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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Hi @shoe7ess. Sorry, you might be confused with KSPIE where its resource converters have slider controls. Such features are provided by a plugin and I don't have the capacity to write a plugin.
  2. Oh? I didn't see the asymmetry required for lift as a component of camber (by raw definition: having a curved surface). I acknowledge the asymmetry solely as a component of lift generation. I don't believe bi-plane wings have that asymmetry and they still work (with whatever penalty), right? For ease of placement to build in symmetry, they won't have that asymmmetry to them. Your suspicion would be correct. KSP just cares about the lift surface area number in the part and the orientation of the imaginary lift plane whose size corresponds ot that number. FAR might care about camber (due to its voxel system) but I doubt. I know it makes you care about mroe forms of drag.
  3. The wing boards in KSP need to be flat so they can lego seamlessly to make the shape and size you want. If you tried them IRL then they would absolutely need to have some angle of incidence (non-zero static angle re: the forward direction of the plane during level flight) or they would produce no lift. Also, real wings will always have some amount of camber because of fluid dynamics (which isn't done in KSP). Not all wings in KSP are flat. All the wing pieces that aren't the boards have some camber in them. They immediately give you a hard time if you try to chain them and hope for a smooth surface. They're not meant to be chained. If by flat you mean lack of sweep, taper or curve like in your craft file then that's another matter. A few points on why few people rarely build such wings: They just don't think of it. A flat wing usually just works for most folks and there's no amazing benefit to investing the effort into a curved wing. Many plane builders tend towards fighters and spaceplanes. Speedy planes just don't have these. Such sweep adds to roll instability which may be largely unwelcome depending on how someone has played and the design points of the particular plane.
  4. @scocdp Did you somehow not install Community Resource Pack? That's where the majority of resource definitions are. Rational Resources provides things to do with the resources, but does not define the resources for itself.
  5. I've considered exactly that, however, I've opted to design the parts to not be dependent on matching step when the bay door moves. KSP being KSP, there's a good chance they'll de-sync and it could be very immersion-breaking depending on the player... I also don't have that much skill and involvement with Blender. I'm one who mainly uses another modeling app to make things and Unity editor + Part Tools to make things play-ready.
  6. Umm, no. The parachute is not going to pop open from inside the inventory. And the parachute is not going to have inventory slots for you to rackmount into it.
  7. That won't be too necesary. SCANsat for KSP1 shows what's in the sea floor. It doesn't care that there's water (or whatever) and atmosphere in the way. Detecting what's in the sea, and harvesting that, are another story.
  8. Buoyancy Is there a formula or law of physics where buoyancy decreases as pressure decreases? I feel that, instead of inventing or hunting down some kind of logic, KSP2 should do unlike KSP1 and at least don't have max buoyancy by default. In my mod "Rational Hydrodynamics" I patch kerbals and crewed parts to have values around 0.7, and heavy metal things like nuclear reactors and their tanks, and engines, to have roughly 0.3. I'd rather not have to resort to that (filtering parts and giving them different numbers based on these filters) but if I just give everything the same value then some things like engines and heavy metal tanks would still easily float... or crewed parts, lift surfaces and kerbals would sink too easily and they shouldn't. Just that one thing would make submersible engineering so much easier. Every fuel tank (not just the Ore tanks) should naturally easily be usable as a ballast tank. How much you need to fill it only depends on the density of the tank (its dry mass vs volume) and the mass of the fluid (if not the sea water) or expendable or transferrable solid to be used for ballast. ISRU Adding rare resource hotspots to sea floors is one of, I think, the three great things that can be done to draw players in (the other two being ease of buoyancy control and science opportunities). If buoyancy ceases to be an absolute pain then a lot more players will actually build to dive and will actually approach the sea floor with something bigger than a bare minimum science shuttle. Except for ocean worlds (where there's no dry land) how would you approach resource placement?
  9. I had been giving plenty thought to that, actually and I'm for doing it but I'm not yet fully set on it due to complications with expected behaviors and the complication of needing to move in time with an animated stock part and avoiding as much as possible, altering and re-releasing Squad's models (because that's just a sad thing to do). Nonetheless, here is a draft.
  10. Name the other radiator mods (except KSPI-E) and someone may write integration patches for them. Or is this mod somehow integrating every other mod's radiators and you want it to not do that? (I don't know if this is normal behavior. If it's abnormal, I don't know yet what mod would cause it.) The point of this mod is to not be the stock heating system. If you want just radiators, install Nertea's Heat Control and not this.
  11. KSP doesn't ...or didn't... like it when an engine has no propellant that has mass. ElectricCharge is massless and is the only propellant of these engines so something has to break (because propellant mass is needed for fuel flow per unit of thrust). I suppose RealFuels does not have this "tolerance" built in so it breaks. You're better off using procedural batteries for tanks for these engines.
  12. Absolutely not. Lookup the Microwave Air Plasma Thruster. The only use of a turbine here is as the pump for compressed air into the ionizing chamber. It's a concept tech that promises to take electric aviation to serious heights (metaphorically and literally). Side note: It would be useless, possibly even subtractive, to try to combust ionized air. The ions might be resistant to combustion or could produce less net thrust or would gain the energy necessary to corrode the engine parts. And there's the pointless added engineering complexity of trying to make a hybrid engine. Amusingly, this is exactly how the original creator of the OPT Spaceplane mod figured the 2.5m Nebula jet engine would work.
