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Everything posted by Agustin

  1. Done. I don't know how to get the modIncompablity tag, but I've already taken this info to those threads and made the github issues... I was just reporting all this to this thread because it's the one asking me to force DX11, and maybe some other folks are having/will have the same problem...
  2. OK, this mod is causing textures of SVT go like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjlgdj5q8kqx9lh/KSP.bmp?dl=0 on DX11. ANd I really need this fixed cause I want FAR installed (which I udnerstand uses ModularFlightINtegrator to work) and i want TexturesUnlimited New mod that works best on DX11. So please. anybody alive here who can work this out? To see what I am talking about, forceDx11 with ModularFlightIntegrator installed and SVT, you'll have those black lines like in the image linked. But WITHOUT ModularFlightIntegrator, textures are fine!
  3. I think it is ModularFLightIntegrator, because I just tested Ksp with it but without FAR, and I have the glitches... But for what I understand, modularFlightIntegrator is a dependency of FAR, so... I want Far and Textures UNlimited installed, both!
  4. I've narrowed it down to FAR or ModularFlightIntegrator (which in the OP says it is a requirement for FAR to work) It is braking DirectX11 textures when using SVT. SVT by itself works on DX 11, but when SVT and FAR is installed (with ModularFlightIntegratr as well as a dependency of FAR) SVT textures go like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjlgdj5q8kqx9lh/KSP.bmp?dl=0
  5. FAR or ModularFlightIntegrator (which in the OP says it is a requirement for FAR to work) is braking DirectX11 textures when using SVT. SVT by itself works on DX 11, but when SVT and FAR is installed (with ModularFlightIntegratr as well as a dependency of FAR) SVT textures go like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjlgdj5q8kqx9lh/KSP.bmp?dl=0 I didn't realize MFI is a requirement for Kopernicus. Although what I have found s that the glitches only occur on kerbin, so I can run DX11 and SVT on all planets except Kerbin jhhahah Also, Auroras had the same problem in my game, the stripes. And I fixed it by lowering the DetailScale factor from 1 to 0.1
  6. I KNOw I am not the only one having issues with Dx11 and SVT textures glitches. I've seen images with the same problem as me.What I am seeing now (by trial and error) is that such glitches occur somehow (I haven't determined it yet) with a conflict woth another mod. I have like 100 mods so I am narrowing it util I will know who is causing these glitches... hopefully, so I can play with DX11 finally... TRYING DX 11: To the left, My highly modded ksp 1.3.1 TERRAIN GLITCHES To theRight, my TEST KSP... NOT GLITCHES
  7. I had tried using dx 11, but SVT doesn't like it (textures lines all across the terrain) I reinstalled and everything seems to work properly now. I guess I must have broken something before... I have uninstalled SVT to see if things changed on dx11 but I have some shadow glitches on the KSC. I think it may be something on my GPU that doesn't like it maybe, r I don't know so I downgraded again to Dx9 and I think everything seems to work as intended. Sorry for taking so long on my feedback. EDIT: I think those problems with DX11 are related to other mod interfering or something, I am doing some trial and errors to see what's causing what, although I am not expert. Also: Should I delete planetShine? Because in the OP it says TU supports it already...
  8. It is all reflections, not only those solar panels. they are big and plane, so they are easy to see what's going on I guess
  9. In the spirit of collaboration, may I ask why my solar panel's reflections seem to be in the opposite direction? It should reflect the dark of the night, or maybe even better the stars behind.... Maybe it's a known limitation, or planned fix, or maybe my installation is broken, or ultimately I just found a glitch... You know, it's upside down or something... The dark side of the sky is reflected when I look fro below: BHasically reflections see to be upside down in my modded install..
  10. rasterPropMonitor and aset Iva's gives you hours of IVA gameplay and immersion
  11. Can you make your parts configs for this?
  12. I am not puting anything on the end of my ksp exe to change the driver to gl 11 or anything. I am seeing everything okay... So I don't understand the warning in the OP. This is amazing and my mid end pc doesn't even blink with this installed. Ksp is looking much nicer every day... Now I want a new graphics card for that clouds.... ( although I play with them installed anyways but low fps ) Anyway, Just want to pass by and say thank you so much for sharing this with everyone this is unbelievable. I really am super excited to play with this much level of inmersion in my KSP universe...
  13. Can I install it but atke away Kerbin and leave the rest? How can I delete Kerbin's textures
  14. I was out of fuel, so I pushed my ship with my Kerbal: Then my mission was completed successfully... Then this is a random picture that I like
  15. What do you mean by: "signal strength decay when connected to a relay is wrong, so green, yellow and orange circle are not properly scaled. " ?
  16. Or you could just download and replace this DLL done by ElectroStar https://www.dropbox.com/s/2hm12n0tvo0r07e/RealChute.dll?dl=0 more info here: https://github.com/StupidChris/RealChute/pull/73
  17. I am having some really fps killers null reference messages from FAR. Here is the LOG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lq9jcl4o4m72yiw/KSP.rar?dl=0 Also, Some other weird kraken excrements started to come, like visual flashlights on map view and terrain glitches, then reloaded a quick save, and the scroll of the camera was working the other way around. (?) I'll keep on trying and edit the post with more info... I removed trajectories and I didn't have the problem again. I think there is something between both that is breaking something or maybe it's my faulty install I don't know.
  18. where is that cfg patch that adds kerbin side runways info to the nav utilities mod? EDIT: Nevermind, found them on navUtilities Continued thread.
  19. I have to do something to change direct9 to dx11 or opengl? Although textures did go wrong last timme I touched something about that....
  20. I love how the stock camera in flight can go so far away. Would it be so difficult to go even further a bit with some easy plugin? Just a little more and I can see all earth and that would be glorious....
  21. Does this https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases work for 1.3 also? Or is it just for 1.3.1?
  22. No FAR? weird.. It adds so much to the game...
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