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    Unrapid Scheduled Assembly

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  1. I noticed the Photon corps plumes don't have the smoke trail. Is this normal?
  2. no worries, I assumed it was something similar to that just wanted to make sure
  3. https://imgur.com/uoE7Qms It looks like the normals for the hatches are backwards in the iva. I can also fly through them without opening anything to the point I can leave the vessel in iva mode
  4. Tested it and they seem to work fine however the terrain decals don't work
  5. Is there a way to stop statics from moving around slightly after a while? it gets annoying seeing a crawlerway piece not lined up and sunken into the ground
  6. I've set the quality preset to very high but godrays still don't show up I've even restarted my game and they are missing Edit: It just fixed itself randomly lol
  7. Ive noticed that the editor isn't showing up in my toolbar. Is it a seperate download?
  8. what part of the cfg do I edit to remove the smoke trail the engines make? Surfacefx and the smoke effect itself didn't do anything
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