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Everything posted by Merkov

  1. MKS 0.37? Are you sure? That's really out of date. KSP 1.3 requires MKS 0.52.0 or newer. I didn't think you could even find versions of MKS that old on the repository anymore.
  2. Welcome to the forums! There are a few reasons that you might not be seeing the Akita parts. To figure out what's going on, we'll need a bit more information. For starters, it's best if we know which version of KSP and Konstruction you are running, as well as how you installed Konstruction (manually or CKAN). Also, screenshots of your GameData and UmbraSpaceIndustries folders will help us rule out simpler fixes. If we can't see anything obvious there, we may need logs from you. Oh, also, do you have Community Category Kit, and if so which version? I think the category for the Akita parts might be set to none, meaning they won't show up without CCK (since CCK uses tags instead of categories to display parts). If you don't have CCK, try installing it and see if the parts show up. That's probably the easiest thing to check.
  3. If it helps, I remember that severedsolo made a change at my request to Gilly contracts to prevent them from wanting to be below the altitude at which KSP deletes objects.
  4. If I remember right, the various colonization modules' descriptions tell you how many Kerbals the life support extender supports. The Duna one is really limited, but the Tundra series can support more Kerbals.
  5. Not to mention, if someone doesn't like all of the parts together, I happen to have heard of a guy who made some sort of janitor's closet mod for dealing with extra parts...
  6. If you haven't already, I would suggest that you check out USI Core. It has a bunch of large containers (Kontainters) including KIS ones. The 5m ones are quite voluminous.
  7. It isn't as efficient, but you can also use minerals to create fertilizer in MKS. Do you have any of those in the same areas as hydrates?
  8. What are your MKS and KSP versions? Mods crashing games sounds like mods built for KSP 1.2.x being used in KSP 1.3 or vise versa. A picture of your GameData and UmbraSpaceIndustries folders can help us see if it's a simple install error, too. As for the configuring of parts, what life support mod are you using? Many of the configurations only work with USI-LS, some work without it but require at least one LS mod, and some don't need any. For example, any configurations that provide hab bonuses for USI-LS will not be available without it installed because hab time doesn't exist without USI-LS. Other configurations that provide life support converters of some sort will be available with, for example, TAC LS and USI-LS, but will be disabled without either of them. Again, this is because they serve no purpose without those mods.
  9. Just as some background, ReplacementParts were part of an old wear mechanic in USI-LS. They were an invisible resource that was slowly depleted over time, and as they were depleted, LS parts became less efficient. If I remember right, they were created directly from MaterialKits when maintenance (another USI function) was done. That was the only use for ReplacementParts. I've been on a KSP hiatus (except the forums. Gotta get my fix) so I haven't had a chance to look at MOLE, but ideally there shouldn't be any mention of ReplacementParts in USI-LS configs. With the exception of some MKS specific parts, wear is all but removed as a USI-LS feature.
  10. @Mein_Gott try updating Sigma Dimensions. wasn't playing nicely with Kopernicus versions newer than 1.3.0-2. Also, your versions of RPM, FAR, and KJR are all for KSP 1.2.2, not KSP 1.3.
  11. If I remember correctly, hab time displays something silly when you're on the Kerbin, like one second less than maximum hab for the vessel indefinitely until your altitude exceeds the Homeworld altitude setting (default is 25km I think?) I've always assumed this was to distinguish that situation (on Homeworld) from when you have no ill hab effects, or when you have a pilot on board a vessel with more than 1 year's worth of hab time, both of which I believe give you an "indefinite" marker. Oh! I think you can also get it by having a vessel with 50+ years of hab in a system with a kolonization bonus greater than 500%, but at that point we're solidly in MKS mechanics territory. Incidentally, I'm pretty sure the reason installing MKS changed what you saw is because MKS has its own LS default settings that override those that come with USI-LS. In case you didn't know, you can edit your LS settings using the USI-LS button in the space centre scene. The settings you pick are tied to that save, so you can have multiple saves with different settings. ...and @DStaal just ninja'd me.
  12. @MarlboroMan your version of MKS is really out of date. 0.50.14 was for KSP 1.2.2. Versions for KSP 1.3 start with 0.52.x.
  13. That doesn't look like a bug. The idea of the academy contracts is that you are paying for training, hence the negative advance. If you fail, you still get penalized, hence the negative failure.
  14. This is a fantastic addition. Many thanks to you!
  15. My approach was always to use NecroBones' SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded mods. More boosters. Bigger boosters. More bigger boosters.
  16. @Vorg: dumb question, but did your local .version file somehow not get updated when you updated KPBS? Also, unless I am failing to read that log properly, do you have a PlanetaryBaseInc folder inside an EVE folder? At the beginning I see C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements\PlanetaryBaseInc\PlanetaryBaseInc.version Do you somehow have an errant folder with . version file hiding there?
  17. In the future, don't ever have your main save (or any saves, really) in your Steam KSP directory. Copy your KSP install somewhere else, and it will be safe from updates. Also/alternatively, if you're modding games in general, turn off Steam auto updates.
  18. Feel free to add it to the wiki, but I think the KSPedia is a perfectly natural place for handy information like that. It's a handy place to put information that is accessible in game. I'm a little stumped by your logic behind not looking at the KSPedia for something you didn't know because you already knew everything you needed to know, but there are a few mods out there that have put together very good KSPedia pages, so I would encourage you to check it out every now and then.
  19. Perhaps a silly question, but do you have blizzy's toolbar, and if so, does the USI LS button show up as one of the available buttons in it? Also, is the button not showing up in any scene, or does it show up in some but not others? (Space centre, VAB, Focused on vessel, etc.)
  20. Correct. The error is just saying it couldn't find the settings.cfg file to save settings data to it.
  21. The way I understand it, TWP will write (and read) settings from that location, but it doesn't create the pathway itself for some reason. If you create a PluginData folder in TWP and put a settings.cfg file inside it, TWP should start using it properly.
  22. Going off memory here, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter if the scientist is in the med bay, but the "tourist" Kerbal DOES have to be in the med bay.
  23. I have to second this. I think it's important to remember that USI's MKS and KPBS aren't really competitors, per se. MKS is about expanding gameplay. The parts could all be white cylinders and they still add the same amount to gameplay. KPBS doesn't look to add the crazy resource chains, life support, off-world Kerbal spawning etc. that MKS does. It adds gorgeous parts that work well with other mods. You can use them with an otherwise vanilla game to make bases which are functionally pretty similar to stock bases, but are way more aesthetically pleasing. Nils has also done a good job of adding support for other mods (like his recent addition of parts for EL and all of the life support parts which only appear when their respective mods are installed). Some mods makers, like Angel-125, extend support for their mods (WBI suite) to KPBS through their own configs. DStaal's integration pack is yet another way to make KPBS play very well with other mods. The beauty of KBPS is that it gives you beautiful parts that can be used with whatever other mods or systems you want. Since it's "just" a parts mod (I don't mean that negatively), it's basically never going to be completely incompatible with another mod. At most, it's only ever waiting for someone to write configs to make it compatible. In short, always install KPBS no matter what other mods you have installed.
  24. Lol, no worries. It certainly isn't a giant button like some mod pages have. I would have just pasted the link in my reply but my mobile phone and I don't really have the greatest success doing anything more than type simple messages on this forum.
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