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Everything posted by 1990eam

  1. Do I need to download the configs if I'm using Astronomer's Visual Pack instead of SVE? I'm trying out different mods and I don't think AVP provides EVE configs.
  2. Do I need to download the EVE configs if I'm using Astronomer's Visual Pack?
  3. @linuxgurugamer any plans to update this for 1.4.x?
  4. I didn't understand why there was a separate download file for each asset that's part of the mod that's all.
  5. Is there a Kopernicus Expansion for 1.4? I found some github page but can't like it to an actual project so I don't know where to put the files. The KExp OP is outdated. https://github.com/StollD/KopernicusExpansion-Continued/releases/tag/1.4.2-1
  6. Hello. I'm trying to get AstronomersVisualPack to work but when I drop the TextureReplacerReplaced folder in Gamedata my Kerbals have a purple texture in the helmets like it's missing something. Can you help me out?
  7. Hello. I'm trying to get this to work but when I drop the TextureReplacerReplaced folder in Gamedata my Kerbals have a purple texture in the helmets like it's missing something. Can you help me out?
  8. Hello Galileo. Thanks for mantaining the awesome mods as always. I think I'm getting too many clouds after I install SVE. Like nowhere close to what pictures in this thread look like. Is this normal? I'm back after a long break with KSP and I don't remember if this was the usual behavior. No SVE: SVE: Modlist:
  9. Does this work with KSP 1.4.2? This looks amazing.
  10. Is this the correct quality for the clouds? I followed the steps and used the HQ files but something looks off (pixelated): https://imgur.com/a/dMgHE how it looked before: https://imgur.com/a/XW94h
  11. How will this mod interact with other mods that extend the science missions like xScience and DMagic Orbital Science (since the solar system changes)? Also, I have a career underway but I haven't been to Muna yet nor have ships orbiting Earth. Am I still at risk of breaking the savegame if I use this mod?
  12. Is it \GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Default ?
  13. Can I use SVT 2.0.8 for 1.3.0 or do I have to download a previous version? Thank you for your time.
  14. Can I use this mod for 1.3.0?
  15. Where would I have to drop the file if I use TextureReplacerReplaced instead?
  16. Is this mod compatible with Astronomer's Visual Pack and KSPRC or in any way redundant? Sorry to bother you across all threads by the way. I've kind of just lost track of what each mod does.
  17. Does this mod modify how the atmospheres work? Or just how they look? I'd like to know if it's compatible with the mod called Realistic Atmospheres.
  18. Is this compatible with Astronomer's Visual Pack, EVE, KopernicusExpansion and KSPRC (minus the atmospheres folder)?
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