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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. yup, and i have noticed that when set to other things (fusion pellets) its putting lfo or hydro etc in with fusion pellets. but thats on the smaller tanks, on the larger theres no selected fusion pellets, just the lfo from part switch....
  2. yup its all fresh install, but ive just updated to be sure and heres the result
  3. so heres a problem for you, every time i use the new duna tanks they reset the internal config back to lfo, it happens every time i load the theing in the VAB and not ive just spawned it in orbit and its reset again from cryo to lfo. ive had this bug occasionally with the hex parts but this has just happened alot today....
  4. so how about a kis creatable and carryable part like the boxes, that has attachment nodes and you plant it, and an arm comes out the top and makes the sandcastle... maybe even a fover, but i dunno how to attack parts from a rover..... drone built bases sound so cool thow!
  5. well at least when your screaming at the computer, and praying at a god (imhotep is my choice) for help, you cant blame me
  6. why not have both, so its 2 seperate parts, and jack up the kredit values on the 3d printed ones so they aren't affordable to sent out and not collapsable either, but printing them costs the same in material as manufacturing the equivalent ones from material kits or rocket parts. the real trick is gettin the customisable colour so they have a purple tinge on duna, brown or kerbal,, red on duna etc..... I immagine @Angel-125 having a small seizure at that last line.....
  7. could it be a problem with they way ksp spawns things, as ive noticed things grabbing the runway when the legs are deployed. e.g the beginning of this vid-no el in sight...... https://youtu.be/d2niyttC8tU
  8. Who would do such a thing, thats cheating, i would never..... by the way could you raise that spawn point on the open pad a ft or so i keep having the pad expload because of me legs.....
  9. could you make it point to a construction stake, but replace the stake instead of building on top of it. similar to the routing construction mod dose, but using epl.
  10. missions! im having to do missions for funds again! i forgot all about the bother of this
  11. so i can make manufacturing drones? *insane genious cackles* so i was messing aobut with a planet pack last night, i have so many ideas!
  12. it wasent your parts that where laggy, the avatar and whats in the space planes is over 1000 parts the rest im just learning as i go, i am loving everything....
  13. its looking great man! i already have an idea for designs. and yesterday i spent an entire day mucking about with your new stuff in the mods... plus one hour doing a 200ms burn on the avatar at 2 fps!
  14. the gondogarden isint doing anything when tacls is installed, just lettin you know
  15. i have had an idea! by the way not i have no money left in explosive kolinasation because of baris, its great and really fun, however back to the idea! a kis item, small round thing of tape (rope tape, duck tape, oh oh oh... kraken tape) than you can use for repairs of broken modules that will keep them up and running for a short ammount of time even when dead, but not exploaded, however it cant be manufactured through OSE!
  16. so a question for anyone, whats better the 10 to 15min episodes, or the longer ones?
  17. Ok, im finally in 1.3.1 and all the goodies in this and near future and making me giddy!
  18. muhahahaha! hopefully the last 1.3 release, next im upgrading things!
  19. i already use all of nerteas mods aside angels even hizenberg even thow i dont use airships
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