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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. @sarbian + @Gargamel Annnnndddd now it works... I clearly had a kraken attack. Thanks for your help.
  2. Ill have a look. Ive got the fuel drain set up, but the stage ill have a look at. Would the auto stage not like have the engines on the first stage?
  3. @sarbian I noticed you recently added a decent aircraft autopilot. Thanks for that btw! No way was I going to fly halfway across kerbin for some BS without it. While doing that I noticed the Autopilot is lacking something kinda sorta important, but not necessarily critical. Drop Tank Functionality. Auto stage apparently doesn't register if all the fuel in x stage is gone if its just fuel, and thus doesn't pitch it. (My theory. No clue if its actually how it works.) Any chance you could take some time out of your day to improve this? That thing is empty. Info keeps closing when I capture picture. Auto stage is on.
  4. Guess who forgot this mod made terrain scatterers tangible!?!?!? Guess who tried to taxi a plane 2 KM at x4 timewarp to complete a contract? This guy!!! May Jeb And Bill Forever Rest In Peace. LMAO I love this mod...
  5. Thanks! I would be happy to help test whenever you start work with that. =)
  6. This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one. Lies. This thread never dies. Please wait while we strap an elephant to this engine for optimal kerbaling. Jeb should be kept away from the VAB this time. We don't want a repeat of the monkey incident of 2016.
  7. Thats weird... I'll go look at how those are stored. In the mean time, reinstall. Best get that out of the way.
  8. That is really really strange, and you have just killed any idea I might have for you. So here is some random ideas that are way out of the ballpark. 1. You sure you got the MacOS version? Not windows? (Dumb question I know, figured we may as well get that out of the way) 2. Is your Antivirus doing or saying anything about KSP downloads or anything? (I have no clue about macs really this is a guess) Thats as far as I can help. =/ Good luck. After thought after looking at the store. You said you downloaded the ZIP file. Assuming you checked that you got the Mac version, have you tried using the .pkg installer? That may help. JEB MAYBE! *Insert Shrug Emoji*
  9. Can you post a screenshot? I usually just hold W until he gets his butt moving, but you may have another issue.
  10. It actually appears to already be compatible.... This is planetary base systems isnt it? [Edit 10 seconds after posting] Looks like kerbal health has a MM config that trys to add itself to most mods. Seems to work here.
  11. I need a couple SSTO's because i cant build them myself. =/ Not good at that. Hoping I can get some stuff custom built. Idea 1: LKO (sorta) Crew SSTO State your idea simply and clearly I need a MK 1 or 2 SSTO to transfer 8-12 passangers to a station in LKO around 100-650 Km (ok thats high orbit). Needs a standard docking port and a solid RCS and SAS system. Specifics 100-450 KM LKO range. Would like to go up to 650 but 450 is workable. 8-12 Passengers / Tourists 1-2 Crew a/o autopilot Standard Docking Port At least 1500 EC and a reasonable amount of Mono-prop. Level 2 Research Station (If you can) Needs to be somewhat controllable in atmosphere on the way back, and should be a intermediate level of skill to fly. 1.4.2 + MHE compatible If there are any helpful images or drawings related to your idea, do share! Eh.. Sorry? Don't have any good ones. Idea 1: LKO (sorta) Cargo SSTO State your idea simply and clearly Same as the first one. Replace passengers with fuel. No need to stick to MK 1 or 2 because I assume I will have a fully upgrade KSC when I start needing this. Specifics 100-500 KM LKO range. Would like to go up to 600 but 500 is workable. 36 -18 Tons of cargo capacity 1-2 Crew a/o autopilot Standard Docking Port Compatible. Does not need to be able to dock itself (Though it would be nice), but I need to be able to dock to it in case of kraken attacks. Should be able to accommodate your average Rockomax Jumbo or X200 Early Level 3 Research if possible Needs to be somewhat controllable in atmosphere on the way back, and should be a intermediate level of skill to fly. 1.4.2 + MHE compatible If there are any helpful images or drawings related to your idea, do share! Eh.. Sorry? Don't have any good ones. Thank you guys in advance!
  12. Ah yes. Yeah same as that basically. It would appear the closer they are to to base part of the fairing the more likely to explode. No clue if proximity to the sides/ center has any effect. I have a heavily modded game but its definitely stock panels and fairings doing it.
  13. Am I the only one notice that fairings have a tendency to cause solar panels to self destruct?
  14. Clear out your entire directory and reinstall completely. You may have a file screwed up somewhere. If you are a steam user, try to do a file integrity check for ksp.
  15. Stick em in LKO. No not Low Kerbin Orbit... Low Kerbol Orbit. Those suckers will never escape the sunspa! https://youtu.be/qD028TNMvqA ^A Lovely Nexter's Lab Video Not To Be Confused With The Old Rick Roll Link https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
  16. Is it possible you just installed more mods since then or the mods just happen to be more complex? Yes KSP 1.4 changed some things but i haven't noticed that much of a uptick with load times. If its taking much longer, inexcusably so, then your pc may have an issue, have you noticed slowdowns with other games? Your computer also might just be aging, probs not tho, hasn't been that long.
  17. Its a bug fix, technically we have been play-testing for the past month or so.. =P Devs seem to have gotten a handle on things tho. @UomoCapra Few questions 1. Are the engines models, AND thurst + COM centered correctly? 2. Will Reentry FX still be visible through stock parts? 3. Any pictures of these new airfields?
  18. An update on my earlier post on page 1655. Steam has successfully fixed KSP so now Im playing the "Download missing and updated mods and craft files from chrome without windows defender noticing because apparently it cant be told to ignore chromedownloads" Wish me luck
  19. Do you already have it and i didnt notice.... Cos that would totally be me. If not.. Thanks for the help! [Edit] Haha Im a kraken =P. You may laugh.
  20. I know how @ works.... Didn't feel the need to ping him.
  21. *Poke* Heya Linux, Ill assume your probably busy with more popular mods and, well, life.... Eh. Oh yeah, I'll be seeing if 1.4.2 is ok with this thingy.
  22. @Nils277 Tks for the update! Could you add support for the kerbal health mod?
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