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Problemless Mods Wanter

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Everything posted by Problemless Mods Wanter

  1. Sorry again, I reported the issue on their topic, hopefully it can be fixed... But... why did you drop those models in the first place? The SC-1250 and SC-2500 look great with all those bumps and bits, the way they're arranged and that lovely indicator on 2500. I mean the new CAR-1.6K, CAR-8K and CAR-Extra are great too, but I feel like, all their BEAUTIFUL modelings are wasted when you squeeze those parts in between other parts. I mean I still place the new parts in between trusses so we can somehow view modelings but what I love about the SC's most; is that you can see their detailed artwork from the sides too, for compact builds.
  2. Hello, Although the most recent version of IFS ( said to be supporting 1.8, I am having some texture issues with it. I don't see anyone reported this issue yet, so I wanted to. The following parts seem to have lost their texture properties and appear as mostly red, in the tech tree, editor and in flight, instead of their original colour blue; IFS Megajoule Super Capacitator SC-2500 IFS Megajoule Super Capacitator SC-1250 IFS Megajoule Super Capacitator SCR-1 IFS Megajoule Super Capacitator SCR-2 This is not a game breaker (not to my knowledge), but I miss their original textures, especially the SC-2500 looked so much better with all the indicators etc. As of version 1.8 I am not using any texture mods. If you are interested, I can send my log files via DM. Thanks in advance.
  3. I am so sorry, turns out those capacitors were from I thought those parts belonged to Near Future mod. My sincere apologies...
  4. Hello, I'm having troubles in the editor; I can't see anything because of the green highlights while placing parts (especially struts) I know this thread is quite old but I was wondering if you happen to know any solutions to tone it down? I don't want to completely remove it but currently it's too much and prevents me from seeing the exact point of placement.
  5. Hello, I was wondering if you were aware that some of the capacitors in Near Future Electrical lost their textures and appear red. Also, I see you updated "Near Future Props" about an hour or so ago, how long do you think it would take CKAN to detect the new version?
  6. I guess I'm not the only one who's receiving; Error in auto-update: Downloading using cURL failed right?
  7. Hello, I don't know if it's CKAN or your mod related and who to inform but just wanted to let you know that when installing via CKAN, it detects "craft" files as duplicate or conflicting mod and aborts installing. This is true for ALL the crafts which includes parts from this mod I assume or perhaps they are some craft files which comes with the mod (Because they re-appeared after renaming them; Mun base, Orbital Scanner, Ore Scanner) I used to have this mod back in KSP v1.4, those craft files are from back then. Now I'm doing a clean mod installations for KSP v1.8 (Hoping that works for it?) and receiving errors with CKAN. Temporarily removing files or renaming extensions solves it. Here's the error I receive; ALSO I would like to use Karbonite instead of rocketparts (or metal ore etc, I don't know how the materials changed) The link provided in the first page for ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads->Karbonite Alternate workshop is not working anymore. I do have Modular Kolonization System installed but I can't see any option to change the required materials to Karbonite in game. Would really love an up to date explanation on how to achieve this.
  8. I got my CKAN compatibility set way down to 1.4.1 But I can only see the original (1.0.6) from Li0n, for this lovely mod in CKAN. The only antenna related things showing up from linuxgurugamer are the range patchers. I try to import downloaded mod from https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Antenna-Helper/releases version into CKAN but it installs the original one... Is this ok or should I just install manually?
  9. I can confirm this. %90 of the white box scales down the object The very left %10 part of the box scales up the object. Although you can only go between the scale presets and not fine tune the size of course. Lisias said not to hold our breaths, but I am I believe the fix is near.
  10. Is it just me or the key bindings for snap and mirroring are broken with 1.8? Rebinding the X and C from input settings, makes it work again, but it's interesting why they got broken, so just wanted to share.
  11. I guess doing a test launch and reverting back to editing, messes up all positioning, removes mirroring, creates individual parts and this is a known issue right? Also, I guess the sequencer doesn't work either right? Please do let me know if things work and I'm messing up something on my end...
  12. Hello, Thank you so much for your interest about my question. I had the BlendshapeModelLoader.dll in the folder and removed it as you said, but unfortunately it didn't fix. So I sent my logs via PM, I hope it helps. Your help is greatly appreciated kind sir.
  13. Has this user ever been answered? I also created a 512x512 png file. Put it into "GameData\NEBULA\decals\textures" I added it's filename (only before the extension) at the end of "textureNames =" after "rusroundel" with a ";" semicolon before it, into the config.cfg, configCurvedHorizRect.cfg, configCurvedSquare.cfg, configCurvedVertRect.cfg files, but it still isn't showing up in the game. When I right click on the related parts in the VAB, the last varient still reads as "rusroundel". My file name doesn't have any special characters, it doesn't even have uppercase letters... What could be wrong?
  14. Hello, I'm having black clouds after installing Textures Unlimited. Is there a fix or a workaround that I can apply, to run the both mods without conflict?
  15. Hello I'm using EVE with AVP, KS3P and scatterer. I installed TU to fix blue icons in VAB under Dx11 and for better textures overall... But unfortunately now I got black clouds on top of white ones, KS3P totally got broke and all effects are gone. I'm sorry if this is a known issue, but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me fix things up.
  16. @clusta Hello, Thank you so much for the update. I downloaded it and everything was working as they should, the (GUI, effects). But then I wanted to install Textures Unlimited to solve the blue icons problem in VAB and better textures overall... and KS3P stopped working after I installed it. My adjustments for any effect aren't applied and I lost all the effects I set prior to installing TU. I apologize if this is a known issue, but I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could help me solve it.
  17. Hello, I love the idea of custom music in Kerbal and I love this mod. but unfortunately its not working for me, non of my custom music (mp3, ogg, etc) work. They show up in playlists but the player just skips through them. Please help, What am i doing wrong?
  18. Dear Scart91 As you may know or have noticed, the Texture Replacer is updated for version 1.7.3 Would you be kind enough to help me install this with the new Replacer so I can have this awesome skins in my game?
  19. Could you please help me install this with the current version of Texture Replacer for 1.7.3
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