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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @aluc24 I'm glad GN worked for you. GN relocates OPM on purpose. I don't know the exact reason but it's a good one and it helps the purpose of this mod. It's not a career-oriented mod. It's mainly for sandbox fun. As for your dark Kerbin issue, it may indeed be a known issue. It happens when Kerbin is reparented to a star that's not the center of the universe. If it's something else, Sigma should know.
  2. Deep Sky presents Thor Tech! A suite of electrical propulsion systems and complementary parts, both old-school and sci-fi, for your early-game and late-game airplane/spaceplane needs. A great addition to your part inventory if you love to mix spaceplanes and planet packs. Forget LiquidFuel and solar panels (while flying). Thor Tech brings: Propfan and turbofan engines that work in all atmosphere. Inline windmill turbines (early-game) that enable planes to charge as long as they are moving fast enough. Nuclear reactors and a radiator fit for long-term use on aircrafts. Inline battery stacks to help save a little on part count. Air verniers, very powerful Intakes that can feed the thirstiest of jet engines and even harvest atmospheric resources "SupraLOX" hybrid plasma LFO engine. Mk2 and 1.25m available Two all-new cockpits (very unfinished, I didn't make them but I plan to finish them, with help from @DeltaDizzy). Pressure tanks that hold various gaseous propellants Shieldnir: electromagnetic forcefield nosecones. They protect most parts and do not need to be at the front of the plane to be effective. (Deep Sky Core required for some of these parts) Thor Tech also brings end-game WarpJet™ engines as seen in OPT Legacy, but with more neutral performance slopes and Boost/Burst Mode! All engines are very effective at sea level on Eve (and Tellumo of GPP, in screenshots below). Thor Tech is licensed CC-BY-SA and builds upon: Which was licensed MIT. Thanks to @Galileo for the whole idea for this mod and @Stone Blue for picking the mod name out of a host of names I suggested. DOWNLOAD v0.9.6.x :: GitHub :: SpaceDock GET DEEP SKY CORE :: GitHub :: SpaceDock Requires: B9 Part Switch for pressure tanks resource switching Community Resource Pack for non-stock propellants Kerbal Actuators by Angel-125 for fan blades to animate (Not included or is disabled; It's a bit bugged right now) Known issues: Intakes don't work on planets that don't have Oxygen? Delete all of Community Resource Pack's localization files except English to fix this. Cockpits don't have transparent glass.
  3. @aluc24 Copy your KSP install to a new place. Insert GN into the copy install. Let it rip. Let us know how it turned out.
  4. Try it and let us know. We see no reason why those telescopes should completely fail to work. Though, do watch out for the issues discovered by @Djohaal
  5. Concerning the infinite sunlight problem, this is likely the effect of the stars not having light curves as introduced in Kopernicus 1.3.0-6. This feature enables the intensity and ranges of starlight to be finely controlled which means your inner planets can be over-bright as needed and your outer planets will be nice and dark all-over. No light curves = no control = infinite starlight. KSC will get lit up from the red giant on the opposite side of the galaxy as if Kerbin was orbiting that red giant.
  6. I could answer this in detail, but that would be rude to the KSS devs and fanbase. What I can safely say though is that KSS is not just a planet pack. It's a galaxy mod. Your PC better be able to lift this mod's weight, no matter what combination of modules you choose. Coulda just said Monday, bud.
  7. Welcome. Forum users who tell you to click on them to get where you need to go will likely have a signature (an area under any of their posts, containing links and pics). Mine, for example, leads to mods I own and make. What Galileo means is for you to click the red button in his signature and it clearly says in it "How to get support." Once you understand how to provide a log for modders to diagnose, post your log somewhere online (not into the forum itself) and then share a link so the modder can access it.
  8. Asking for "adapter cargo bays"? Interesting. From what I know, a cargo bay's effective space (for aero shielding) can only have a cylinder shape, not a conical or any other shape. Such a bay may have to be provided in 2+ component parts to allow for stacking effective spaces with differing radii, and to keep the practicality of attaching things to the inside of the wall at the wider or widest end.
  9. @Rastan9 Noted. The change will be made. Any further feedback is welcome.
  10. @eddiew RSS SSTO? How much KRnD magic is in this plane?
  11. Broken? Nah. The little GN caps are what's broken. The dev is making them (WIP) do something new, but afaik, GN Drives have shown nearly all the expected behavior if you've seen the anime. I also admire your mech work, and am a Macross fan too.
  12. Please delete that and and share it in a ZIP on another site. Log files are megabytes large and can make the forum hang and even crash.
