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Everything posted by Natokerbal

  1. 13 hours. I was creating a KOS script for a fh mission. it took SOOOOOOOO long for the booster landing. It was a great pic though https://imgur.com/LOvAkPw
  2. uh only the making history suit changes. the stock EVA suit is the same for everyone.
  3. Tylo is kinda flat compared to other bodies. Also if ur orbiting through a canyon make sure it's VERY eliptical. The Mnn has a canyon near the equator but it's not straight like Dres.
  4. I wanna know what everyone listens to when they play ksp considering I've been listening to the stock music and it gets repetetive.
  5. yup it was rational resources. also I thought it was an expectation to have a log. thanks for the help
  6. well this is lovley https://drive.google.com/file/d/140-rQkIiotDQypdj04vc1LnqV9MoYflp/view?usp=sharing https://imgur.com/t3spPVZ
  7. How do I change terrain? I wanna flatten some land for a second KSC
  8. How do you get the modules to connect Do I just place RC on them or do I Berth them with an arm or something?
  9. They just need more texture variants.
  10. They are so off putting. there is only one all white tank and it is the only revamped fuel tank type to have only two variants. They literally are tubes. the 1.25 and 1.875 at least have some shape differential like pipes and stuff. they really need fixed.
  11. @AlphaMensae how do I use the New crew access arm for the FSS for the Dragon 2? where do I place it and what configs?
  12. Looks like BDB for the antennas and stock for the grey panels. Solar panels might be BDB or near future, possibly Tantares?
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