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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I wouldn't be too sure about that....... I haven't thought too much on it but next time I fly a plane it'll be a test article with 3x Mk2 cockpits and the 2 extra ones set backward somewhat to simulate being protected from shock heating. If they heat up equally then I'll accept this and be chill. This would make sense. I assume wet (resource) mass is counted. The cockpit would be very light vs a loaded fuel tank so there's not much to give heat energy to, to heat it up. But this may give rise to a heat kraken as you can't jump pump a part's thermal mass. Draining its fuel and making it lighter would mean the part is hotter because there's less solid mass holding the same amount of heat energy.
  2. @OrbitalManeuvers @GuessingEveryDay This is shock heat physics behaving normally as I understand it. The "tiny" nose doesn't heat up because it doesn't have much surface area to soak up heat from the aero shockwave. The forward RCS section is protected practically entirely due to hot air being deflected away by the shockwave, but the cockpit or forward tank is the closest to the front with the most frontal surface area so it receives the bulk of what was deflected by the nose, so it heats up fast. Same thing happens with Kipard Skylon whose parts are divided the same way as this mod. Large spaceplane cockpits like the OPT ones will heat up really fast because they are the front-most part and they have all of the forward surface area. Surprisingly, Mk-33's cockpit (and possibly all other crewed parts) don't have the separate internal heat limit of around 1500K. I think everyone would be in danger if Angel fixed this little oversight.
  3. http://eskandare.com/blogs.html#efx @REDACT3D @wasml I learned from here. Complete tutorial. These are some of the better plumes I've made: Liquid Solid
  4. Complementary to @Pehvbot 's answer (which seeks to begin to teach how to use MM for your purposes) but shouldn't be installed alongside this, I wrote part of a modlet which does exactly this but also allows for you to tag cockpits from part mods (if you use them and you choose, preferrably late game spaceplane ones) that shouldn't lose their reaction wheels. It does a few other things too, but doesn't also buff RCS thruster power. https://spacedock.info/mod/2578/Rocketology Making those certain things (in spoiler) more expensive adds to incentive to do full/high reusability programs if that's your thing.
  5. This ball is rolling again. Test models for the following are in-game and working well: CERV (two structural variants with different roles) RL-10 derived engine (normal and abort mode versions. Each can run on Mono or LFO) Don't expect benjee10's level of quality, but do expect great quality anyway, and quite a few gameplay features. Insert "Pre-Alpha Footage" watermark here. Gentle notice to those who don't know yet: I don't make IVA.
  6. Hah. I may use the banana to = 1 Kerbin radius. It seems pretty close to that already. I suppose a GU update is near. From what I currently see, StarCrusher only needed to make one planet, and rearranging the others is a task that could've been done ages ago.
  7. Yep. I gotta get a few questions answered then I'll publish that.
  8. Hot and cold water faucets for the bath tub is what I see here. You can't pull the wool over my eyes, cowboy part maker feller. The sail is looking mighty fine, of course. gg
  9. Much progress. I think it's just some texture or material tuning that remains now. B9 options line-up. Some parts have 15 because they have 5 heights. What it looks like @WarriorSabe. Tech restrictions on upgrades not enabled yet. Peak solar exposure to one side/ one half of the solar panel yields full charge rate. Roughly 90% of full charge rate is reachable when the panel is perfectly pointed (both sides evenly exposed) towards the star. The solar panel parts each have two of the solar panel module due to having a 180deg curve.
  10. Sorry, no. When it comes to changing stats in a module that consumes or produces something, only one B9 module may modify it at a time. Example: Can't have one B9 module that affects an engine's thrust and another B9 that affects the same engine's Isp. If you're doing purely structural, there's no restriction such as with SSPXr endcaps.
  11. Heh. Currently I have drafts for 5 parts (with fully unique shapes and sizes) for the job. 7 if you count two 2 sizes of sunshield and that they are secondarily solar thermal. Solar cell upgrades are already in the plan. The selection will be rather long, of course, because the height options mulptiply by the cell quality options.
  12. Remember when everyone only had IBM or DELL® computers? (That damned black keyboard needs a logo so badly xD) Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  13. Wrapper PV Panels I originally wasn't going to do photovoltaic panels because NF Solar provides options for days...however, there's no mod for a surface-attached Mk2 solar panel so here goes. Any other "solar" panel I make is going to be solar thermal/ concentraing solar.
  14. I have an answer for that, actually, but as cleanly stated very recently: The feature is called "Blacksmith" and is an extra/optional modlet. Click link for readme. Semi-related: I've mostly produced the texture for the wrapper heatshields (with all the fuselage sizes and heights or the wrapper radiators).
  15. @SkyFall2489 I want the shield to be at the very front with respect to stack nodes because drag cubes are affected by node attachment. I've entertained this idea already but I don't want to potentially cause an anomaly and a further drag issue by having it behind the cockpit in hierarchy. Also, I want that node to be visible after the cockpit is attached to the cabin or fuel tank behind it so there's less reason for the player to guess where the node is. Also, if it node attaches between the cockpit and the next Mk2 part, and then it happens to break due to an impact, the cockpit would fall off.
