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Everything posted by SamBelanger

  1. Who knows mods to improve or adds atmospheres? :/

    1. StupidAndy


      FAR, well obviously

      Improved Atmospheres, I think that's the name

    2. SamBelanger
    3. StupidAndy


      that's all I know, also planet mods add atmospheres...and planets

  2. I have a question, can your mod work if we adds the RA and OA mods in the GameData folder?
  3. My favorite mods is OuterSpace, OptionalAtmospheres, Realistic Atmospheres and More...
  4. 8BB45PB.png?1

    WOW 1000+ checks of my mod! THANKS YOU!! :D

  5. We need testers for the OptionalAtmosphere mod


    Contact @DeltaDizzy or @SamBelanger to be testers :)

    1. Clonos


      Hum, i'll do that my friend :wink:

    2. DeltaDizzy
  6. I have a suggestion, is what you can adds brown dwarfs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_dwarf


    WOW Guys thanks you 5258 views on my mod!! :o

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SamBelanger
    3. Clonos


      Oh look, even more people planning on going insterstellar lol

    4. SamBelanger
  8. I agree that there is something missing in this subject ''atmosphere'' and in addition, the game Kerbal Space Program improves every time when has an updates
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