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Everything posted by Epicdreamer

  1. That'll be on version 1.1.2. How unstable it was then, and I didn't care less about restarting KSP once twice three times per hour. This was gold! And it still is, but I do care about stability nowaday's.
  2. Usually I make up names from what the craft is, or what its location/purpose is, like: R&RS - Recource & Relaxation Station Misca - Minmus scanner Joocrem - Jool crewed mission Muscim - Mun Science Mission Etc...
  3. I'd say only the Voyagers exceed Opportunity's exceptional design quality and endurance. I remember being glued to the screen when he and his brother Spirit landed on Mars. Shame to see Opportunity move to only memories. Exceptional machine. RIP...
  4. I started playing ksp when 1.1.2 was released. So far 1.3.1 is my favorite because of it's stability and vast selection of compatible mods. And a couple of epic saves. I've just lost interest finished my last 1.3.1 science career and moved on to a full 1.6 career. With the adding of the Dv/TWR readout 1.6(.x) could kick 1.3.1 of its throne...
  5. As far as I know RSS is a stand alone mod...or well, it has a few dependencies (like Kopernikus) but next to that you are free to install whatever you want next to RSS. You dó need RSS to play RO thought
  6. 6Gb of RAM on a i5 laptop. I usually play with 20-30 mods. Mostly Kopernikus, a planet pack, a few parts mods and some bits and pieces. No system heavy mods. Eve works fine, but I have banned scatterer and visual packs after trying them once. No issues really. Fps is good for my liking. Stability as well, but indeed a restart is needed on longer sessions due to memory overload...nothing I can't live with....and something to look out for when I need to replace my hardware (visuals!)
  7. That must be about one and a half year ago: Landing a Mun biome hopper to discover I forgot to add solar panels. But I was playing with KIS! So I sent out another lander with an engineer having solar panels in his inventory. Landed about 10 meters from the ill fated Munhopper (best precision landing so far!) to discover I forgot to bring along a screwdriver...
  8. And another like to him. I smiled at the text he added to his video as well. "Succesful lunch on orbit...etc". He knows how the Kerbal mind is working allready!
  9. Been playing (a lot) of science career mode for over 2 years now. With the 1.6 update I've just started a full career save and for the first time I actually enjoy it! The contracts and moneything makes me think differently, another sort of creativity.
  10. Nice one! Minds me of the English Electric Lightning, a '60 cold war jet...
  11. For making every single one of those tough little fellas gods by using the "missing crews respawn" option.
  12. As a result of the forum topic "(Why) Do you start a new save when a new KSP version comes out?" I started wondering when and/or why you fellow Kerbonauts started modding your KSP install. Back in 2016, after playing vanilla for a few months and reaching Eeloo with a probe for the first time there was a moment with a space station in LKO when I forgot to add solar panels (noobish?) I started looking around online hoping that somewhere I'd find an answer to the question if I could retrofit the station with solar panels...or retrofit anything up and orbiting with things I could (and absolutely would!) forget in the future. Also I really missed a 2,5m 6 way hub in the vanilla parts catalogue. When I took a first look at the KSP forum to find more gameplay related answers I was pleasantly surprised by the generally friendly tone of the messages, and the amount of activity by forum users. So ofcourse I ended up on the forum again in search for answers on this latest question. Modding games was new to me. Sequels yes, expansions (cd-rom, dvd-rom, later DLC's) yes, but modding? Before KSP I was on kind of a big break from gaming, persuing hobbies in the fysical world instead. So modding was quite unknown to me, though I heard of it before. Then I discovered the "add on release" page and found the answer I was looking for in the form of KIS (& KAS)...and ckan. Now I'm not really a techkid, physics wonder or programmer, so ckan, which takes care of for example dependencies, was a bulls eye for me. And so modding began. I found the 2.5m 6way hub in the form of DrJets chopshop, which has been in my much used modlist ever since...there are quite a few beautiful mods providing several hub parts, but drJet's was my first. A new dimension of gaming opened up to me. Without modding, I probably would have put KSP aside more than a year ago. I'm curious what your stories are! ps: great thanks to the modmakers for their excellent work, the online community and moderators for keeping this the best gaming forum I have ever stumbled upon!
  13. Now that would be something! Not that I'm not happy with the game as is. But I'm not a programmer and thus unable/not skilled/not patient enough to create planets (or systems) the way the modding community does (for which I'm ever so gratefull!). I wonder if an option like this could be done in an update thinking about human recource/costs. But if this would come along as a DLC, I wouldn't have second thoughts buying it!
  14. Technically right or wrong doesn't really matter (to me) gameplaywise, as long as it works! And this works! Easiest way without really altering the design to much is to place fins at the bottom of your craft. If a launcher still flips/spins I add more fins. If it still spins I set the fuel flow as Gargamel describes. If it still spins after that, I bin the design and start over with another design.
  15. Great to see your progress Putnamto! And all that in just a day. Soon you'll be planting a flag on one of Jools moons if you keep your progression going like this. Congrats!
  16. Doing a quick estimated calculation I'd say around 2000 hours, give or take a 100 hours. Hard to tell really. I mostly play offline (i.e. without a Steam connection) In short: too many to see KSP as a game, it's more like a hobby...
