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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. @4x4cheesecake. Good point. I think there’s a way to make contracts create a new kerbal, so perhaps I will do that and fix the costs a bit. No sure how I missed that in the release. Its a negative(-) negative (-). Think of it like this; -|- which means the negatives cancel out and turn into a positive. It looks like that because of the way the price is calculated. In any event, you get those funds back. Should be about 3/4s of the entry cost, because we have to assume kerbal academy lost some money setting that up for ya. [Edit] Plans for 1.3 or possibly 1.2.x I am going to completely rebuild advanced piloting, engineering and science contracts to provide a better experience. Boot camp will also get some rejiggering and will create a new kerbal (level 0) when contract is created. It will also trigger more often and not wait until you are short in a certain field before offering a contract. I will re-balance the pricing for it in such a way that it can be a reasonable alternative to mid game rescue contracts, and of course the kerbal will still be boosted to level 1 on completion. (If you guys could pm me your cost per kerbal rescued that would be great. Please specify if it was a trivial or significant and how much the vehicle cost.)
  2. Will continue investigating. Its possible Paint 3D is screwing with my files.
  3. Crud. Ok.... Clearly I Should Not Be Doing Updates This Late Should I [Edit] Actually those files are coming up as PNGs for me. You sure? And all that was added in 1.2.0 1.2.1 was just a edit to the version file.
  4. Minor Bug Fix For Version File Errors. Nothing Gameplay Related So Version 1.2.1 Released.
  5. You can kill it yourself. Just remove the MiniAVC.dll in the mod folder.
  6. Yeah, game engines are expensive as hell to make, and are only really reasonable for a company, or companies to make if they have viable plans for multiple games that can make up for the costs.
  7. @Space_Coyote That is a Mini AVC alert. All is well, it’s just telling you that the mod was made for v1.4.2
  8. Version 1.2.0 Released "A Fresh Coat Of Paint" **Version 1.2.0 Changes** -Added New Logos And Flags -Updated All The Contract Descriptions -Cleaned Up Spelling And Syntax Errors -Rebalanced Contract Costs -Contract Costs Now Generated Based On Kerbal Experience Level -Boot Camp Contract Cost Now Generated Based On Cost Of Next Kerbal -Boot Camp Now Uses New Drill Craft -Bugfixes Full Change Log Here; https://github.com/Mark-Kerbin/Kerbal-Academy-Contract-Pack/wiki/Change-Log *Report Issues On The Forum Page Or The Issues Section Of The Github Repo*
  9. @EndureChaos That may have something to do with the Hg-5 being ment for short range connecting to a more powerful relay. Ie. Land base with large dish antenna, and tiny rover with hg-5. Or it’s a bug and I’m wrong. Possibly both. Its midnight.
  10. No, because time is frozen, so absolutely nothing would happen.
  11. General rule of thumb is keep to ~ 15 degrees until you get past Mach 1 then start pitching up slowly.
  12. Stock Game? Unlikely. Try suggesting it in the addon suggestions.
  13. Now that is a sexy space plane. Im sleep deprived atm. Expect Weirdness
  14. It’s not really AI until it decides to do something just for the fun of doing it. Like make art or start playing a game.
  15. #whenwindowsdefenderstartsascanandturnsyourcomputerintoapotatowithoutasking #whenyoubreakallofthecontractsyouwerejustworkingonforthepast3hours
  16. Why do we have kerbals but no krakens?
  17. Unclear. What if the killer killed the killer killer?
  18. Hmm Yes. But what if the killer killer was a killer killer?
  19. As far as I can tell airplane plus doesnt have any crew cabins. Will check again and give you a list. I stand corrected, it contains a "size2CrewCabin" part. And for the hell of it here are a few other common* crew cabins Mk 2 Expansion M2X_LongCabin SXT LMkIIIAircaftFus LMkIIIAircaftFusLong *Stuff I Found In My GameData
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