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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @GEPEG_Unconscious The anomaly of oceans reflecting reentry FX started at roughly.... KSP 1.4. Maybe 1.5. It's a stock bug and happens regardless of what planet pack is installed.
  2. There's a scanner for ocean (needs to be submerged to work), for ground, and for sky/space. They are in the science category. These are in case you do have a change of heart and decide to go mining. There is no science gain to discovering resource bands directly, but an experiment somewhat like what you describe is added to the Narrowband Scanner.
  3. Yes it is possible. Add this key to each output node that you feel is appropriate. It should look like this. OUTPUT_RESOURCE { DumpExcess = True }
  4. Yes. Just like Karborundum, but the epicenter is at very low altitudes as to simulate trace atmosphere. The RR Sky Scanner will reveal them when you meet them. Actual atmosphere? No. But if you've tried mining Karbonite or Karborundum while orbiting, it's just like that.
  5. That won't happen. Ore is still present on every body but just hard to find. There is too much that Ore is useful for so it would be dumb to remove it completely. That's a pretty interesting situation/preference. I must say that if you're going to farm an atmo edge (from the inside) for fuel it may have to be for a sci-fi engine. It's going to be very hard and not worth your time to devise something that can possibly manage a net gain on fuel when your Isp is weaksauce irl numbers like with any kerolox (LFO) engine and you have to fight off atmospheric drag like the ISS does. A significant portion of why this mod was created can be summed up in a single specific picture: And actually, there's a very good chance for airless worlds to have CO2 in space around them so you can go wild with that.
  6. Release 1.2 Added some barracks near the mission control. Required in order to staff the payload integration complex. Tidied facility display names. Download links in thread OP.
  7. You have to first hire kerbals into a place that has the barracks module. Then at the payload complex you bring kerbals over from the barracks. Unfortunately, my harbor doesn't have barracks right now. Thanks for bringing it up. I'll update very soon.
  8. This is normal behavior, actually. But it becomes painful as terrain tile sizes increase due to the body radius increasing (JNSQ's 1600km Kerbin vs Squad's 600km Kerbin), and with it, the scatter density per tile and the scatter loading range. Depending on how a given scatter model is made, it may have only a few polygons, or many. When colliders are enabled, all of that geometry becomes the collider mesh (a basic operation of the game), so the more complex a scatter is the biggest factor in how much more your CPU is burdened by more of the scatter. Scatters cannot have a separate collider mesh afaik since the .obj file format used by them doesn't allow for advanced features, features that you'd find in a .mu file (therefore, injected by KSP PartTools) and therefore in any rocket part/PQSCity/KK static.
  9. Says someone who has never used Galileo's mods. Lol! I'll never forget that day during GPP dev (In the alpha phase. We were still deciding how most of the bodies would look in the first place) when I crashed a test spaceplane into a tree and flipped my biscuits at Galileo.
  10. Turn off scatterer's ocean shader. Turn off EVE's volumetric clouds. Turn down or turn off ground scatters. Actually this may be the #1 thing to do. Kopernicus really weighs down on you when it (un)loads scatters colliders.
  11. That's correct. So the Ranger docking port exists to be used on Endurance while sharing the look of (so it looks made for/to match with) Ranger's built-in hatch. According to their part configs they are compatible with the stock 1.25m Clamp-O-Tron (which I would expect).
  12. OPT Reconfig 1.9.3 Added Kerbal Atomics detection to cryo tank/engine patch Adjusted WBI EC template to provide 20x units per volume like B9PS does. (It was formerly 4x.) Adjusted fuel ratio for air-breathing cryo engines. Less demanding on intakes. Fixed MFT patch. It was self-deleting. Removed second lift surface module in J aerospike. Updated Nebula scramjet mode for more fuel efficiency but more EC demanding. DOWNLOAD - OPT Reconfig
  13. @Gilph The reason for there being such lack in the CO2 ISRU department is I don't have or know a use case for producing CO2 for any primary role (apart from CO2 NTR which is demonstrated in RR Parts' clones of the stock NERVA). I'm curious to what you may have planned for it. I don't mind providing for these things so I'll include them. In atmo, yes the scoop(s) need to be moving. The atmo harvesting system is broken and either entirely needs you to be moving (even when you drift at mm/s while landed. Pay attention to that because it really sucks in timewarp and thin atmo), or needs the airSpeedStatic key in the module to have a number in excess of 5000. And that's not guaranteed.
