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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Normal user talking to each other be like: -bla bla bla -look at my new craft -FOR SCIENCE -bla bla bla -bla bla bla Moderator talking to each other be like: -ONE OF US!ONE OF US!ONE OF US!ONE OF US!
  2. Hmmm.... After I finished my graphic novel "dust storm", which is pretty dramatic, I saw a little burst of other people making specifically dramatic and realistic writings, novels and stories. But this one, is definitely not the case. I really like it, it is outstanding, different from other works and at least in my mind "different" means "good". Thank you for sharing, @Atubara
  3. Yeah, I made a forum game.


  4. As the ammount of replies mulitiplies, so does the amount of pages. Now, we have only the first floor. But when the amount of replies will be enough to create another page, we will have a second/third/4th.... floor
  5. K Ahem. K And welcome to another forum "game"! So yeah, kinda, sort of, something, somehow YOU are playing hide and seek in a house. You are the one who is hiding. So yeah, hide somewhere. (captain obvious at his finest) "Rules and bla bla bla" 1. Hide inside the house 2. No, no flying away in Saturn V to the moon, sorry. 3. Get original, but not insane or crazy. Like, hide in under the bed, inside the bathroom, or whatever, BUT(t) Not on another planet/dimension galaxy or something else goddamit. 4. House is sort of small, so try not to be in the same place with other dudes, if your place is already taken, KILL EVERYONE WITHOUT REMORSE BLUEGH just find another one. 5. Every page on the forum-a floor in the house. 6. K bye 7. Don't ask who is seeking (actually nobody) 8. No "xit into N-dimensional space, the fourth dimension (?), technically i`m inside the house, able to be found but i`m curled with the dimension to make it almost impossible to see me, but i`m still there, hiding, and able to be found! And technically its possible, BUT VERY UNLIKELY, using the Quantum Teleportation Theory (?), there is is one in, like a trillion chance that I can teleport, so why not to a higher dimension, it has to have atoms, right, and If thats not enough, entanglement swapping (see link)... I think thats how it works , my atoms could swap with one in a higher dimension, so technically, I traveled there using the laws of physics, which is not crazy or preposterous (ok, kinda), but still! HA! PHYSICS!" START I go and hide in a shelf.
  6. I'd hate to show off my ugly face. Never went to any gamecon.
  7. Ay guys! I am soon as to be inactive, I am going to visit a very remote place on Kamchatka, about 700km to other people. So yeah, task/cttd 1.Finish the moon systems of gas giants thingy, I quite like it, good job everyone! 2. Let's make an asteroid size chart! Best part is that no one did that before, that makes it really cool to have here! 3. A view from Neptunian rings 4. Uranian,Saturnian,Jovian or Neptunian storms in close up.
  8. Do what you think is right! It is you the one who is currently drawing, not me.
  9. . . .

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Cabbink


      WoSWers tHis hAs BECome a ThROd on Its OwN.

    3. cratercracker


      It's BONELESS threAd

    4. Regor


       nnn nmn  m mnmxcnmx mxn n x  xzn nmzx jkxnhj sac dj nd cnbc  nxcn mxc

  10. Why isn't the "dumb and useless artist, who sometimes gets into bad situation with moderators" here? I need that.
  11. >makes thread for artists to develop >asks about what are they doing >gets philosophical crippling depression
  12. I saw a glimpse of Uranus, when I've been to the mountains, I've forget their exact name, sorry. I also watched meteors burn-up in the atmosphere. Don't know if I was hallucinating.
  13. Mine is uh.. well... futuristical Russian flag. Sort of. Yeah. *HYPER LOUD FUTURISTIC RUSSIAN ANTHEM*
  14. If there is a problem and you can't solve it, that is a featurе.
  15. The problem is that his system is MacBook. And he kinda can't find it.
  16. My friend has KSP and really wants to have mods, although he installed via Steam. Does anyone know how to install mods? Or he needs to delete the steam version and download via official website?
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