  17. Hmmm. Quick rundown how I get an encounter (for Duna, but it works for any celestial body, thought it might not be the most efficient way): Select Duna as your target Launch and circularize into a stable orbit (any orbit will do). Place a manoeuvre node on the AN or DN node and burn to cancel out any inclination difference. Delete node an place a new one for the ejection burn. Get the closest approach markers as close as you can. Hopefully an encounter will pop up right away. Burn and smile. Delete the node. If an encounter doesn't show up, but you are very close, create a correctional burn node somewhere half way out, fiddle around untill the encounter pops up. Burn and smile. I hope it helps! I've learned reaching Duna the hard way. First try I got an encounter but was 4Dv (!) short for a capture burn. 2nd time I landed (yay!), got Jeb out to plant a flag, slipped of the lander and discovered I forgot ladders! (No way!) Third time went like a charm. I felt great for a day after returning to Kerbin and land safely...
  18. Haha I got beaten giving you an answer . But indeed, as depicted your closest aproach is still a long way off. At these distances, even an inclination of 0,1° relative to you targets orbital plane can make a huge difference. First place a node on the DN marker and adjust your orbital plane with the normal/antinormal (purple) markers on the node, so that the inclination is 0,0° To fine adjust, use the mousewheel. Then, on your next pass of the right ejection angle make the burn. It doensn't guarantee an encounter, but can make a huge difference. When the closest encounter marker is really close without an encounter you might need a correctional burn somewhere halfway.... Good luck!
  19. Here too. I always start a new save after an update...or well...when I'm done with my active game. Steam auto updates KSP and I can't be bothered to turn off the auto update function, because of several reasons. KSP is DRM-free, meaning you can have multiple copies of KSP on your system. KSP runs using the files in the (that particular) KSP folder exclusively. So after an update, I make a copy of that version somewhere else than in the steam folder. From there I build a new modded game. Every install I have has a different set of mods. Different part collections, different planetpacks, tech trees or gameplay alterations etc. In that way a KSP install always works. The mods added to that particular install always work, even when that install is very much outdated. I've got nearly every version of the vanilla game from 1.1.2. I think including the modded installs I've got between 20 and 25 installs of KSP. Takes a bit of hard drive, but then again, I can start a 1.2.2 modded KSP version I made a couple of years ago, and all works fine. "Why?" you may ask. Because for the fun of it! I've skipped 1.4 and 1.5 completely. The 1.3.1 save I'm still playing for well over a year now is one of those epic saves. Started with the Outer Planet Mod, some parts collections and a few other bit and pieces. It has an extensive relay network spanning the whole system, Kerbonauts everywhere and as stable as I like it to be! Once I really get bored of this save I'll start over again with the latest version available at that moment...
  20. Another tip concerning your dark side of the Mun landing and the altitude difference between sea level and terrain level. I can see you are using Kerbal Enineering Redux. During flight you must have seen the small stat panels displaying all sorts of numbers in green. You can adjust what stats you would like to see in the in flight options menu of KER. Just click on the KER icon when you are in flight mode. Little advice, take a look at this option menu when in a stable situation, like before actually launching or when in a stable orbit...and take your time looking at those options, because that option menu is huge! Once you understand how this menu works go and look for the "altitude (terrain)" stat and add this to (one of) your in flight info panels. Now you can see your exact altitude above the terrain instead of the main altimeter which shows you altitude above "sea" level...
  21. You could state that a direct antenna is a end-of-line antenna, and a relay can redirect a signal to another antenna. You can use both types in any vehicle, but only the relays can be used to construct a comms network. And mind that you will need long(er) range antennas (any) to control robotic vehicles once you get farther away from Kerbin. Good luck building those networks!
  22. Indeed you don't need any knowledge of physics when starting KSP. The game will teach you without you knowing it does. And then, after playing a while, you watch for example a real life SpaceX launch and suddenly realise that you understand what you see is happening! Great fun. This community/forum of KSP players is the best game community I have ever seen. Even just browsing around on this forum can teach you a lot, if you want to. And remember there are no stupid questions. Good luck on your endeavours!
  23. I don't really get the hate thing, which I assume is still there. There is no cheating in KSP since it's a single player game. When it feels like cheating to a player, then nothing stands in his/her way to not use it. But it's a great tool to get a grip on the game for new players imo. I used it on a save once, but enjoy flying manually more than let an autopilot fly my ships...I like the tension of flying and landing somewhere I haven't been...or the tension of getting a craft to a specific location by hand. As many play styles as there are Kerbonaut players!
  24. Another vintage player here as well. I can vaguely remember playing on an Atari 2600 at a friends house when I was a young kiddo. As a teenager I got a secondhand press-play-on-tape C64...and the rest is history. I've played so many games on the C64, PS1, PS2 and PC that naming them is just impossible. Since the PS3 came out my interest in consolegames diminished. So many "the same-ish" games. A gaming aera with more working-concept-recycling than creativity imho... I play my all time favorite KSP since 2016 and have played it exclusively for over a year (that was different!). Nowadays I mainly play KSP and Cities Skylines. But I'm having fun replaying Titan Quest (including all expansions) as well.
  25. Docking 2x 200ish-part-count ships without melting my cpu! I was amazed that the framerate was still above 5fps. Didn't expect either!
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