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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. @Hacki. You are correct in your “Bug?” While technically not a bug that is a compatibility issue. When I get to my computer I’ll try to find the config that you can edit to work with your parts. That or where you can delete the crew cabin parameter if your feel lazy. I found it, but after rereading your post, it looks like you already did too. If you want to make it work with a specific part add a new parameter to the contract with the rest of the craft definitions. PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation part = (Part Name Here) disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true hidden = true } Although I would like to point out that a crew cabin would theoretically be more comfortable than a cockpit, which was probably the goal with this.
  2. In that case I’m going to take a wild guess and say that part is broken in the latest beta release. Go see if you can submit a bug report.
  3. I have a new "best" face palm. You know how I maintain Kerbal Academy (See signature)? Accidentally murdered 5/7 contracts in the Beta 2 for v1.2.0. This is gonna take alot of fixing. Managed to delete a good bit of the variable definitions that are kinda necessary for the contracts actually working.... Sigh.
  4. In process of Unbreaking Beta 2 v1.2.0. Sorry about that one guys. Expect a slightly less broken Beta 3 some time in the next couple days.
  5. I tried to do that but soon discovered that while my pc can run YouTube in the background, iTunes murders my frame rate. Why? IDK.
  6. I’m pretty sure I broke my stock music a while ago. Don’t hear much of it. Usually have some YouTube video on in the background
  7. Can’t forget the large explosions!
  8. No. How much would that cost. $5 USD? 10? How many people would actually want to spend the money... Doesn’t change the time warp and lag problems. Plenty of less intensive games still lag even if they use dedicated servers. And I don’t think there’s gonna be that many people who want to be on one server. And timewarp is just... well continuity issues are real. Go use a mod for it if you want, but I can pretty much guarantee that this will never be done by squad.
  9. So what I’m getting is, games loading.... music starts up.... click back to ksp.... laggggginggg.... menu slides into place and all is well. Perfectly normal. Happens if you have a lot of mods or a low end pc Unless it’s actually crashing , your probably fine.
  10. My computer has gone full derp and can’t seem to run as well. I’m getting bored waiting for the parts for my new build to arrive...
  11. Me being who I am, I can’t post my actual shower thoughts. So you guys will have to deal with my, “Procrastination In Class” (TM) thoughts. If you kill a killer, the number of killers on the world remains constant. If Homer Simpson were a Democratic congressman from Springfield Ohio, he would be “Homer Simpson, (D-OH).” If humans could fly, we would consider it exercise and never do it. The japanese flag could just be a pie chart of how much of Japan is japan. A ton of people is actually 12-15 people. Or 1 American. (I’m American so I can say that)
  12. I will be “ murica” ing into the hole when I get time tomorrow
  13. Rebalancing and Fresh Coat Of Flags Current "Release": [v1.2.0 (Beta 1)] [v1.2.0 (Beta 2)] **Untested And Unfinished** No guarantee of stability and not breaking anything. Create a backup if you value your contracts. Prelim Change Log; -More Flags. -Kerbalized Descriptions, (or broke them, who knows really) -Rebalanced Contract/Course Completion Fee -Rebalanced and reduced to work with game progression and completion fees -Probably broken/missing on some contracts -Added Contract/Course Completion Fee -Probably broken/missing on some contracts -Most likely unbalanced and will need fixing Pre-releasing now to allow for testing, and for dev's sanity (File folder got messed up, and exams and procrastination are happening). Apologizes for any weirdness, should be fixed sooner or later. Bug testing is currently happening. If you find anything, create a report on github. If you feel daring, here is the github link; Beta 1 V1.2.0 [EDIT] Woooppssss. Guess I missed something... Edit 2; -Repairing the basic training contracts, should get a few later tonight or tomorrow -Discovered why the adv contracts disappeared. Apparently you can't find a random integer between only one integer. Shocking.
  14. #Disappointed Thought this was going to involve the mohole.
  15. Unless that station is not in LKO then it’s better than that time I sent that base to duna without the base part. Pretty sure I posted a while back. lolssss
  16. I find that firing retrograde in reference to the mun at about 5 degrees past when your ship, the mun and kerbin line up is the best. Not sure about dv tho. if you want, install mechjeb and have it create a return from moon node. That was how I figured it out back in the day.
  17. Had this problem. Kopernicous was broken and the panels couldn’t deploy. Uninstalling fixed
  18. Where that’s going.. We don’t need plans that sounded better in my head
  19. Kinda want to see a video of how that worked. Was the explosion sufficiently large?
  20. Thats probably the problem then. =P Glad you figured it out.
  21. ETA on Beta Version Of v1.2.0 is about 4 hours Probable Change Log; Flair Overhaul Add updated logos Add mission patches Kerbalize contract descriptions Rebalance Contracts Change Advance Payment Add Completion Payment (Shouldn't Effect Current Active Contracts) Edit; Got lazy and watched the Hunt for Red October. Will post tomorrow morningish. =P As for some more info the contract pricing will be more varied and incremental as your kerbals train and your Kerbonaut crew roster deepens
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