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Everything posted by Agustin

  1. Is this mod performance expensive? I would really love having this installed, but I can't get any less fps than I already have....
  2. You can hit ALT + 0 and then go to eve's clouds configurations and change some numbers. Scroll up in this thread and there's some messages concerning this kind of cloud configurations... Go to this thread there's a couple of comment on this.
  3. The part swith is neccessary for the Prodecural ones? Never mind, I had it installed nevertheless.. I guess from some parts mod.
  4. If I delete the entire file, Do MKS parts that work with El still exist? and what resources would those work on? THnaks for this.
  5. Does Kerbal Planetary base System break in any form this mod?
  6. Does this mod work well if I have USI /MKS and Extraplanetary Launchpads installed? (ksp 1.2.2) Does this break EL or something?
  7. To have it installed without toolbar, I need to install the version or the Because I downloaded the from Spacedock but it didn't seem to work. All my screens were in the boring black mode and buttons had no effect. Unless I have to put something to the ship or unlock any technology? It's my firs time using these IVA mods. I'm in 1.2.2
  8. I am pretty sure this is intentional. If I want it totally removed from the screen you can click the toolbar button with a sand.clock image on the right side of the screen.
  9. Can I install this without Toolbar? My ksp version is 1.2.2
  10. So.... I can build bases in other planets as well? say with the KerbinSide models available in its thread? I'm feeling excited.
  11. If KK latest version is installed,will this work in 1.2.2? These mods are great, specially along contract configurator and all those missions I get all around Kerbin. KSP stock is good. But KSP modded is GREAT! Thanks for this.
  12. This changed my game entirely! Thank you so much! I installed your contract packs and some other as well and I now have a lot of missions to do Ohhh... So glad I installed this... I also installed X science and similar things it changed everything. For the first time I am building and using planes and going all over kerbin.. Also using the timer mod. Sorry to post this nonsense... I am so grateful for all of you-
  13. This has nothing to do with ContractConfigurator, right? Is it okay to install both? Edit: Sorry for not reading. I see now I need it. Sorry!
  14. Does the last version of this mod work with latest version of infernal robotics? I read here and there that they were incompatible. Edit: I just want more missions about doing experiments in kerbin atmosphere or landed, because they disapear very quickly in career. Is this mod going to help me, or is there a simpler way I can get those early missions later?
  15. Updated to 1.2.2 and last updates on everything. Does Contract Configurator break this? I read there was an incompability and don't know if it was already fixed from here or from there...
  16. All right! Much much better! I'll just play with these numbers now until I get my best configuration, thank you so much. By the way everythings looks fantastic thank you for your effort in making Ksp look much beautiful. Even with my poorly GPU this looks really good. I am also using texture Replacer and everythings looks and works great.
  17. What things can I change about the volumetric clouds in order to make them less dense and get more performance? I already lowered the distance but it isn't enough I just want it to be less dense and letting not so little distance because that makes them dissapear abruptly. I am using the Low Resolution pack in SVE.
  18. What things can I change about the volumetric clouds in order to make them less dense and get more performance? I already lowered the distance but it isn't enough I just want it to be less dense and letting not so little distance because that makes them dissapear abruptly. I am using the Low Resolution pack.
  19. Is EVE requiered to run this mod? Or I just have to install this from stock 1.2.2 and everything shuold be okay?
  20. DOes 1.2.2 break my saved game from 1.2 in any way?
  21. Where can I see an updated review of this mod? A video or image album?
  22. Please make available. Does version 2.4 not work in 1.2.2?
  23. Oh dear.... This great mod and such a mess! I read all from page 64 and it is so difficult to understand you people... Quick question though. I am playing ksp 1.2 (not 1.2.1 nor 1.2.2) Should I install Ir finalCore 2.0.10 and Legacy parts 2.0.0 Or is this intended for 1.2.2? I have currently installed IR 2.0.8 and legacy parts I don't know for sure but I guess an older version. The things is, I havent'e noticed yet horrible bugs for the little things have used this mod. But I am afraid the driffting kraken breaks my rovers. Should I update these 2 mentioned at the begining? Also Why this is not being updated in the main 1st page? Is the developer working on updating this?
  24. Why does this mod come with so many folders? Are they all neccesary? IS B9PartSwitch neccesary? Aso what is .DS_Store ?
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