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    Russia, Moscow

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  1. Oh, i didn't thought in that way, completely forgot about this. I think your right, it's pretty immersive. Thanks!
  2. Well, the biggest problem i face with this system is communication with KSC. Even wit NFExploration parts it is never even close to maximum range.) I can modify the antenna range and power before game start, but it will also broke the balance in Kerbol system.
  3. I dont know, because Minmus (and, of course, Mun) itself are visible from circular orbit around Kerbin, so i cant conclude is it planet itself or it's flare by switching flares on and off in settings. If i properly understand your question, sorry if i'm not. What i'm noticed, that exactly same thing starts happens with the Mun if i fly close to Kerbin SOI edge (become very far from observer, as Minmus). The problem completely go when you fly faaaar away from Kerbin (interplanetary travel), the flares and names are present in all condition. https://imgur.com/a/nXmQQhF So, looks like it's all about distance from body and it's size (which is, well, obvious), but it didn't answer why rolling camera a little closer-farther causing that thing with relatively close objects like Minmus from LKO. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the reply! Yes, of course it is, but the Minmus flare itself is never even close to be occluded by craft. Here is the pics: https://imgur.com/a/5TQocNq
  5. Somehow, when i point mouse on Minmus flare and roll the camera relatively close to my craft, the flare name disappear. Other planets flares looks fine so far. And can confirm Krazy1's issue. Indeed, the skybox dimming when you try to look at the planet you orbiting from the dark side, as if there is a sunlight shining through. Thanks!
  6. Hello there. Wery happy about the update, but it seems i have some troubles here. https://imgur.com/a/fLVgwG3 Please, look at the water. The ocean looks weird, when you try to launch on sunrise. It strikes more with the altitude, higher - more visible. And finaly on certain altitude it just disappears. I have only Scatterer and Distant Object Enhancement installed.
  7. Hi there. I've got a little problem with Venus flyby communications dish. The thing is it doesn't exist in tech tree in career or science mode, it doesn't shown, and doesn't aquired when you get the 'electronics'. But in sandbox mode when you dont need to learn it, everything is ok, i can choose it in VAB. I've got relatively clean install, only BDB with Scatterer, Real Plume, DOE. I'm sorry for disturbing, i dont know what i did wrong.)
  8. Hi there.) I'm very happy to see your progress with Energia (as well as all your stuff here). It's just beautifull, Beale, no kidding. Your parts here looking so,...dunno, "natural", "real-like". And so, my curiosity cant wait much longer, sorry. Will you add RD-0120 engines for Energia first stage? Do you plan to make a real-like side "booster packs" with RD-170? I mean like this:
  9. Ahh, almost forgot. Is there Launch Escape System for TKS already? I mean this:
  10. Hi, Beale. Will you add real plume configs for your engines that didn't have it yet, i mean Kosmos LV parts, V-115K engine part (Soyuz 7K-LOK), maybe something else, that i miss. (?) And another one. Do you plan to add more upper stages, maybe Briz, or something new like Volga for Soyuz LV? Thanks for your great efforts with this great mod!
  11. Hello! Do You plan to make "Energy" lv in future,...and maybe "Angara" class family after, despite the limited information about there,...maybe far far far (nope, nope, nope) after. I know, there is maybe a lot of other mods for KSP that representing modern and perspective soviet/russian launchers, but i realy like the stile of Your works, and therefore something like the "roadmap" will be realy interesting. Another one. Will You make the alternative textures for spacecraft, especialy for Soyuz (Old pale green, modern black) and the plugin that will allow to switch them in the VAB (like in ProbesPlus or BDB as example or something). Many thanks!
  12. Hello, Beale! Those Launchers and spacecraft are cool! But, with all modesty, don't you think that the exhaust simulation of engines are looking incorrect? For example In BDB i seen, IMHO, correct correlation of particle speed, atm. pressure, altitude etc. I am not familiar with smoke screen and real plume, so i can't do it myself. Sorry if this has already been discussed. Hello from Russia and therefore sorry for bad english.
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