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Everything posted by Potato3478

  1. Banned For being at Kepler 25B and for being Andy
  2. I have the latest versions of Kerbol Origins, and Kopernicus installed EXACTLY like the instructions but, right as the game gets to the menu it just crashes please Help!
  3. Yes but there is no way to make a proper Zero cuz no wing tips or shaped rudders
  4. Craft files for all the planes Maybe, or am I dumb and not see them? (also perhaps an updated mod ist if any of the new planes have other mods than what you listed)
  5. I dont want to be pushy but is 1.2.2 coming (just asking not pestering)
  6. Bring back boat parts please!

  7. Not much Happening lately

  8. Banned for banning me for living on Duna Banned for banning you
  9. Banned for banning me for banning you
  10. Banned for not being a derponaut (wut)
  11. Ok i got it built but the bridge keeps flying off and other parts like rudders just explode even if i put a bajillion launch clamps to hold up the carrier also the elevators wont work it says locked and A4W reactors offline pls help me
  12. Banned for spelling American wrong Banned myself For being a potato
  13. Never Mind also do A6M2 cuz airplane plus went terribly no round wing tips, the plane kept veering to the left before i could even get off the ground and i tried fixing it countless times
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