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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. Is it bad that I have like 280 hrs in game an I just got the steam version a few months ago? I had a copy from the website since like 2016 so yeah...
  2. KER. kerbal engineer redux shows the actual biome if you ask it to. Gotta be in flight scene tho. also if you feel lazy you can get KEI. Not sure what the acronym means bust it just harvests all ksc science for ya. Google it. =P
  3. Ummm. Hate to say this but either you are; A) Attempting to run KSP on a potato. B) You graphics card is in serious trouble. It either straight up can’t run ksp, has been damaged in a way that is causing it to die when you try to use it, or is overheating and crashing. Either way, Windows key+ R, type dxdiag, (just shows what parts your pc has) and show us what kind of pc you have.
  4. Your best bet is a few sacrifices to the kraken. You will need a few more or less willing “volunteers”, a few grabber claws, and one mohole. After doing that update to MM 3.0.7, remove anything MM config related, then reload. Contact your doctor if the problem persists more than 4 reboots.
  5. You good now? Quick note about KER. I believe the only version for 1.4.3 is currently maintained by jrbrudda as the og dev is MIA atm. It’s stable and safe. Just look around in the last few pages on the forum. Should be a github link.
  6. Old bug. The conversion calculation between on rails and physical orbit is occasionally off by a bit. This looks really bad the farther down the line your intercept or encounter is. Also noticeable if you have a near perfect orbit. some tips; Before warping fire engine ever so slightly in a radial or normal direction. ( or whichever way you didn’t burn before the warp. ) Seems to help. quicksave and reload. Then warp. Not sure why but it helps me. if you really want to be careful on longer warps, warp in the tracking station or from another vessel. Again no clue why that seems to help. Anyway you can probably blame unity and floating point thingamagigs. Oh yes , the on map icons just do that. They aren’t actually jumping around, it’s just ksp having a kraken attack. Will probably get fixed in the future.
  7. Well no, not for the time being. I can't on a good conscience until I put in some more work for this. =P ie. I don't feel like its fully mine yet. Glad to hear it!
  8. Your not the one with an Kessler syndrome level of space junk around kerbin. I can’t even launch anything to remove it.... I mean it’s an old save that I don’t even use anymore but still. Lag on it is absolutely horrendous last I opened it.
  9. Damnnnnn! Would you mind posting a craft file?
  10. Yeah I did notice that. Its a shame really. Tourists are really useless without this. Maybe stick a link to it in your signature. As for the recovery options, I would go with the auto recover option. But thats just me.
  11. Well It wasnt a full orbit. I ended up landing on a mountain top about half a moon later. Brakes FTW
  12. You want idiot? Ill give you idiot. I accidentally went orbital on minmus. Woops That, or this is when we drove right off the side of a cliff/mountain. Not sure.
  13. Helllo! Seeing as you seem to be okay with non parts mods, I have a few suggestions to help you in your endeavours. Happy Launching And May The Kraken Be With You And yes it is infact possible to dock a ship with itself. Its just really really hard and tends to cause krakening.
  14. Today I sent a manned rover to Minnie Minmus for a 50 day mission, complete with a nearly full science kit and Surface experiment pack parts. All was well and good but... Guess who forgot to pack the actual plugs for the experiments?
  15. Yeah I have a similar issue. There’s this one service bay on my main station that just is constantly oriented strangely. It’s always different but usually doesn’t affect physical parts around it. Ended up having to evacuate the station after it finally blew. Took out the core hub, and everything went down hill from there.
  16. Yeah! Accidentally deorbited a station that way. =P
  17. Good news! I finally got around to designing my first duna mission! (On this save at least)
  18. True, stock is buggy. However most of the bugs are only revealed when the game is under abnormal pressure or being modded. Or just after release, and those usually get ironed out soon enough, and in the mean time sometimes it’s fun to just think of ways to get around them or just straight up exploit it. Part of the fun for me at least. That’s frankly pretty normal for games and programs in general. I mean, even google chrome goes full kraken if you try running it on a potato, open too many tabs, or start installing a few too many extensions. Come to think of it, I think my google crash rate is higher than ksp... and they are usually open at the same time. Hmmm. As for the bounce gears, and phantom forces? #krakendrive No seriously I’ve seen some good ones. Pretty sure there was one with an on off switch. Made my day.
  19. Really? I’ve just been copy pasting craft files into my save folders. Seems to work. Or did you need a mod or something? Speaking of the little bug, it may make an appearance in a kerbal academy contract at some point. Perhaps a joint scientist, engineer training mission.
  20. Loving the fact that it took a mere 35 minutes from you asking for a craft, to having it in game.
  21. Minmus is believed to made of tasty ice cream dessert. Minmus orbits kerbin at a 6 degree inclination. The "Dessert Airfield" is below the Kerbin equator by 6 degrees. Coincidence? I think not!
  22. @Triop Full Package La Roacha Rover Full Package has 1 part from remote tech/ comm net constellation. HIGHWAY TO! THE DANGER ZONEEE!!! Sorry I had to. Jeb is doing some glider stuff for "giving aircraft a purpose" A truely great contract pack by @inigma
  23. No comment. I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have been watching Wall-E at the time.
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