I hope someone here can help you.
  20. That this seems to be immune to bubbling is pretty good news
  21. Nah it's useful for us Linux users to have this stuff here, so thanks for bringing it up
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