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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. Can you give us pictures of the craft and mission/contract page? in the mean time, I think you have to meet the requirements then stage it for the first time. That your you have to right click on the part and say “run test”
  2. Is it just ksp or your entire pc? if it’s your entire pc, check your keyboard settings. Otherwise it’s ksp’s input setting that a broken. You can either reset or manually change that to fix it.
  3. - added ability to deploy parachute in command seat... Meme, since I can’t copy images on my phone was afraid we would have to do it hazardish style.
  4. Are they modded parts ? Are the clipped into anything? please provide some images.
  5. Best of luck with your computer and the update. =) Do try not to overwork yourself, and thanks for keeping this mod going, would really miss not having all these parts/ shiny new toys. (this sentence stopped making sense and I can't fix it.) Oh and I would be happy to help with testing if need be, despite the fact that I am currently trapped in the stomach of your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate. That is assuming my location is still "in the belly of the moon kraken" (Ended up here after noticing KAX was a needed mod for something on KerbalX, which I have just forgotten what was....hmmm)
  6. @whale_2 Hello again =) Can I suggest you have a look at the stage recovery mod? It might help with the whole "kerbal jumping out of plane and I can't control both" situation. Idk just a thought.
  7. Good to know! Haven’t really been active on forums for a while before this, so forgive me if I miss stuff. =P
  8. Ah, sorry for the confusion. That list is from the first page of this thread, just a check up on whats still here. *waits for list of thousands for [Insert name here] Contract Pack Continued* Also I feel like autocorrect may be messing with you here. =)
  9. If I couldnt find a thread for it, I called it "dead" =P Let me know if you have any I missed
  10. You lose. =P Audit For The Listing of Contract Packs Additional Progression Contracts - Thread Link Correct, No longer maintained Anomaly Surveyor - Page no longer exists. Heyyy isnt this @nightingale's.... =P [New Thread] AntennaRange Relays - Page no longer exists Banking - Screw it, I'm coining an acronym, <PNLE>, ie this page no longer exists. Base Construction - <PNLE> Clever Sats - No longer maintained <NLM> (Tho I kinda think I may pick it up, but not for a while) Defence Contract Advisors - <NLM> You also spelled defense wrong. Field Research - <PNLE> Wait isnt that yours? [New Thread] Giving Aircraft a Purpose - Hey! I found a live one! Grand Tours - <PNLE> [New Thread] Current Version is for 1.2.1 Historic Missions - <PNLE> [New Thread] (Sorta Same Mod) Ill give this a .5 out of 1 for still existing Historical Progression - <NLM> Initial Contracts (SETI) - <PNLE> Interplanetary Mountaineer - <NLM> The K-Files - <PNLE> Kerbal Academy - Someoneee forgot to change the dev name.... =P Kerbal Aircraft Builders - <PNLE> Kerbin on Fire Military Contract Pack - <PNLE> Kerbin Space Station - <PNLE> Kerbin-SideJobs - <PNLE> Kerbin Side GAP - On life support, but responding to treatment Maritime Mission Pack - <PNLE> Mission Based R&D - <PNLE> RemoteTech Contract Pack - <PNLE> Yours again btw. [New Thread] On Life Support Rover Contracts by Whyren! - <PNLE> SETI-Contracts - <PNLE> Contact @theonegalen Seems to have picked up most SETI contracts SCANsat Contract Pack - <PNLE> Sounding Rockets - Good lord! Its breathing! Spacetux - Unmanned Contracts - <PNLE> [New Thread] Current Version is for 1.2.1 Tourism Plus - <PNLE> This one is also yours. [New Thread] Wow. Thats a ummm... lets see 7.5/30... yep. Thats a 1:4 survival rate. 25-26% still exist, depending on how you count Historic Missions @nightingale =P Enjoy Edit @linuxgurugamer Says Unmanned Contracts and Grand Tours are still working
  11. @nightingale In the pack list, Kerbal Academy currently directs to severedsolo's thread. Would you mind giving it an update? =P
  12. Bug Fix Update! @severedsolo was nice enough to fix a misspelling in a completion parameter. V 1.1.10 (Can be found on space dock and GitHub) (On phone can’t copy links) - Fixed broken contract complete parameter For Contract configurator 1.25 and KSP 1.4.2
  13. Currently having no issues with mechjeb2 for 1.4.x excepting RCS freaking out on occasion and the aircraft autopilot being a little derpy on some craft
  14. Congratulations! You deleted something important. Probably in the kraken repellent folder but who knows really. I certainly don't. Best guess is that you managed to kill something that is essential to the game actually running. Looks to be something to do with your input bindings. " Input is null for field 'name' in config node 'SCENARIO' " Im going to take a wild guess and say that editing/ hitting reset for you keybindings may help. But thats about as much as I know. As for what the error means, I think it has something to do with your game trying to figure out what to do when you start trying to edit your crafts, not finding anything telling it what to do, and then totally freaking out. * Is now pretty sure that was wrong. * [EDIT] Did some more googling. You seem to have a couple editor mods installed; Editor Expansion Redux Hangar Extender RCS Build Aid Etc.. Anyway since I still can't figure out what to do beyond telling you your game seems to have no clue what it is trying to do (literally). I suggest you; ) Remove all mods except for Squad ) Test again If ) Problem Goes Away; Reinstall 1 editor related mod Test Again Repeat until error returns After error returns Find mod page and submit a report as directed Remove offending mod until updated, or until dev can tell you what to do If ) Problem Persists; Remove All Mods Reinstall Start this process over at Step 2 If ) All Else Fails;
  15. ALRIGHTY! Sorry. Nearly had the same problem a little while ago. Happy I can help others. If you want to use SVE, you have to install EVE. You however cannot install EVE's configs. Only the mod itself. SVE needs the mod, and then one of its configs. Low, Medium or High. You will have to pick one, as more than that causes extreme krakening for obvious reasons. I have recenty discovered that installing SVE with Scatterer is apparently a bad idea atm. Scatterer is somewhat out of date, and for some reason this causes SVE to go absolutely bonkers. Seeing as Scatterer has been at least partially incorporated into SVE, you can skip it for the time being. In this case I would suggest consulting SVE's page; TO INSTALL: Download and install Stock Visual Enhancements https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases Download and install SVE Textures https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/1.0.7 Download and install Environmental Visual Enhancements (NOT THE CONFIGS) https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases Download and install the latest Module Manager http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-130-module-manager-280-may-26th-2017-better-late-than-never If you can find a way to get CKAN to comply with all that, good for you! Otherwise you going to have to install manually.
  16. Do you have more than one control point on said vessel? We really need pictures and a step by step recreation to begin helping you out here =P
  17. joy! I don't use CKAN personally, but I hear alot of people use it so figured I should make it happen.
  18. Ill be honest. Only took me a few months before I realized. You have gone full derp. Never go full derp. =P So you good now?
  19. hit f to toggle local/ absolute mode. Would also suggest getting EEX
  20. -Cuteness Overload- Essential Systems Error.or.rr.r.11,0..01...
  21. Yeah =P I think also see a couple modded parts. However I think I have em.
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