  16. @REDACT3D Looks good. Just so you know, 2x2m = 1 unit of lift surface area. I say this since your wings will obviously have unique sizes and your F-35 wing surely has a noticeably different amount of surface area. There's an easy way to get a good value. That is by using taniwha's .mu plugin for Blender for its built-in tool for measuring wings for FAR. I believe the value of MAC is the same as deflectionLiftCoeff. Example config: @PART[opt_pylon_b]:BEFORE[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @minimum_drag = 0 @maximum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 //Debug check: This part is a wing piece MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 11.82 MidChordSweep = 51.69 b_2 = 1.48 TaperRatio = 0.62 nonSideAttach = 0 } } If you need a tut for it, I can whip one up and post a thread.
  17. Mk2 and Mk3 cockpit heatshields They exist! They are drag-less. And they perfectly protect. Textures pending. The Mk2 shield includes a patch that adds a stack node to its cockpit for the perfect fit.
  18. As it should be for the main wing. But I don't see any yellow line or red line (or the stumps thereof) for the attached elevons. Obsolete pic? I hope these three meshes here are all present and all serving as colliders. Unity doesn't like concave/ditches/gutters/trenches in a given collider object. Having these separate is also very helpful for placing the elevons as then you don't have to place it on an imaginery filler mesh that would exist if the colliders were a single object, and then offset them inward to visibly fit properly, and you wouldn't have to deal with "the collider blocks you from accessing that child part later."
  19. Actually there is an easy way. You just need to know the regex replace string command. This is my image of how this looks. I have not tested it. @PART:HAS[#tags[*cck-lifesupport*]] { @tags ^= :cck-lifesupport:: // delete "cck-lifesupport" but not every value of this key. Structure = :<old value>:<new value>: colon-delimited so allows for spaces and funky characters. %categoryCustom = Resources } It would be nice if there was a proper representation of subcategories other than going into advanced mode in the part picker (and having written the tedious configs for that). Stock part configs tend to have "subcategory = 0" and there are no exmaples for how it works, if it even works.
  20. Hi there. Some OPT Legacy wings have a big issue that you're falling into reproducing here. With such a small fraction of the total area being control surface , it's better to make the control surface into separate parts, and give these ModuleControlSurface{} (which allows for actuation and steering response). You'll end up with very poor and very weird response, especially when these wings are near the CoM. Control surfaces have reduced effectiveness when near the CoM. The stock shuttle fin and airliner fin use this module but also have a key--value pair that roughly says "half the wing area is the actuating bit" and you'll never have these near to the CoM. Yes, elevon rotation seems to only respect root X axis. This forces you to design your elevon with no sweep at its point of rotation or you have to export your whole wing with rotation and then counter this rotation via model rotation in the config or giving the proper angle value to the surface attach. (See below.) Note that there is "blue" as from ModuleLiftSurface{} and "cyan" from any part that does not have this module. Cyan lines mean "body lift" which can swing around in any direction and can defeat whatever you may employ for yaw control. Feel free to peek into the config of Winglet F of the newer OPT Legacy wing suite. This is the one with four elevons. About text in textures and mirroring, do one of these: Don't put text. You never see text on parts that need to be mirrored like wings do, anyway. Make a separate part for use as decals and become familiar with the shader KSP/Alpha/Translucent. Make sure that when you pick up a wing piece (in the VAB, not the SPH) its default orientation is along the XY plain (X+ is out the VAB door, Y+ is skyward, Z+ is ventral/ toward the flag curtain in the VAB). This one has a very slight rotation so that its lift vector is Z-. If you have to rotate your wing 90deg on any axis, it's very broken. Your config is also missing the key that controls where you hold it from and where it surface attaches: // not to be confused with node_stack_whatever which is for stack -nodes- // values are from a stock wing board // pos // vector // unsure node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 The position of the drag lines are due to CoPOffset (P for pressure/drag). You don't need those three offset keys since you want the CoL, CoM and CoP to be where the origin is. It's also possible that somehow your wings' visible orientation and their functional orientation are mis-aligned. KSP might be seeing your wings as angled up and serving as open airbrakes. If you cheat your airplane into the sky and dropped it, I'd be amused but not surprised if you generated lift in the direction of thrust rather than skyward.
  21. @REDACT3D lol I'm glad I sparked something. You'll want to see this thread for what's good (or not) when publishing a mod. GitHub is not an "official" way (at least, not as far as Squad is concerned). GitHub is the most preferred because it's a revision control service and most mods will have changes and updates to their configs and dll's, not to their textures. It's the best for empowering collaboration and looking back at previous edits of files, and CKAN integrates with it. Once you're ready to publish a mod, just do it, according to the rules and upload your releases to GitHub (if you want revision control) or SpaceDock. There's no waiting on an admin of something to approve your upload.
  22. ThermoElectric Converters (Turbine type) (Texture mostly finished). In the real world, we do not directly produce electricity from a nuclear reactor. We extract and channel its immense heat into a steam turbine which drives the spinning portion of an electromagnet assembly. These are that steam turbine + electromagnet assembly. Users of KSPI-E will recognize these as the "Generator" that is always paired with a source or store of ThermalPower. How they will be balanced in-game waits to be seen (and decided by playtesters) as I don't play with KSPI-E.
  23. @17141 Hi. You might want to put more effort into spelling my username correctly. I'm not "Jozvin." Sorry, I don't have any guesses to why only the OPT wings become non-functional. Perhaps delete this file GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and let KSP regenerate it.
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