  13. I believe the GN parts are balanced. As with anything, whether it's OP or not depends on your perspective on mods and what personal standard you set for the use of its parts. Example: players will put 4 GN Drives on a small spaceplane and cry OP! When you really should only have one, and replace the rest with just 1 GN Condenser Drives. Or you build an average size or small spaceplane and put 1 or 2 of any OPT engine on it and cry OP! When OPT plane parts are all big and heavy, and they'd rather jam a dozen Rapiers or Whiplashes on the back, which adds up to exceeding dead weight in space and call THAT "well balanced." GN thrust isn't measured in kN, it's measured in gravity. You get 1G of thrust for every engine, and can double the thrust if you need to by mashing they key for RCS forward translation. Also, the more massive your ship, the more GN Particles it takes to accelerate or to maintain antigravity. The following link contains mecha and a GN Sword in KSP ... https://gfycat.com/SilverFlimsyBluetickcoonhound made by @Colonel Cbplayer Lastly, here's a hovercraft. This goes inside the H.M.S. Tieria. I wanted to use OPT fins instead of stock pieces but I didn't feel like scaling any OPT parts. The antigrav wheels are in Kerbal Foundries.
  14. Maybe someone assumed IFS and FS were the same thing. I believe I've never seen an IFS config file in OPT. CRP is the mod that (contains the definition for it) makes LH2 a valid resource, but CRP does not apply resources to parts.
  15. @Nodragdare @stali79 That resource switcher looks like B9 Part Switch which is a dependency to several of Nertea's mods. As far as I can tell, OPT never had an Interstellar Fuel Switch patch (or it was hidden in pieces within the part configs). Whatever config provided LH2 to OPT must have phased out. And I can assume 3 reasons why: No OPT parts run on LH2 OPT parts are too massive for it to make sense Loss of popularity or demand for OPT with LH2
  16. Another serving of Gundam 00 influence has come. The H.M.S. Tieria (named after one of the main characters, but its form is actually inspired by the Galaxy Quest ship) is an aerodynamically stable and physically incredibly balanced mothership. Its CoM and its heaviest part (great for autostrut) a Near Future Electric 2.5m reactor, are both at the center of the ship's volume. It currently does not need to hold any LFO at all. The long Mk2 cabin and pointy Mk2 tail are from Mk2 Expansion. The Tieria's propulsion system is x1 GN Drive and x2 GN Condenser Drives. The visible, modified ZZZ Warp Drive runs on GN Particles and the green Mk2 bands are custom GN Caps (tanks + chargers).
  17. @Gordon Fecyk Please remove your suggestion. Kopernicus version locking saves its devs from going through hoops when providing support for planet packs. It's far better that a planet modder update (or even drop) their mod, or a non-modder change their game version than Thomas and co have to make wasteful moves because the complainant has a version of Kopernicus (or a planet pack) installed that's not optimized for their KSP version. We don't need users knowing how to defeat the version lock.
  18. Galileo dug this up too, and pointed me to it, which is why I'm even commenting here. And guess what... @Triston777 @danielboro I'm reviving and renaming this mod. There will be electric engines rated for ultrasonic crafts and SSTOs. The existing parts have all already been adjusted for more reasonable EC storage and EC consumption, and will work in any atmosphere.
  19. Nope, and there's no angle of incidence anywhere. The wing assembly (wing segment and tailfin) are ahead of the CoM and CoL so the fin swings the opposite way on control input.
  20. More development of an upcoming parts/gameplay mod. It's release ready, at last, except for re-texturing (which isn't vital), the nuclear reactors need to be tuned without NF Electric, and that I just decided I need to change the mod name and the prefix on all the part names. The final thing I added functionally, is sci-fi looking inline windmill turbines (borrowed from the FTL Drive Continued mod). Where solar panels fail in atmosphere, these stand tall.
  21. *cough* Oops. My answer just now was in great error. Thanks for pointing that part out. I'll update it. No, there shouldn't be any case where TR is still needed. We're phasing it out. In particular, TR doesn't recognize more than 4 vets while we have 6.
  22. I have a very good idea of what's in Mk3 Expansion but the shape (almost perfect circle) does not appeal to me. I get ideas for Mk3 vessels to build but these ideas are few and far apart.
  23. The sentiment is shared but I wouldn't let that stop me from using it. Given its description it practically contains forbidden technology or black magic. I would reserve its usage to interplanetary stations or vessels with exotic use cases like a science-grabbing warp-ship or a transport intended to do intense burns and reduce travel times between bodies. That aside, I also hold back from using it because Mk3 and 3.75m parts don't fit my design styles... And I don't like the idea of shrinking it (with TweakScale or any other method) to make it fit my design style.
  24. CKAN takes its good time to update. We are hoping for that to happen/have happened already.
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