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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Yeah this really belongs in Gameplay so I'll move it. To me the craft looks like the center is just too heavy for the single engine, I'd shorten it and lengthen the boosters.
  2. I'm just giving examples, and EVE falls under clouds I'm not sure on delta V myself, we don't even know what form it might take, I'd not expect anything like KER.
  3. Multithreading is kinda out of Squads hands though, it's a Unity5 thing, though Unity4 also does multithreading what Unity 4 doesn't do is put physics objects into tasks and divvy them up amongst your cores. Unity5, or more accurately PhysX3, does that. Exactly how it ends up is something we have to wait for 1.1 to see though, but benchmarks from other games and tests look promising.
  4. It looks like it has, @angusmcbeth hasn't been around for a while, so I better close this, I'll reopen it when he returns.
  5. Hmm, Angels is a 2.5m when you add the backseat, the Corvus is too old, so I'll add @jfjohnny5's pod to the list (even though I hate pinstripes).
  6. Yeah I'm sure I saw a really good one that looked like the Gemini capsule, but I can't remember the thread title.
  7. There's a few things you can do. First, try jettisoning the heatshield, you will need to add a decoupler for this, heatshields are pretty heavy so they have a lot of inertia to overcome. Wait till the flames go out though. Another trick I use is to add a structural girder to the top of my parachute (surface attach), then another chute on top of that, during launch the top chute acts like a nosecone to reduce drag, but when re-entering the bottom of the girder is pretty draggy, so helps slow you down.
  8. I moved it up, it'd be nice to add a link to where it's said it's planned but I can't find it, any ideas?
  9. No idea But it'd make sense to allow you to use the gizmo after docking any vessels to fine tune the angle, dock any old way to start, then rotate.
  10. Oh I see, well a lot of people had to reset their passwords including me, and I have had to help a few with new email addresses. Or you could continue as Alonime
  11. That's a bit to far @sieve, it'll just lead to arguing. If you guys are really that upset by this I'll close it, just please try to see the funny side in future. Closing!
  12. Hi Alonime, TheBlackDwarf may not answer as he's not been around since last July, this is a pretty old thread. If you'd like to start a new thread on making kopernicus planets though, that'd be great
  13. Contracts could spawn an object independent of the scatters, also I think surface samples should have mass.
  14. I'd kinda like to see something like the VAB snapping applied to docking, it's a system we already know so would be easy to use, just open a rotation gizmo on the docking port in flight, and toggle 5°, 15° and free movement.
  15. Depends how things go really, stuff that's not asked all that often will be removed from the list as it's not a bother to see it suggested, stuff that becomes repetitive will end up here. To be honest things have not be that bad for ages, the biggest repeated topic was multiplayer but now it has been announced we hardly see it.
  16. Hi EnzoMeertens, welcome to the forums This looks great but you'll need to add a license to your mod, check the addon rules for more info.
  17. Maybe if we saw the craft we could help more, you can put a pic of it on imgur.com
  18. Maybe you do but I see a few reasonable posts, so I'll leave this open for discussion. It would be good as an addon request as well however.
  19. This is a little old Doctor Mandarb, and @BoobyTrapGaming hasn't been here since September.
  20. Common Suggestions. Delta V Display Multiplayer Aliens Axial Tilt Clouds Bug Fixes (These happen with every update) Career Improvements KSP 2.0 Lagrange Points Life Support Mod (insert name here) added to stock Multi-threaded Physics (Done, Unity5 and PhysX supports this) Music! New Parts New Planets N-Body Physics Realism (And Kerbalism) Science Improvements Steam Workshop Two Kerbal, 1.25 metre command pod UI Improvements Suggestions Implemented by Modders. Advanced Technology Autopilot Bug Fixes Clouds Combat and Weapons Improved Graphics Life Support Loading on Demand More Parts New Planets N-Body Physics (lagrange points) Procedural Wings Procedural Other Parts Realistic Fuel Realistic Overhaul Realistic Progression Real Sized Solar System Robotics Tech Tree Changes Two Kerbal 1.25 metre command pod Erm, No. Changing Game Engine (Unreal4 etc) Nightly Builds Old Already suggested thread, old WNTS thread.
  21. Hmm, you may need to enable/disable compatibility mode in Windows, I am pretty sure it's in the shortcut. Also you better check your graphics driver, the log says you have a GT 420M but the dxdiag says all you have is an Intel card. Windows 10 is known to uninstall and rollback your graphics drivers.
  22. Nope, it's me, and sorry SpaceplaneAddict, try when I'm not sleeping My guess is @Temstar
  23. Okay it's weird that it's only doing it to Duna and Moho, has it ever worked or has it always looked this way for you? As it's a new install we should be able to rule out a bad file, unless both installs came from the same zip folder, it is possible you have a corrupted zip. It could be a weird rendering bug that only appears with those two planets and only with your mesa driver and intel card combination, if that is the case then a driver update might fix it, I see you're using 14.04 LTS and it uses quite an old version of the mesa driver, updating should make newer drivers available, as would using the Edgers repository which supports 14.04, your current driver looks to be 10.1.3 while edgers has 11.0.4 It may also be caused by anti-aliasing, which the Unity engine has a lot of trouble with on Linux, some things will fail to work with anti-aliasing off even if anti-aliasing itself doesn't work, if it's off try with it on and vice versa. I also notice you don't have a lot of video ram, only 256 megs according to the Player.log, I can't see your graphics card memory in the hardinfo report, so maybe it's shared with the system. There's a nullreference exception in the Player.log as well but it looks like it's related to the UI, rather than the terrain rendering. I'd try anti-aliasing first, then a fresh zip if it wasn't already, then look at a graphics driver update, hopefully that will fix it. If it really is because of insufficient video ram I'm not sure what you could do, I think some old laptops allowed you to set the shared memory in the bios so that may be worth a look.
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