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Everything posted by Gianni1122

  1. It looks like he removed it in the latest release for some reason.
  2. I would have guessed it was possibly Community Tech Tree but since you're running unmodded.... Does this also occur on a new save file?
  3. I have seen political discussions be removed from here. However, it says "off duty" talk about anything but KSP. I HAVE ZERO interest in talking politics But I'm curious; What topics are frowned upon within this thread (besides the obvious)
  4. An example of the parts you're talking about would help greatly. Thank you for posting the screenshot, as this always helps but in this case, it is necessary to now what part or parts the game says you do not have
  5. When I first got started I had a hard time finding simple explanation videos of various game mechanics. So IMPO... "Tips for beginners" "simplified" with easy to understand explanations and instructions. Well explained tutorials for various game mechanics are also good. I think these types of videos are greatly appreciated by the newcomers in the community. "Things you didn't know about" for those hidden tricks and features of KSP. This site has a good selection of royalty free music (including the music Squad used) http://incompetech.com/music/
  6. You mean that the "crossed hammer and wrench" button is greyed out? Screenshots would really help us understand the problem in this case Also, welcome to the forums.
  7. Did you try referencing the forum threads of the mods in question? I know having to search through all those pages of mostly "will this be updated" questions can be time consuming... What I usually do, when trying to get answers on a forum, is use "find on page" and search for keywords like "frames" etc. on each thread page. That saves me a ton of time.
  8. I have to ask because you said "after reverting". After you get your first part in orbit, are you actually clicking "revert to VAB"? Because that will cancel all your progress.
  9. I believe @bewing mentioned this but I'll elaborate bc this is extremely useful for new career mode games. Near every building at the Kerbal Space Center (VAB,SPH, R&D etc.) you can run all your available science experiments to gain copious amounts of early game science. I.e. Build a rover with all your experiments on board (and a few of the new science containers) and drive it to every building you see performing all experiments at each one along the way. Also drive away from the building to run experiments (on the "shores" or "grasslands") and do the same while IN the water. This is BY FAR the easiest way to get career science at the start. EDIT: I wasn't sure if "I went around with the science kit" was what @Zpike was referring to as doing the KSC science run so I mentioned it anyway.
  10. Are you running 1.2.1? http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9619 There is also a setting for orbital drift compensation https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/4rzsz9/orbital_drift_compensation/
  11. That is awesome... College, high school, junior High and even grade school teachers and professors could utilize KSP to demonstrate physics (as well as several other science topics) in the classroom. Hell, I dropped out of high school to join the army and now I can say I know the fundamentals of rocket science thanks to KSP and the things I researched because of playing KSP. I think Scott Manley even did a presentation about its potential as a tool for learning
  12. I also discovered this accidentally when I first started playing. What I actually did was right click on random values without realizing I was doing it (I use a trackpad so accidental RMB happens sometimes) and for the life of me could not figure out why I could, for example, always see the inclination but had to hover over the closest approach every time I needed to view it. I felt like KSP was trolling me conveniently displaying the info I didn't need and hiding the info that I did. haha Those little discoveries that make KSP even better are so great. It's like finding a 20 in the pocket you never use of the jacket you always wear.
  13. I apologize if this doesn't help and/or you are already aware of this option... I tend to increase the max size of the parts Kerbals can grab in the settings .cfg for KIS. Not only is it helpful but it also feels more realistic to me that somewhat larger parts can be manipulated with relative ease in a weightless environment. A bit cheeky and less realistic; I also sometimes increase the volume of the containers (just a bit). Alternatively, to solve you're container volume problem, you could use TweakScale and scale down the design of some aspects of your station to increase the quantity of parts you bring into space via the containers.
  14. Haha it really is a great game isn't it? It's always nice to see newer players fall in love with the game like I did. Scott Manley actually had older tutorial videos using early versions of the game and you can see some differences there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puC-YV_h9Us&list=PLYu7z3I8tdEmqpOkQZCl5SZB5t0vXuxE0&index=1 Here http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history is probably the most comprehensive list of differences from KSP then to KSP now. I also highly recommend browsing the wiki for tutorials and the like (as long as you don't mind reading) there is a plethora of useful information there. I learned basically everything I know from Scott and the wiki.
  15. You could get the KIS and KAS mods. Among other things, they allow you to grab, move, rotate, attach and detach parts while in flight. I use them to build crafts in orbit. The default settings for these mods only allow kerbals to grab and move smaller parts but a very easy change to the settings file allows for heavier (up to infinitely heavier) parts and crafts to be moved. With these mods, you could easily flip your rover and they add fantastic gameplay (possibly the most popular mods that exists for KSP and I highly recommend either way)
  16. You aren't using physics time warp are you? The triangles are green not red, correct?
  17. I use Firespitter (Recently updated btw) on my 2013 MacBook Pro so I doubt its that. I also use B9 and BDA among other big mods. I assume you're talking about multiple crafts being within loading distance of each other and your current craft (or do you mean just multiple crafts being in the Kerbin system in general?) Either way, it depends on the hardware you use obviously but with a heavily modded KSP, you can expect low frames (probably not 10 though) You have quite a few mods so it's difficult to know exactly what ones could be having bad interactions with each other and/or KSP. If you think you have narrowed it down to those four, I suggest installing only those mods and making a new save with several large complex crafts to stress test and see how it runs.
  18. Go to Tracking Station, select the vessel and in the bottom right somewhere click on info (I think?) then click the top of the box that pops up. This will bring up a window where you can edit the name and icon of your ship
  19. This might help? https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Basic-troubleshooting
  20. Sounds like a drag problem maybe. Is there something on one side of the capsule that isn't on the other? EDIT: I also just found this
  21. Do you have multiple Module Managers in your game data folder? Looks Like Mechjeb2 "couldn't load". Open your logs and use "find on page" to look for words like "could not" "error" "failed" etc. Then read what follows those keywords and try running KSP without those mods to narrow the cause. DISCLAIMER: I'm about as tech savvy as a Chia Pet
  22. Now that I recall, I had set the same settings as you prior to Sierra so that could help explain why some Mac users aren't affected. Side note: It's really annoying having to allow permissions for every mod file I want to read or edit. Thanks Sierra... :-/
  23. TACLS has difficulty settings (in with the stock KSP difficulty settings menu) that might help you adjust your supply usage. Sounds like Deep Freeze from @JPLRepo (the same Squad staff member that maintains TACLS) is exactly what you need. Put your Kerbs in Kryo and they won't consume life support resources during the longer portions of your journey. Greenhouse you spoke of maybe?...
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