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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. The JX2 antenna isn't combining (I assume messed up game settings because of installing Kerbalism into an old save) but I'm getting the range I should expect from just one of it. It works up to a good modest distance past Leto (5.8Tm)
  2. @CatastrophicFailure Oh... You're that guy. I'm watching you now.
  3. I've already suggested in a more recent thread (with this exact same question) than the one you linked... Install Karbonite. Eve's atmosphere and oceans then become full with actual useable rocket fuel resource (Karbonite) and you get actual propfan and turbojet engines that run on this and IntakeAir IntakeAtm. There's no need to go through the whole convoluted process of renaming Oxygen and breaking KSP itself. If anything, mod your favorite stock engines after this to also use these two resources. The same person who made Karbonite works for Squad so this mod may exist in part just to answer your question. He may also be he one who named "Explodium." Of course, you get intake parts and rocket engines exclusively for this resource too. Look what I managed to do with it. If you still want Oxygen, karbonite's formula is KaO3 so you can produce and store Oxygen directly from it. (Oxygen tanks not included in mod.)
  4. This is why GPP_CareerSaver exists, guys. It's highlighted in red in the install instructions. That sounds pretty legit. Given what ResearchBodies is supposed to do, it may be safe to assume that it's also affecting asteroids. There's very little we can do for it and GPP until that mod reaches a stable state. All we can do is provide feedback and logs in ResearchBodies' thread.
  5. @CatastrophicFailure Umm. I think I failed. I needed that tested at stock scale. Leto is within 1Tm (at most 610Gm) at stock scale. Its farthest from Gael is 3.9Tm in 6.4x. I got confirmation from @RocketPCGaming in 10x, after he virtually applied an extra 0 to the same code. So I'll sort things out with stock and all the sigma scales.
  6. There's always room for helping hands. I believe that I don't need to do anything to support Configurable Containers as its list of supported mods is quite long. It's a great suggestion, thanks. However, I think that installing it may be game-breaking and a culture shock all in one. It also might collide with my development of things that use texture switching.
  7. I just need confirmation that this code works. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Antenna]]:NEEDS[Kerbalism,FeatureSignal]:FINAL { @MODULE[Antenna]:HAS[#type[low_gain]] { @dist *= 1.0 // scale using average body radius, versus stock one } @MODULE[Antenna]:HAS[#type[high_gain]] { @dist *= 6.02 // scale using maximum SMA, versus stock one } }
  8. Hey @Nertea @Streetwind. I've been thinking you two might like this. In Galileo's Planet Pack there's a land-able body with an immense abundance of Hydrogen gas, and a body with Methane lakes and atmosphere. Motivated by Eddie's desire to create a cryo-fueled empire I went and made a mining system for use with Cryo Engines and Kerbal Atomics. Not only will this surely make these engine packs even more fun but will make planets/moons like mine/Galileo's more useful and more appealing for dropping mining outposts at. Oddly, the M-2 Cryogenic Separator produces invalid "MethaneGas" when it's supposed to make Methane. I'll figure it out if it's a typo on my side. Otherwise I think there's a hardcode thing going on.
  9. @eddiew Almost there with that Hydrogen/Methane to LH2 system. For some reason the M-2 device is producing "MethaneGas" which is invalid and unwanted. I've added Hydrogen and Methane support to NFP's scanner and converter, and to the stock Precooler and Engine Nacelle parts (removing their LF tanks), and to the stock ISRU. I could have simplified it but you stated that you don't like your converter to be cheaty and portable, so I left the production chain long and reasonably challenging like this: Gas form input (precooler and cryo separator); Pressurized tank (behind intake parts). One is required each for Methane and Hydrogen in gas form. There's a smaller radial tank for this too; Fission of Methane into Hydrogen gas and Compression of Hydrogen into LqdHydrogen (convert-o-tron); LqdHydogen fuel (cryogenic tank in front of convert-o-tron) The only thing for you to do once I give you this cfg is to scale the convert-o-tron's values to fit your size (5m). I will also share this in the NFT thread to see if Nertea would like this. Kerbal Atomics engines as well as Cryo Engines use LH2 so I think there's more win to be had.
  10. @AG5BPilot concerning Kerbalism antenna range, this was offered up pretty soon after GPP's 1.2.0 update. What do you make of it? @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[Antenna]]:NEEDS[Kerbalism,FeatureSignal]:FINAL { @MODULE[Antenna]:HAS[#type[low_gain]] { @dist *= 1.0 // scale using average body radius, versus stock one } @MODULE[Antenna]:HAS[#type[high_gain]] { @dist *= 6.02 // scale using maximum SMA, versus stock one } } Consider adding this one snippet, suggested by Snark himself: PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @antennaPower *= 10 } } Since these both have :FINAL, they should not be mixed as-is.
  11. I just added that to my post above. Memory usage is quite tolerable now after doing so. Frame rate is up for me but the planets are washed out now.
  12. I don't get why there's a shortage of memory. Memory, as in, the actual memory chips that go onto a RAM stick, GPU or HDD/SSD? Speaking, I'm looking to buy 8GB (2x 4GB) RAM to upgrade my secondary PC from 8GB (4x 2GB) to 12GB. Or a new PSU for my main PC because it cuts out under load now. I finally cracked and turned texture quality down to medium in one of my test-bed KSP so I can raise my frame size to 1920x1080 (from 1600x900) and not have the page file > 80% full. This means frame rate to celebrate but the planets look dusty and dull in map view.
  13. Yesssss. Of course not. Shame on me for attempting such a thing. @Galileo
  14. Curses. Foiled again! Yeah the cat (heck, the Nyancat even) is indeed out of the bag. Well it was supposed to be a secret until release day, at least. Perhaps I ought to have asked "No screenshots until you get there"? Or not ask at all...?
  15. Well given the kind of trajectory you have to take, moreover without an actual warp drive installed (Yes. GPP now makes them very useful.) 455 years trip sounds totally legit. I've made my patch for the NFP parts but balancing numbers for Methane to Carbon and Hydrogen is hard....and I decided to leave out Ammonia. When I figure that out I'll PM you it so you can try it out. The Grannus is a great and terrible secret. May no one write or show anything (please) to reveal it to their fellowman. Let all who read its name find out for themselves...
  16. Try this in the meantime. It's meant for use with big solar systems like GPP. It has 10x the range of the strongest stock part at stock scale.
  17. Hey @Snark By chance does this mod support upscaled systems? 10x Galileo's Planet Pack is getting a lot of attention and someone has started complaining about having to repeatedly patch the stock antennae to keep up with the scales.
  18. These Grannus contracts appearing are quite a new thing that we didn't see coming so there's no solution yet. It totally ruins the surprise we were aiming for with Grannus. By the way I adored your old kolonization videos.
  19. That is @Thomassino's Eden sunflare. @RocketPCGaming I find your use of batteries w/ indicator lights in that shuttle fascinating.
  20. Are you absolutely sure you did everything that is required? The usual problem is that step 2 or 3 are wrongfully or not done (Updated instructions). If you assumed that any part of the Kopernicus download is optional and left something out, that's the problem.
  21. Has anyone here used OPM? I have a GitHub issue open for antenna range and need confirmation pretty soon so that it can be included in a GPP update.
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