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Everything posted by Agustin

  1. I was just so mistaken. Don't listen to what I said because i has no sense. The only thing that SVT has difficult in Dx11 is on Kerbin. All other planets seem fine to me.
  2. I have i5 3330 (3.00Hz) 8gb RAM GT 720 2gb over 100 mods. And I mean, yeah, I can't install many parts mods, or visual mods, the first because of my ram, the second because of my graphics card, but the gtx 970 covers that, and parts pack aren't essential either... I still can have SSTU and some other minor parts installed, but yeah, maybe more RAM and there you go...
  3. you can run any game with that, not max, but pretty high... with that you can even install all the beautiful graphics mods for ksp as well, like EVE, scatterer, and the new TexturesUnlimited as well that makes shiny (METALLIC) and painted parts.
  4. I really don't care about the original colors. If it looks good, then make that default. That is at least my opinion...
  5. just follow instructiobns on Magic Smoke Industries Infernal RObotics thread.
  6. When Loading KSP, latest version of ModuleManager 3.0.0 gives me an error when loading? (nothing else seems to happen yet) and it points out to this file: \GameData\InterstellarFuelSwitch\PatchManager\CDT7Setups.cfg Anyone else having the same error? What should this mean? This is what it is inside that file: I think that It is calling for this InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/PluginData/CDT7Setups.cfg But there is no such file in that folder. There are only two files there. I redoanloaded IFS but it is the same.
  7. took my rover to Laythe (first time I come here)
  8. Maybe it is too soon, but I only see the source code, not the TexturesUnlimited zip to install... are you uploading yet? EDIT: Nevermind, the files are inside the source.. I am so noob.
  9. I am using DX11, and I can't reproduce because if I reload (f5 and f9) the errors dissapear. EDIT: I am testing and it happens whenever the bug wants it to happen. It seems very random and a quickload solves it. But it happens quite often
  10. I am trying but it's difficult. Recently I launched a rocket and everything was okay. Then I reverted to the VAB and launched again, and full of constant nullreference messages. I reverted back and launched again(exact thing I did before, seconds after launchnig) and the errors were not there anymore. Maybe I am in space and it starts to happen again with no aparent reason... Next time it happens I will save and try to make it reproducable or something
  11. I updated Texture Replacer Replaced and it still happens anyway. I'll try to do some testing and come back but I have this err logs for quite some time now... Sometimes it gets worse, sometimes it doesn't... Now I am playing and the ALT+F12 windoes is full of red messages saying exception null reference. In kspx64 folder there are these as well... This last time more than before... NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Renderer:set_enabled (bool) at scatterer.DisableEffectsForTextureReplacer.OnPreCull () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.Camera:Internal_RenderToCubemapRT(RenderTexture, Int32) UnityEngine.Camera:RenderToCubemap(RenderTexture, Int32) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:renderCubeFace(RenderTexture, Int32, Vector3, Int32, Single, Single) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:renderFace(RenderTexture, Int32, Vector3) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:updateReflections(Boolean) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:Update() (Filename: Line: -1)
  12. that intertank has no metallic shaders.... And I reinstalled to make sure Just read your reply. I totally understand. And I don't know exactly what .mu file is this. But that's ok anyways... if its normal then I am okay with it.
  13. I am having these. Is it normal? or is there something wrong with my install? And by playing yesterday I remember there were some 'parts' within 'parts' were not having any metallic textures... I could change color but metallic and glow did not load or somehing. Moving the sliders did nothing. i think it might have something to do with the ERR logs, right? I am using Textures Unlimited with PBR.
  14. i have lots of these: [EXC 18:15:14.273] NullReferenceException scatterer.DisableEffectsForTextureReplacer.OnPreCull () UnityEngine.Camera:RenderToCubemap(RenderTexture, Int32) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:renderCubeFace(RenderTexture, Int32, Vector3, Int32, Single, Single) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:renderFace(RenderTexture, Int32, Vector3) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:updateReflections(Boolean) KSPShaderTools.ReflectionManager:Update() KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/py8hy3j7hozherp/KSP LOG AGUSTIN.rar?dl=0
  15. thank you thank you thank you! Will test this now. Happy
  16. I had just completed the career save, and I was wandering this question very vividly in my mind. I clicked on All Acivity and there it was, second post. My question
  17. Rover VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bz2ec2aomldyxri/2017-11-30 13-19-23.flv?dl=0 EDITED: NOW IT WORKS (the video wasn't showing the whole screen)
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