  13. Yes. SCANsat only cares about crustal resources so that 5% you're seeing is in the sea floor. If you splashdown with the RR Ocean/Sea Scanner (a clone of the Surface Scanner) you will see your > 75% Water.
  14. I'm entering the Electrical category starting with 0.625m. There is a surprisingly high number of generator types overall. One of these four is non-nuclear but is as good as as any nuclear reactor and is not a Handwavium at all!
  15. Parachutes are not engines. They explicitly use high drag surface area to function, and they provide stopping force. They don't add to a craft's motion by any means. Robotic props and krakentech props use the relative and actual motion of control surface blades (separate parts) to produce lift. I haven't played enough with those to remember but I believe the plain servos merely consume ElectricCharge and have to be rigged with the KAL. The "rotor engines" I believe will consume LiquidFuel and IntakeAir and immediately respond to throttle, but both will produce spin torque which leads to lift force and don't care about mass flow. None of these use an engine module and really "consume the ambient air" and produce thrust.
  16. It will. ModuleResourceIntake doesn't care about resource placement. It only cares whether Oxygen is enabled on a planet and the resource is defined. The key checkForOxygen = true is what tells the intake to only be usable on the likes of Kerbin and Laythe. It is required. If you understand the use of CRP's IntakeAtm then you understand Classic Stock's Atmosphere. They're exactly the same except for the reason(s) that Classic Stock exists. If you spin a fan by hitting it with your hand or using a pedal system then when it produces wind that's the Atmosphere resource at work. Atmosphere as purely a working fluid: you still have (and feel) the mass flow through the fan but you're not generating that flow by combusting the Oxygen in it. You don't care if there is Oxygen, only that there is mass and pressure (for adequate thrust).
  17. Sorry, no. I haven't played with System Heat and I guess I haven't anticipated this situation.
  18. I have an answer to that. One of these options should suffice or at least give insight. I recommend #2 as it requires the least work. The only thing that can go wrong is if the player doesn't have MM installed and wants to fly on Eve or Duna. But that should be quite unlikely as no good mod works without MM (except maybe MKS). If you're very wary of that edge case then go with #1. Rely on stock IntakeAir by default and assume that most players won't fly where there isn't Oxygen. Include a patch to change to IntakeAtm if CRP is installed, or Atmosphere if ClassicStock is installed. Conditionally define the Atmosphere resource in Buffalo2 ( :NEEDS[!ClassicStockResources] ). The whole resource pack's not installed? Declare just this. If you do code an electric motor then this plugin would need to define a virtual mass for the propellant and keep the amount from never changing. This path is easily how your anti-grav motor works but without bothering to track the CoM. Burial at sea? Your coffins are way too expensive.
  19. In short, yes, all could go. If by some miracle #5 is still working it could stay and get updated configs. MenuScenes is skippable. It lets you customize the main menu screen to be something other than just the 3 kerbals floating in front of the homeworld, or the Mun crash scene. It's supposed to have the option of a green scene like Mun but on Gael, and I've tried adding more bodies to the sky for giggles. It might be unstable. Who knows. MenuButtons lets you customize the clickable texts on the main menu screen. Might require too much effort if you're just into playing the game and having a flashy space program. Navigation -- you should totally drop this one. I've had issues where when SAS is turned on, the SAS on symbol on the navball would tilt over and it's a bit of a bother to make it behave. GPP's skybox (when it works?) is one of Galileo's preferences which is really subdued and you won't see much apart from the black emptiness except (iirc) a yellow galactic plane. This is the one that adds backstory details and roleplay value to kerbals such as what University and major; some quirky fact(s) about them; a status or two. I don't remember that one either. The textures can hang around and be reconfig'd with Texture Replacer. Same as 7, however, I've seen the rise of a good few suit mods lately and I bet most folks would prefer those over GPP's own... benjee10 nailed 7 and 8, and HARD.
  20. They can do as I did (where I created Impulse Party). Per his license: Don't take and edit his textures and models to make things, but you're free (as ever) to make your own parts, your own mod, with dependency on Blueshift's plugin(s). I have ideas brewing for my own Whipcrack (3.75m or otherwise) and new and better looking warp parts. But higher priority is given to several other things already so I can't promise them.
  21. Sorry to be a bother but as @Stone Blue recommended, please comment out or delete the whole block for that module, not just the line for the word MODULE. If a config node (the block) needs to go then please, properly have all of it go. Don't even let the config parser scoop up a chunk of non-config. Any experienced coder (that is, making plugins/dll's or non-KSP software) wouldn't entertain this because if nothing else, it leads to inefficiency, and if it piles up (due to making a habit of it) it will eventually get ugly.
  22. I learned that Enkido's Persistent Thrust is supposed to help with that. It has an in-game window for tracking vessels and lets you switch away from the active vessel and have it persist to thrust. I'd like to see someone take advantage for their cinematic or so forth.
  23. Plot bunnies: *suddenly pour in like when Tribbles flooded the Enterprise*
  24. Warp and Whipcrack are effectively the same...at first. You've boarded a bullet train and it's left the station. But now (how Whipcrack differs): The rail splits 5 ways at some point. The rail switching mechanism is busted and changing randomly, with respect to the sine wave timing. and stopping the train is not an option. Whichever path you take is a shortcut through an express tunnel through a mountain (the wormhole: folding space and piercing through) vs taking the very lengthy scenic route around the mountain (moving/scrolling the universe). You can't see how the terrain is at the other end of the shortcut... A landslide might be waiting for you at the end, or there's a sinkhole in the middle waiting to be sprung by the weight of the train.
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