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Everything posted by TachyonGMZ

  1. Is there good enough shielding on the parts normally to enter duna without burning up? I think it sounds sensible considering it is a horizontal base and it would have more drag entering like that. The meerkat engines with a hole in the heatshield for example for propulsive landing. I suggested it since on the original thread I think I saw it say that it was in future plans.
  2. @linuxgurugamer Only Kal and farscape (I think that's it) have patches available with patch manager.
  3. I did install gameslinx manually and tested with and without rescale. I know you dont like me mentioning ckan I was just saying that I repeated the test using ckan after doing it manually, couldnt resist.
  4. Due to the close to stock nature of this pack is it low RAM? I cannot use packs like gameslinx or galileo because the ram use in ksp goes into the 5000mb range.
  5. I get the could not load issue when using this with sigma rescale ckan or manual. Works fine when not rescaling. Is before kerbin compatible with 1.3.1 as it only says 1.3.0. I know this is the gameslinx planet overhaul thread but since i'm here I may as well ask.
  6. The engine tweaks, enginetweaksfx and monoprop options in the hcv taurus partches are not working when I remove the disable at the end. Have you changed how it's supposed to be done?
  7. Is this compatible with sigma rescale? When I installed this on a completely new install with ckan it worked fine. When I installed it manually on modded I got th could not load custom planet error and now i'm getting it again.
  8. Would you be able to make a gojira passenger and cargo command module texture option without the heat shield so they can be added to other parts and not just the premade fuel tanks?
  9. On the engine with the two modes for the gojira launcher the gimbals are swapped. In the landing mode there is no gimbal as only the outer gimbal works, I think the center ones are supposed to gimbal not the outer ones. Don't worry damonvv, as much as I nitpick I still love this mod and others do too.
  10. Can you stack lets say 5 diy kits and choose what they are and save it as a ship then make a diy kit that build the diy stack so you get 5 diy kits out of one?
  11. @GameslinxI'm not trying to target you but why do you hate ckan? I notice many mod authors dislike it aswell, Why is this?
  12. As far as the lander being hard to control that is mostly in atmospheres and can be soleved by using both horizontal and vertical thrusters at once or not going full thrust. It says this mod is compatible with USI LS but i see no supplies in the ships.
  13. 8gb computer ram or ksp taking up 8gb? Is galileos planet pack easy on ram compared to this?
  14. I have tried this on 1.3.1 with only kss basic, kerbol system expanded, kopernicus, module manager and modular flight integrator but the game loads and hangs right before loading, as it usually does but I have left this for 30 minutes and nothing happens. It doesnt crash but I dont expect it to do anything after waiting that long.
  15. When I install this via ckan it says kopernicus couldn't load the custom planet pack.
  16. @GameslinxIn before kerbin video you made a plane landed in shallow water what planet was that. Are there any other planets with water areas shallow enough for an interstellar type water landing?
  17. I don't see any rings around oluum like in the screenshots although it is glowing. Are there any 2k textures for planets as I don't want to quarter res and sacrifice even more visuals.
  18. @damonvv Sorry to complain again but could you make the gojira stack decoupler be staged because at the moment it is not counted as a decoupler in the staging sequence.
  19. @Thrimm Even though they have changed the design do you think this will still work in 1.3.1? If it does is there a way to increase the reaction wheel power as I am not a fan of dealing with rcs. Because they changed the design it makes this feel like it fits more in ksp because it is no longer 'real'.
  20. @damonvv I use smurff to make stock parts work in rescale It decreases tank and fuel weight I think and I wanted to know if a lower mass would make it harder to reenter properly. Is it supposed to go tailfirst in real life? Do you plan on USI life support or any life support recycling compatibility?
  21. @damonvv The plume looks like the stock teardrop plume shape even though I have realplume installed. Is that due to using ckan? How am I supposed to realistically reenter the bfr in duna's atmosphere. I am currently using 6.4x rescale and smurff do you think lowering the mass from smurff has made it harder to turn due to it being lighter so its weight cant push through the air? When I hyperedit to duna orbit the ground looks jagged like it isnt loading properly. I know that is nothing to do with you but I was wondering if you knew why, is it due to hyperediting so fast it cant load fast enough?
  22. Will the gojira/BFR have better gimballing and stronger reaction wheels wo It can actually land on duna? At the moment it is impossible to flip around even with rcs as the gimbal is not strong enough. Will it have realplume at some point?
  23. Does this work with sigma rescale because the star seems very close to the other planets so it feels like an extra planet instead of a star (with opm 6.4x rescale). The planets orbiting are so close together they are nearly like moons.
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