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Everything posted by TachyonGMZ

  1. So if I use GC I wont need EL? If I dont want to use that and only care about life support then is the mod a lot simpler than advertised?
  2. So if I dont have ose or el (what is GC?) It dont need to care about the other stuff? the only options I have are to not need machinery. How would I go about turning off habitation requirements.
  3. so what is the point of all these parts then if they have supplies from simple USI functionality? does hab value matter a lot? Do all the resources from MKS all culminate on turning gypsum into fertiliser because that makes it sound simple but I know that it is all very complicated.
  4. Oh. I mean self sustainable at least even if it requires mining. I know that mks is very in depth but I am confused as what makes it so much more complicated than USI ls. In USI you have to manage a lot of resources but in MKS there are a lot more. What are these all for? Are they all for converting into basic supplies? Also do you know if I can use snacks and completely ignore the functionality of these parts. Will the emergency hab modules fill with snacks if I were to deploy them?
  5. Is there a way to use USI life support as it acts without MKS so it is easy to make a closed loop but still have the MKS parts? If I use this with snacks will it then just act as parts as it will not interact with life support?
  6. 8gb which is not a lot but with only kopernicus, kss basic, kss kerbol expanded, module manager and modular flight integrator on a completely new install as a tet i would expect that to be a problem. In 1.3.1
  7. I have figured out the answer to my last post after playing with it for a while but now I ask why the ground sams and fobs spawn upside down or tipped over. I am using sigma 3.2x rescale and 1.3.1 so I wonder if they flip because they spawn underground or if it is just because I am in 1.3.1. The planes appear to be fine right after they pull up last second from the ground .
  8. KSP hangs when its about to load into the main menu. It only happens with this installed do you know why? There are no logs as it doesnt crash. I've left it for 30 mins and then had to manually close it. It has happened four times.
  9. There a displays in the cockpits which looks like they should use raster prop monitor but nothing is on them.
  10. Are there waypoints for the aircraft locations and do they spawn anywhere so i can use kerbinside with it?
  11. Is there a version suited to 6.4x sigma rescale? Maybe a config file? Is there a way to do it myself if not? Lastly I have noticed that kerbinside campus in the ckan download appears to not have light towers around the ksc like the screenshot.
  12. Sorry about that. I've just realized I installed it wrong. I was overwriting files in sstu and did not realize that you had to put the folder in game data. It is working properly now and it's great.
  13. When using this with the SSTU mod the F1 engine and two other engines (sorry i do not know the exact names) are completely black.
  14. I know this is a bit off topic since this is on a mod thread but since you guys seem to know about planet packs and ram, do you think that using just stock planets with scatterer or EVE will be a lot less than a planet pack with it? A more on topic question. Is MKS lite still a thing?
  15. What is FTT and what about the malemute. I have played with around 92 ram before for and hour and a half without a crash. Oh freight transport technologies I see. What would you reccomend removing the most if ram is an issue. Galileo planet pack? Do you thing I could get away with just removing EVE?
  16. I am using USI LS but ive noticed that after about 15 minutes I crash. This has only happened once but I am not sure why. Did not happen until I installed MKS and Infernal Robotics. I installed them at the same time so I am not sure which one. I do not see the orca cockpit anywhere where should it be? Does the malemute come bundled or do i install it separately.
  17. So is there a way to get 100 percent closed loop in orbit and on surface. If only on the surface can you use karbonite?
  18. I have removed the scatterer folder after installing gpp via CKAN and memory is fine. The clouds are still there so that is good. Can't wait to start career now that i've sorted everything else. If I were to add opm would memory increase a lot? Also what are the low and high cloud texture resolutions?
  19. When I asked to make a version without Grannus I meant just adding it as an extra option to remove grannus as i assumed that you could remove it with a config but obviously i don't actually know how hard it would be to add and remove. I have updated my GPP to 1.5.8 as i was using CKAN and that has fixed it though unfortunatly i stopped using it due to memory issues which is not your fault. Is there a way to remove scatterer or use lower textures on the ckan version. I see that there are cloud options but are there terrain or any other choices?
  20. Can you make a version without Grannus? I cant use this pack at the moment because scatterer does not work properly causing the ground, ksc and rockets to be in constant shadow. These are not my images and the issue for this person was caused by the star in extrasolar but it is the exact same problem. https://imgur.com/a/ytagI
  21. I have installed the base mod and the patch but the engines are constantly deployed. I have tried with and without animations and currently use deployable engines. I have read previous posts but I am still not clear on where things go. RScapsuledyne goes in gamedata but do the contents of Taurus continued go into RS capsuledyne or does Taurus continued go into gamedata as a separate folder.
  22. For some reason all of the planes are not controllable in the atmosphere. Are they supposed to be like that or should they have control surfaces? I have installed all dependencies.
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