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Everything posted by Agustin

  1. I need smaller menus. Make them rezisable or something. Please... take into account poor people like me with small resoolution screens.... Menus occupy the enire screen.
  2. OK. what about transparency. can your sking have that? or maybe an option to change somme parameters? Also the x science menu looks weird and can't see clearly the numbers of science points for each experiment... Other from that, I like the Mod. Sorry for being a pain in the S.
  3. How do I change vessel in map view. Clicking just changes de focus view. Doubleclicking does nothing. I need a guide to understand the UI
  4. It would be greatt to be able to resize any menu, because there are some mods like PRINCIPIA that menues are too large and my screen doesn't have too much resolution... maybe an option to resize text and menues...
  5. should your recompile work in 1.3, in 1.3.1, or both?
  6. PLAYING WITH PRINCIPIA MOD..... ohhh it is so fun.... I think everyone should take a look at that Mod...
  7. Really in terms of CPU physics calculations, Move the slider right to the right end of the delta physics slider and that will help you a ton. You really can't tell the difference between the accuracy lost in the process. ANd it helps really too much for physics calculations. About graphics, it has to do more with the GPU and you have to search for the right custom settings. Play around with every setting, including on tyour GPU control panel outside the game. I play with SCIfi link posted above, and it is beautiful. Also I install Scatterer but disable terrain shadows, lower the water effects and I also downloaded a mod to limit my framerate, so ksp doesn't calculate more than it can render and makes more fps in the end. Try it out.
  8. I installed it yesterday and it runs smoothly on my fully modded ksp install. This MOD is greaaaaaat. My computer isn't that fast. Performance is not an issue.
  9. ok i HAVE INSTALLED AND TRIED TO GO TO THE MOON. This is awesome. But I need some understanding.Question: How can I make the menus smaller? I don't have too much resolution and can't see anything without being obstructed by the planning maneuvers editors. It would be great if I could choose the menu's definition and be able to size it according to my needs. Or maybe smaller menus for people like me with low resolution screens? Thanks in advanced, regardless there is a solution or not. Also, should I delete precision maneuvers, and better maneuvers and such mods? Also what about trajectories?
  10. this is too hard for me to understand.. But maybe can anybody help me? Does this mod work with fully modded ksp? Does this Mod changes physics, and does this gain better performance? Is it safe to install, or is it just for developers or something like that? thanks!
  11. If I have texture replace installed, do I have to copy the texture replace replaceed also, Or should I delete the other one....?
  12. I waited enough, and besides KER is showing 2.+ TWR I think it might be something about the engine. I tried with the most basic one and it did the job. Ok, what do you mean by it needing speed? for the air intake? how do I see these parameteres?
  13. It does not get stuck. it touches down and explodes.
  14. I use a jet engine on my VAB and KER tells me my rocket has 3.12 TWR. Then i Launch, it starts gaining thrust, and i left go the arm, and my ship goes down! KER is showing 3+ TWR. Is it a mistake from KER or am I understanding something wrong here?
  15. I love this I only miss scatterer water effects. Anyoone knows hot to disable everything in scatterer BUT the water effects?
  16. Hi, anyone knws how to disable everything but the water effets? I a using sci fi visual enhancements but it's too laggy. I just want the water effects fro scatterer. How can I do that in a simple eeasy way to explain?
  17. I wish this ring color could be last a little longer. it changes very quickly. aybe we could tell scatterer's developers...
  18. https://imgur.com/6FJfRX3 that's what I get
  19. How do you put an image directly, without link?
  20. These are different missions. But just taking nice pictures in the journey...
  21. Updated to 320 and it's beautiful. Even without all features activated, everything is way much better now. Especially water.
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