  14. I made engines for OPT spaceplanes... VTOL engines.
  15. @DownHereInChile OPT Legacy is only half of the overall OPT parts suite. You need the main OPT mod (which Reconfig was originally made for) in order to see them. (So... 3 OPT mods)
  16. @Stratickus ohhh. I kinda get it now. Your initial phrasing didn't make that intention clear. Also I'm not familiar with such behavior (I'm not so much of a CryoTanks user.)
  17. I would think not. And if I did adopt this, I'd nerf its Gold abundance, change where you can expect it to appear, and delete its Unobtanium. Effectively, I'd give it my Rational Resources scheme. My changes would likely be enough to break half the intent of this mod (to make any/many difficult planets more appealing to visit) but would retain the rest of its intent (to massively help funds farming when and where farming can be done). As simple as this mod is, it doesn't need to be adopted, unless players want to see gameplay balance changes happen or want it to host configs for more planet packs. Angel-125's Graviolium is superior in every way to this mod's Unobtanium, especially in that it has more that you can do with it other than just sell for money.
  18. @Stratickus What you want to do is remove the cryo tank module itself, not just the cooling cost. !MODULE[ModuleCryoTank] {}
  19. That's what experience told me too. I don't get it and I'm sure I fixed it. So I have no suggestions.
  20. @DeadJohn @leatherneck6017 The problem of grabbing large asteroids is that the colliders don't perfect fit the visible mesh. The difference becomes more prominent as the size goes up. Either that, or the module that does the resizing of the asteroid does something weird to the collider.
  21. @Space Kadet The points where Kerbalism and WBI conflict are: Failure/Maintenance mechanics. WBI has BARIS. Related: It doesn't seem to be common knowledge, or well documented (I never looked. Sorry. If that documentation does exist.) that Kerbalism is very modular and that several aspects can be turned off to make it more friendly with other mods. Example: Many people just want the radiation system but as far as I know, there's no post on SpaceDock or GitHub that offers configs like this or instructions on how to do it. (Do correct me if I'm wrong.) Resources. WBI has its Classic Mode which @Sir Mortimer hints at. WBI's play mode switcher function allows WBI to be used with CRP, and so, probably quite easily avoid this problem. However, Angel no longer cares for CRP so he's not going to take any obligation to diagnose CRP problems or add to CRP support in his mods. After a bit of digging I found a patch for an overlapping resource: Atmosphere. Kerbalism uses this for its cabin pressure mechanism meanwhile WBI uses it in place of CRP's IntakeAtm for engines that don't care about oxygen. Kerbalism's history of stripping out or overriding stock module behaviors. This is the bulk of the conflict. I don't truly know how deep this issue goes so I can't say it's as shallow as only deleting modules from part configs, or it's truly deep like changing modules such that mods that add their own parts and mods that extend the stock modules become broken because underlying functions are different or gone. Today, USI users who want radiation hazards for kerbals can install Kerbal Health (it's made to be very compatible with other mods) instead of Kerbalism, but Kerbal Health does not have space weather, magnetospheres and cabin atmosphere management. Kerbalism has internally changed quite a lot since N70 took over, and Sir Mortimer after him. Its bad reputation has faded, I would think, and it's become pretty awesome, especially with its upgrade to how it makes science work and how well it's hold on to backward compatibility. Mortimer doesn't need to worry about losing backwards compatibility. Instead, either one of these must happen: The player needs to know how to use Kerbalism's modularity, and to make the choice to use WBI in CRP mode and sacrifice WBI's OmniStorage system. Kerbalism must take advantage of WBI's pseudo-mod which activates with Classic Stock mode in the play mode switcher. ClassicStock can be used as an argument of the :NEEDS pass, and streamline the adaptation of mods to this. This is my logic for detecting the play mode: :NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack,!ClassicStock] and :NEEDS[ClassicStock]. And this logic makes obsolete the practice of saving classic mode configs as .txt (the play mode switcher renames files between .cfg and .txt) if you don't care about creating or using other play modes. You will find the Equipment resource definition at GameData/WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/Templates/Common/Storage/
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