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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Sweeeet. (A small heads up. If you're looking forward to Burst Mode, you won't get it if you install Spice. Spice Rocket mode will replace Burst Mode and normal WarpJet mode is buffed to compensate)
  2. Toggle Mode in the PAW (part action window, right-click window)... But it's been a while, maybe you already know that now? you're welcome
  3. I created a stock Stratolauncher (except for the Tweakscale in the intake...and the mod verniers have been removed). This Pod Racer style lifter only holds half its capacity in LF and easily takes 50 tons to Mach 4... and still has plenty fuel and good handling to return to the KSC... provided the carried vehicle doesn't collide and break the wing bar. It does not noodle. The nacelles are not attached after the wing bar. They're attached to the Mk0 core and offset that far out to maintain joint strength. I tried replacing the Whiplashes with Rapiers but then it crawls to Mach 4 in a shallow climb with the added LFO mass and constantly drifts sideways (probably due to slanted fins on the other test plane)...and ceases to be recoverable. I'll put this on KerbalX once I have a good codename and updated screenshots.
  4. I finally see it now. The J-92's plume is not broken... I did not fully understand it (how it flows). It's fixed now.
  5. :: ALBUM :: DOWNLOAD :: The age of RAPIER Clustering is near its end. SABRE Sterling brings power, functionality, efficiency and style that has not yet been seen in KSP concerning SSTOs, and brings your part count under control if you want visually accurate yet "stockalike" SABRE/RAPIER assemblies. This part pack when released will provide two families of parts for building out a SABRE: The "Advent" series (in 2.5m, based on the official thing which is marked for production, with testing expected to begin in 2020). The "Precedent" series (in 3.75m, the early concept, super-sized, curved engine with 4 bells for the Closed Cycle rocket mode. The 3 in "SABR3" comes from here). What the SABR3 can do for you: Offer the engine in both composite form and component forms (separate) for more fluidity of operation of Air-Breathing and Closed Cycle modes. The nacelle and intake will provide a velocity driven function for producing Oxidizer like the real thing will, featured in Thor Tech. Adjust its performance envelopes for effective use in upscaled systems. Currently, only the intercooler adjusts, and will even show it in its part description. Optimized for 2.5x. Aiming for real scale.
  6. @JoE Smash you're welcome. I'm glad you like. OPT Reconfig is only a collection of config files. It includes no part models or textures and no plugins. The only requirement to it is B9 Part Switch which is superior to Firespitter for fuel and model switching. As for your issues: Those problem(s) of CKAN are to be brought up in the CKAN thread, not here. I tend to setup KSP installs with about 80 mods and I nearly always do it manual. I fully appreciate CKAN as a service and will sometimes use it but I can't be bothered to settle into it (strange, right?). Customizing later installs generally are reduced to cherry-picking handfuls of mods after creating the main modded install and cloning the install. I learned a long time ago to deal with Steam and not play in Steam so the update problems are never a problem. For KSP 1.3.0 forward, OPT Reconfig is recommended for keeping OPT relevant and compliant with other mods. It is optional for the main OPT pack but is not optional concerning OPT Legacy 1.1.0 and later (in big text in the thread OP). OPT Legacy (if you don't already know) is itself not a requirement but a retirement home for parts from OPT, and an expansion pack. If you like plane parts, it gives you more to play with, and more engines that work well anywhere/everywhere. OPT Reconfig does not force you to use FAR or any life support mods. It only makes compliance with them more convenient and much better. "1.8.6" is one of a few (and I believe the last) versions where OPT parts were internally renamed and would break craft files when changing OPT versions.
  7. Look in the Electrical category for "DS Burst Mode Charger" which looks like a radial parachute. It aggressively charges BurstPower from ElectricCharge (representing a capacitor mechanism) and stores a lot in itself so you'll have a hard time trying to support it on batteries. The same way you switch modes on the Rapier or Panther is how you activate Burst Mode. The purpose of Burst Mode is the same as the purpose of overclocking a CPU or GPU. You already have a very powerful engine but situations arise where you need even more power (such as your ship becomes much more draggy than you expected or you need to pull up in a tight spot with a very heavy plane). The option is there to allow you to overcome these situations. The option is also there for players who just like speed and power... Like me. Bust Mode uses BurstPower instead of ElectricCharge and cannot be throttled below roughly 50%. It behaves somewhat like a solid rocket and only stops when you change mode or flameout on something. WarpJets (and all the Thor Tech engines, actually) use IntakeAtm because this represents "any atmosphere at all" and is not confined to the presence of Oxygen. Not every air-breathing engine needs Oxygen in order to function, and WarpJets are one such class of engine. They will work on any planet with atmosphere and in any atmosphere pressure. They will work where the Juno, Whiplash and the Rapier cannot work.
  8. @Initial-Dee I'm not aware of the SSME having an interstage mesh or a heat emissive. One thing I can point out is that you cannot add a transform or an animation to a part and you can only use textures that are linked to the part (the links are within the .mu for it). Let the two ModuleEnginesFX use the same thrustTransform, and likely, remove the animation things that concern jet nozzles and heat or throttle.
  9. Today I finished texturing these fusion drives for Kerbal Star Systems, and resolved a modelling problem that I had to compensate for in their part configs. The final paint job and the normals/bumps have been applied.
