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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. Why would they ever need a KSP 2? what would possibly constitute creating another version? There is literally nothing big enough to change the necessitates making it 2.0, its not a story game or something that would have a series, because it literally is a sandbox game.
  2. Will investigate this weekend. I don't currently have a github thing set up, but will when I get a chance. [Edit] Yep, that is most definitely an string issue. The contract is calling for "@/roleString" which in this case was defined as "Pilots." So the first release will be a grammar and spelling patch, as well as probably adding a little more flare to the contract blurbs/ descriptions. I will tag you here when I put up the thread, or you can keep an eye on new releases.
  3. I quite approve of the change.Pushed it out preettty quick tho, did you have it in the works beforehand, or are you just that awesome?
  4. That would be correct. Make sure the folder you drag in is the "Kerbal Engineer Redux" folder and not "Gamedata" Game and KER settings please. KER settings can be found by clicking the KER button in the build screen,
  5. Good! May I suggest starting small? It appears that you have over extended yourself, which could be a detriment to fun down the line. Perhaps try to get a little cube sat into orbit, then go from there. =P
  6. Yeahh that could be bad... We would also need to fix the lag issue... Not interested in lagging inside of a wall.
  7. We need us some real life timewarp.... Oh oh I have an Idea! We could sleep until the update... quick call the dev of the Deep Freeze Cryogenics Mod
  8. Im just imagining the lag.... My (reasonable good) PC struggles to deal with large vessels. I can't even begin to imagine the insanity that would be multiplayer. Even with just 2 people you are still talking about vast amounts of data.
  9. Though the problem seems to have been solved, I have my 2 cents to add, so no one go anywhere =P If @High Priest Tenebrae isn't opposed to modding, I would highly suggest they invest some time in installing Kerbal Engineer Redux, as it gives handy default readouts such as Dv and TWR for each stage of your vessel. Would suggest even if they don't like mods, as it's practically stock at this point. Anyhow, you need about 3500 Dv to make LKO as a rule of thumb. [Community Dv Map] And your TWR needs to be above 1 to actually lift off kerbin. You probably know that but figured just in case. Kerbal Engineer Redux Github Repo Forum Page ^The mod's og dev ,@cybutek, has mysteriously disappeared and has been presumed MIA, possibly due to a kraken attack, but @jrbudda has been nice enough to pick up the mod for the time being. In any case, the current version is unofficial, but does work.
  10. @RealKerbal3x Can you show us a screenshot of your settings? I have a feeling you clicked a few buttons but I'm not entirely sure... Also go ahead and delete the entire KER folder in gamedata, then reinstall. Noticed some cross versioning issues.
  11. I'm not sure your pc will make it out alive
  12. I honestly don't really think they are needed, so I think there needs to be a button in the settings. Perhaps it should show up when you are changing the settings for the station. If you can figure it out maybe link it to the bases button at the top of the map and tracking station. Also is it possible to make the marker something that looks more like a relay station and not a big red dot? =P
  13. I will begin work on a new thread, first "new" release will probably be the current one with all credit for it going to you. As for the "continued" I put it in quotes because it is kinda @linuxgurugamer's thing at this point and I seem to remember you mentioning it when I first asked about this contract pack/mod addon Will let you know when I get the new thread up. =)
  14. Currently in the process of deploying new satellite relays to work with @TaxiService 's awesome Comm Net Mod
  15. @linuxgurugamer seems to be supporting the mod that makes sure all other mods are up to date.... This could be interesting folks.
  16. I believe it forces Kerbals to "rest" after missions. I remember it being a linuxgamer continued thing, but im not sure.. found link Not sure if @severedsolo is planning to start supporting this again, but if he isn't I am beginning to set up a "continued" sort of version. Mainly unsure because I haven't seen if he is continuing support, but at the same time there was an update + bug fix.
  17. What if... Kerbals became part of our game?!?!?
  18. I concur, that is most definitely an in flight docking and refuel. @MaverickSawyer Nice planes btw. Airplane plus I assume?
  19. Idk man.. those wheels are pretty light at .05 tons each... You could skip the tank part and just put em on the current rover. I would suggest an orbital insertion missile style. But it's your mission, you do you =P
  20. Oh but you don't need non stock to do the tank treads.... =P Like so Google for the win.
  21. WHN could do with increasing the traction or friction thing a magig in the advanced settings for the wheels... but thats a SPH only thing. You could also go full tank treads and just spam some wheels on.
  22. @Triop .-. dude. Are you still trying to get what's his face up that mountain? Yikes. May I suggest adding a tiny rocket fuel tank + fuel cell + that tiny radial engine? Could help you up that cliff face.
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