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Problemless Mods Wanter

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Everything posted by Problemless Mods Wanter

  1. I would do my best to help with retexturing. Willing to do the research if any new parts created and given that nobody else volunteered yet. By the way here's an idea for a new part. Since we have CommNet now, there may be a part which gets triggered with the events of connecting or disconnecting from the server. As long as the vessel has enough energy of course. You can trigger solar panel action groups with the altimeter if you like...
  2. Well to be honest, I was just trying to keep something far in the tech tree for the sake of mod's motivation to invest in expensive nodes. Who knows though may be linuxgurugamer comes up with totally new advanced smart parts for those areas of the tech tree..
  3. I agree with this because you can use proximity while docking, and I believe most people think that docking is an advanced stage of the game. In fact very advanced.
  4. Let's not cloud the topic. It all depends how the player engages with the game. Why don't you crate a poll linuxgurugamer? Let's see what most of the people want.
  5. Yes but one is measuring celestial bodies one is measuring other objects, closer distance you might say. I don't know which one would be harder to research though.
  6. Of course, thank you so much for keeping this mod alive. Seriously where are the fuel sensors by the way? I don't think I can find them =D
  7. Yes i meant earlier in the tree, for speedometer. And If it's not being too bald, of course i'd like to share my opinions; Since everything is about speed and velocity in this game, I think "speedometer" could be given from the start, "Timer Timed Action groups" part, can be in "Engineering 101" this way people would have a chance to practice with smart part components from early on, In my opinion "Altimeter" should be moved to "Survivability" , "Radio-GAGA" can be in "Advanced" or in regular "Flight control", Proximity is good at "Scanning tech" i think, I can't seem to find "Fuel sensors" right now, but i think they can be also scattered further down the line, Perhaps moved around "High performance fuel systems"? What do you guys think? I may edit my post, if I find the other parts. It would also be wonderful to have a info list about which part is where, in this topic. Thank you so much for hearing me out.
  8. I think speedometer should be closer in the line of techtree. Currently most (4) of the smart parts are gathered in Scanning tech. I think they should be scattered around. That would give more excitement to it in my opinion.
  9. Hello I'm trying to increase the baseAlbedoIntensity value within the config file but it doesn't seem to affect in game. Is there a way that I can further increase light intensity. I appreciate the "subtle" affect that has been chosen for default min and max values, but some of us are just hungry for more =(
  10. Hello i think im lost with this mod. What is "KSC or flight menu" & "application launcher" ? I don't see music speaker icon anywhere. Also is this a standalone mod or do i need to install Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project too? And finally it's written that there are two downloads, but in github I see only one =( Some people above, say this mod is broken, is this true?! I was really excited to find this comprehensive mod, can anybody help me? EDIT: I just read pizzaoverhead post above, fingers crossed for new release, this is a must have mod!
  11. Yeah I learned about it after posted... And I'm happy about it... I'm not shouting about it but if you also have this issue, you would know how I feel.
  12. You get my idea... I thank everybody who participates in this mod. It is a lovely mod.
  13. Yeah I understood you, by versions i actually meant parts... But my statement still stands. Cause those parts mean nothing without your mod.
  14. Thank you so much for the explanation. Such a shame when somebody creates versions of a main mod but then want to keep it separate. It's not like you don't give any proper credit to the others, cause you do, which I respect.
  15. If this is a stock issue, I can not believe that Squad haven't fixed this while releasing 1.2 People who suffer from this, very well knows that it is truly ANNOYING makes the game and the building process nearly unplayable. I really hope someone can fix this in the near future.
  16. Give this man a cookie, you sir, are the most valuable player. Although, I think there's a problem with the third link, the latest downloadable link I can find for Model Rework is this; 1.1.2 Also, dear Ziw, why are there so many things to download? Is it illegal to combine all of this in one file?
  17. Hello, Cant seem to find the cargo bays (not service) for 5m & 7.5m? What category are they under? Or full name so I can search
  18. Hey guys, Should I download this for 1.1.3 or wait for an update or lose hope?
  19. You're not good with "Read Me"s are you? =) "Test 123" Anyways, does the "source" folder need to be in the root folder of ksp?
  20. Also after reloading a game, the engine activates by itself =(
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