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Everything posted by Gianni1122

  1. I need to report a rip off of KSP and I'd like to know exactly where in the forums is best for contacting Squad directly. Or should I contact them with some other method?
  2. I did it but I found it too complex for what I was looking for. I only needed a quick way to switch between a VTOL setup with balanced lower thrust limits to a full throttle no limit horizontal thrust setup and with ModActions, I can do that with one or two action group keys
  3. I was helping a guy with similar problems on steam https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/312265327166183132/ We tried some goofy fixes and he ended up getting it resolved.
  4. I had similar problem yesterday and fixed it by "verifying files" on Steam. Right click KSP go to properties, local files, verify integrity It looks like you resolved this already but I'm just going to mention this quick fix just in case
  5. @linuxgurugamer This mod got me to enjoy the plane side of KSP again. Thanks for maintaining this. I found a great and simple mod by @Diazo that I now use for VTOL crafts. When you want to change your thrust limit back to 100% after a vertical takeoff, you can set action groups for specific engine thrust limiters (without having to right click and adjust the sliders mid flight)
  6. Yeah, I understand this... I only made the post in case it helps you when you do find time to work on VM Standing by ..................
  7. Looking forward to this mods 1.2.1 release. I figured I'd post this in case it helps. Using: MacBook Pro MacOS Sierra and KSP 1.2.1 with Zero mods (only VesselMover v1.5.1.2beta) Log: http://dropcanvas.com/l950q Toolbar opens VesselMover menu and after selecting move vessel, the yellow/green "ring" appears around the craft but the craft stays on the ground and WASD inputs only affect the parts they normally would (like control surfaces). Spawn vessel seems to work
  8. Just a heads up in case you didn't know, the Community Resource Pack included in your DL is outdated. Current is 0.6.2 I believe. Sorry if you already knew or heard this. I didn't see anyone mention it yet.
  9. You're welcome. Gave it a shot You might want to use "set to path" (like your first image) or "set to network" instead of "vessellinks". That might have illustrated your problem better. Found these threads I though might have been helpful before. I'll just post them here anyway incase it helps someone else. https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1150213&start=6280
  10. OH. My mistake. Let me take another look. I'm starting to get the problem
  11. I believe It's very likely that you are having poor connection when your 100g relay's signal is blocked by either Duna and/or Kerbin or both. Your 2g relay is using you 100g relay's signal to connect to Kerbin. When 100g relay has connection with KSC, 2g signal is good When 100g relay loses signal with KSC, 2g relay signal is bad
  12. Let me try to recreate and get back to you. BRB What satellites do you have orbiting kerbin?
  13. I'm on MacBook Pro with macOS Sierra but I'm running KSP 1.2.1 I use the arrow keys to rotate camera. Did you try eliminating the possibility that it is a mouse problem by using your directional arrow keys? Are arrow keys just as slow? As a side note, very large crafts might cause this.
  14. I can't answer this question but I can tell you that you're not the first one to mention a possible bug like this. I couldn't find the other posts I'm referring to. They might be on steam.
  15. Do you use the "extra ground stations" setting? Also, might want to check the other network settings in difficulty menu. What does you network look like near Kerbin? If you only have one or two relay satellites, your signal might be getting blocked by a planet (like Mun or Kerbin)
  16. @Clipperride YES there is a way to fine tune maneuver nodes. If you want to make smaller adjustments, click and hold the opposite marker and move it toward the marker you're trying to adjust. For example: If you want to increase your orbit slightly, click and hold the retrograde marker and slowly move it toward the prograde marker.
  17. Yeah... I unofficially hereby name KSP update 1.2.1 "The KurvGate Update" People are talking about it a bit too much if you ask me.
  18. I'm running KSP with macOS Sierra on a 2013 MacBook Pro with about 20-30 mods. I've noticed no major performance drops or issues since 1.2.1 released. I did install B9 and BDA last night so I've dropped a few frames lately but that's basically it so far. @kiwi_kid_nz I have, however, noticed a "hang up" when launching KSP. When the bar reaches about half way on the loading screen, the loading bar will stop for 30-60 seconds then continue. If you haven't done the obvious already, try running a clean game with no mods to narrow the possible problems.
  19. I see. I use trackpad that's why it seemed like a pointless change to me but know I get it. As far as the precision controls being switched from caps lock to return, that came a bit too late for me. It was only last week that I learned precision controls didn't work using caps lock on MacBook and now I'm used to it being where I remapped it a few days ago. Lol I just assumed precision controls barely made a difference. Now if they could just fix precision controls on eva...
  20. I'm on a MacBook I changed the VAB/SPH back to shift. Worked fine before why change it? As far as I remember the shift to scroll up/down never existed in flight. Only in the editor. This used to drive me crazy when finding parts on a craft in flight. Like @Tarheel1999 said, Squad added a feature to fix this. Follow his steps and you'll be able to move your camera focus to any part in flight.
  21. Bummer :-/ I appreciate you having a look. I'm thoroughly enjoying the mods you're maintaining. Do you think I should I bother Squad about the game's inability to handle precision mode on eva?
  22. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'll try dropping the limiter to 25. Cheers
  23. Sorry. Fails as in it goes wonky. After Q or E input the kerbal endlessly tries to auto correct itself (unsuccessfully as far as I can tell) To recreate, go eva, turn on rcs, turn on precision controls, rotate with Q/E, kerbal will-on its own-proceed to rotate left to right unable to correct/stabilize itself. Just confirmed this occurs with EvaEnhancents added keys as well. Honestly you should just try it. Wonky is an understatement lol.
  24. I'd also like to mention that while using precision mode on eva, this auto applied thrust feature COMPLETELY fails after Q or E is used.
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