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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. Well i didnt know that before i made this video! but heres your engines in their glory, also if anyone says they overheat too much, i think they are perfect the way they are !
  2. tweakscale would be nice also whats with the water needed for the fusion pellets, that confused me!
  3. so heres my question\suggestion, Mks is now a lot of other mods thrown into one, from an organizational point of view would it be possible to split mks into separate folders for the parts so you could take out what you done use, much like you can remove karibu, have the duna and tundra parts in separate folder and one for the kerbal thing it dose now with the new kerbals. i use the tundra parts and the old ranger parts (i miss the black ranger) but the rest is ancillary, and the kerbal replacement is close to game breaking for career mode because you don't increase pilots in the normal rescue fasion(62 recoveries and only one engineer, no scientists or pilots) i use the rest of the constellation parts too except the sub pack, but mks is huge and accounts for 4 minutes of loadup out of a 7 minute ksp start. Love what you do, and please bring back the parts that tundra replaced, i loved them for surface things
  4. uninstalled them after, i could place them in both vab and sph but crashes on launch. never got to use them
  5. gave them a try but 3 crashes later (1st 2nd and 3rd try) i installed them
  6. these are absolutly amazing, just wish they had USI Life support
  7. I am loving jesters vtols, here's my attempt from playing too much mass effect!
  8. KSP: 1,2,2 Windows 10 64bit Problem: Hard crash to desktop, usually after 6 or 7 scene changes Mods installed: oh god.... Reproduction steps: Just play for a while after a few scene changes hars crash, occasionally with log i didnt include the middle of the stacktrace because its huge and crashed my browser! please help, i have a 7 minute load time every restart! comp specs Acer predator gx-791 32g ram I7-6820 2.7ghz geforce gtx 980 8gb ram samsung 512gb ssd drive for os and new games!
  9. yeah you require them for the config of tanks and things, but if you have pathfinder or mole etc you dont need to delete and replace the other folder, just have the one thats the most up to date! they should all be in the same download thow
  10. I had the recycler activated, and when it got close enough it hung and then boom! Thank god too, i was at 4 fps, and now i dont have to bother with that ship again
  11. i had a small explosion and some dead kerbals!
  12. So i had the best explostion ive ever had in KSp through overloading one of the Mole docks with my latest DSEV design!
  13. well mine seems to be working great the centrifuge is half way through the video.
  14. ok so and anyone help me here, for some reason EPL isint working in 3rd party docks, on looking closer i cant see any part aside from the survey station, ive removed the 10 lins at the bottom of the USI_el config, and cleared out the MM cache, but still no el in my game. ive tried it with the Dsev and spacedock docks. but im at a loss whats screwing it up now. I can provide a mod list if needed but i have most of the big names! all updated a few days ago (thow ive not used EL properly for several updates.) Edit---------------------------- it seemed to be a problem with the package i downloaded, i downloaded it again and installed (because i deleted the zip from 3 hours ago) and its working!
  15. ok, i have narrowed it down and its not your mod so your good, it seems EPL isint working at all for anything i cant even see any parts appart from the survay station
  16. With my currently installed mods 183, and yes it you mess up the install you get issues, and sometimes you get issues when everything goes correctly (never mind the 7 minutes to startup ksp even when your running it off a ssd), but calling people lazy who badger moddev's to support ckan, when you know that dude is the one who will bother the mod when their ckan mod goes wrong. yeah i am right to call them that! thats lazy! And they are so self centred they want someone doing FREE work to do even more just to make their life easier. Couple this with the fact ive seen this happen so many times over the last year it angers me, and im not a mod dev, just immagine instead of your 3 hour for install you have spent 4 months working on something, and giving it away for free, and then helping people with it further for free, only for someone to tell you you should be doing more. That my friend is hostile! Never mind the fact there's more that one dev stop developing their mod because of this barrage of lazy.
  17. ive just installed the download off the front page, and i dont get the button on any dock, any size. ive quickly scanned the files and cant even see a mention to them.
  18. Well the standard line in your mm patch is MODULE { name = ModuleHabitation HabMultiplier = 6 and to get the Centrifuge inline with the mks hab ring it should be MODULE { name = ModuleHabitation BaseKerbalMonths = 497,5 HabMultiplier = 0 } but i was using this below and it seems fair and althow less than the usi stuff, it feels more balenced. MODULE { name = ModuleHabitation BaseKerbalMonths = 120 HabMultiplier = 6 } and that section i was reducing to 100 for the standard hab modules, and for the heisenberg stuff. thats all ive played with, but again i love this mod! mainly that engine !
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