  10. I can't help you with any RO config but I can tell you this: If you're trying to setup a mode-switching engine, study the stock dual-mode engines (Panther and Rapier) to see how the config you want looks and works. note the presence of the following things: More than one ModuleEnginesFX More than one ModuleAlternator MultiModeEngine module The EFFECTS node where you program the plumes Hint: for plumes, you're going to need a sub-node (inside of EFFECTS) for each engine mode. You can't make more than one mode use the same EFFECTS sub-node like running_closed or power_wet. However, you can copy one and then just change the name there, and link the other ModuleEnginesFX node to that copy. You're going to need to add dependency to (require the presence of) this mod in order two have more than 2 modes on an engine. Stock only allows 2 modes. ... In the case of tripropellant, the one tiny thing you have to do is add a PROPELLANT node after the ones for LiquidFuel and Oxidizer within ModuleEnginesFX then adjust the ratios for all three of these. If you use IntakeAir, be sure to include the key "IgnoreforIsp = true" (as shown in any jet engine part config) or else your dV calculations will be limited by the tiny amount of IntakeAir held by your intakes. Be sure that all your curly braces are paired correctly, that there are no excess decimal points in numbers, and that everything has capitalization where needed. Part configs are case-sensitive.
  11. It's near the little yellow Donate button in its thread.
  12. @RocketScientist Whatever plans you have that you're accustomed to for going between stars (once you're near Dawn) should work. But getting from Kerbin to Dawn (the center of TWB) you're going to need a mod to increase max time warp limits and a warp drive that can really, really go. I tried it with USI warp drive and it took me 1 hour irl without buffing its settings.
  13. Squad has not delayed anything. By still not doing so, they have made it clear (and long ago) that they don't plan to do that. Squad should also be quite aware of the amounts and varieties of mods that are available in this forum. In many cases that may be so, but not all. KSS is a shining example of the exception. It is already fairly known that KSS 0.7 and older will not work in KSP 1.4-- and is not guaranteed to operate well even in KSP 1.3.x with any Kopernicus version higher than 1.3.1-3 (due to whatever severe technical issue).
  14. Community Resource Pack is a requirement (for the IntakeAtm resource used by all my intakes and many of the engines). Either that or (if you use the Wild Blue mods, be sure to set its mode (back) to Classic Stock after installing my mods or updating Wild Blue mods.
  15. Surprise: Gratian's SMA is near-identical to Dres and everyone knows it's costly to go to Dres. Gratian more aptly wears the alias of "Dry Laythe" versus "Air Tylo." The "Dry Laythe" alias fits even better if you have my mod, The Spice. But I won't tell you why that is. @Galileo Do it. (⌐■_■)
  16. @canisin You're welcome. Did your drag problems start because you installed Legacy (if you did)? The descriptions of drag problems are usually, including but not limited to: Aero shielding is broken for an unknown number of the cargo or hollow parts. This is either due to an error on K.Yeon's part when he made them, or that the changes in stock aero are the source. Other part makers have expressed their displeasure with the way the cargo module works so it's not just OPT to blame for faulty areo shielding. The drag cube system (however easy it may be on our CPUs vs other viable methods for drag calculation) is just very bad. With or without mod parts, players have to use hacks like putting nose cones on the backs of Rapiers and offsetting them in to reduce drag due to unused stack attach nodes. This problem is amplified by the very large cross-section of OPT body parts. K body parts have been found to be more drag-causing due to the attach nodes for H body parts. There is an issue going about (which has been resolved but who knows, apparently some folks still get it) where no craft they launch can break Mach 1. It is my personal experience (with the help of a debug mod) that the center of pressure (drag) seems to always sit ahead of CoM, and the forward-most parts (especially cockpits and cabins) produce excessive drag for reasons unknown. It might as well be the CoL because the center of pressure is the anchor of a plane's stopping power without the help of airbrakes. You may also want to check your dry vs wet CoM and the CoL if you don't already do so. And also rotate your plane slightly while in the SPH to see how the CoL changes with your angle of attack. Based on my points above, I assume your your plane's CoM must be creeping behind the CoL at that point, or your plane has too many forward control surfaces.
  17. In addition to the answer given by @The_Joe the H body is meant only to serve as a complement to K (part of why it is intended to not get a cockpit). In that regard I honestly think H is very short in development as: There is no docking scheme to (dis)connect an H craft from a K craft in flight. The H bicoupler is only appropriate (as an engine mount) if you build an H section on both the upper side and underside of a K body. There's no Mk2 adapter. Everything needs a Mk2 adapter. Law of the universe. There's no payload part such that we can carry things other than fuel in an H plane. I forget if there's a drone core... Is there an H drone core? Development has stopped because the main developer doesn't come on the forum anymore and hasn't posted an update to OPT in several months now. OPT Reconfig's purpose is to keep OPT relevant without me needing to fully take over the mod. (I would do it but I have my reasons against it.) OPT Legacy is filled with retired parts and parts contributed by other players including myself. The Stail and Humpback bodies in Legacy were once J and K respectively. The particular K cockpit you're looking for is not in Legacy and has a problem... if you change the control point to its docking port you cannot change it back to horizontal in that cockpit. It looks like it would fit the Legacy Avatar/Chimera body. OPT Legacy is recommended for general use. It gives you even more fancy plane parts (even more wings) and engines with wider performance envelopes (engines that work much better on planets other than Kerbin and Laythe) than in OPT main.
  18. Sandbox mode. I'm the kind of KSP player who much more enjoys making and adding to mods than casually enjoying them. I usually get all my fun from seeing my inventions work right out of the SPH.
  19. +1 for KER. Not only is KSP virtually unplayable for matters of deltaV but also the very significant matters of: Thrust torque across stages and altitudes in atmosphere. Timing suicide burns.
  20. Ore is effectively the bulk top soil and rock of every planet. This reveals how short in value it actually is. Not MKS itself but USI Core which contains the USI reactor pack and the storage crates which hold all resources used by USI. These include Uraninite (the Uranium ore) and EnrichedUranium but exclude Blutonium. MKS would be needed to drill up Uraninite directly and convert from it (probably more efficiently) versus converting Ore.
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