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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. I didn't notice either, however this station was already having enough stability problems (SAS and game crash wise) so I figured it would be nice to eliminate that as a variable. Make no mistake, my computer can run it, its just the physics bomb from Rapid Unplanned Disassembly screwing everything =P
  2. Ok thanks. I let my steam auto update overnight so I dont always see patches when they happen. =P Wish me luck launching my super aerodynamic fuel station (I ended up removing the wolfhounds and substituted poodles bc i just cant trust em yet)
  3. Has this been fixed? Or do I need to fiddle with config files until i realize im not qualified to do anything about it.
  4. But that requires me to do things.... =( Tks for support =P
  5. Just gonna "bump" this just in case. Anyone have any thoughts or is this suggestion literally too simple and obvious to improve?
  6. Sooo, no one knows if this is gonna get updated? Because its really gonna be missed. =/ we need /\ V in stock game
  7. I like the new lauchsite and I totally agree with the posts above with little support structures
  8. Random Question (May have been answered and I missed it); What constitutes "crowded" ie. If I had a ship/ station with, lets say, 100 seats, how many kerbals would have to be on there before the ship became crowded? 80? 50? Sorry if I just missed where the answer to this is. @garwel Tks for the great mod =P
  9. Can once again confirm that the wolfhound is STILL off center
  10. I would just like to be able to target runways/launchpads. It would be nice if I could just click on the KSC to target it. Especially since its now visible in map view. Just saying
  11. @skalou tks fam. I was being stupid. (there was a button)
  12. @Kobymaru Looking foward to when this releases for 1.4.1 =P Any eta for the impact?
  13. Neato. Really enjoyed this small tweak when I ran across it. =P
  14. @DMagic Ok. I was just about to update/ reinstall anyway. Windows Defender has decided that your dll for maneuver nodes is a Trojan =P That may have been the issue. Update: Windows Defender still thinks its a trojan. Going to run it to see if it does what it should, but I think its just me. Updated Update: Windows Defender having hissy fit , but your mod is working fine. Updated Updated Update: Its the bettermaneuver.dll that is the issue. Unclear why. Windows Defender has been told to blow off under the threat of flying with jeb. Doubt there is anything you can do to fix this yourself, but it is something to check if everything is installed and its still broken. Simply allow threat or add an exclusion.
  15. @DMagic @I3laze and I are definitely having the same issue. Nodes work stock in 1.4 and 1.4.1 . I know you havent updated that one yet, but I figured you ought to know. After noticing that it wasn't just me, I had a look at my saves and discovered that while the save games (created pre/post installation) noticed the mod and loaded it there was no change. Since thats as far as my know how with mods goes.. yeah. I would like to note that I tried the mod with stock, stock + all my mods stock+ MHE, and stock + all my mods + MHE. Not sure if that helps you at all, but hey why not. Good luck and godspeed with the updating Just sticking this in to confirm
  16. Hmm. Strange. What caused this sudden shift in planning? ... What did jeb do this time....?
  17. Well. i have it installed, dropped the stuff from gamedata into the gamedata folder, and the nodes are still acting "normal"
  18. @waz so after reading the past few pages, EVE should be a ok with 1.4.1?
  19. Grabbed the updated version and completely removed the old one before adding. No effects anywhere. Im using with latest version of EVE
  20. Have you completely wiped all traces of KSP from your computer and steam backups between installs? Steam just uses the leftover files from the last install, sooooo I would guess that the error is contained within one of those files. Just delete the KSP folder in steamapps after uninstalling. That should force steam to get fresh files.
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