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Everything posted by zanie420

  1. Doing Dres right now, after upgrading the VAB for the Moho return. I upgraded the launchpad for the Dres landing. At the very last moment before burning back to Kerbin with TONS of excess deltaV, I decided to divert to Gilly instead since an Eve window is currently open. Returning home with 2 upgrades will help and I won't have to use any deltaV later on Gilly in my Eve mission! @5thHorseman, I watched all your videos and bow humbly to your production quality. It must be excruciating to watch mine and I appologize
  2. Same for me with Munless Night remember?!? I did most of that one in 3 days. I might be able to pull this challenge off by tomorrow. I landed on Dres last night. I need to do the commentary for my video showing my return from Duna, as well as landing and returning from Moho before uploading it today. They keeping coming in around 45mins long, even with the video speed up 5x. I am not good at cutting out what needs cutting. I guess I figure people can just fast forward.....
  3. Part 3 uploading today. Got Jeb home from Duna, with a lot of science, and upgraded R&D, so I could get the nukes. Nearly filled out the tech tree. Landed Bob on Moho, but used JUST slightly too much fuel getting there and did not have enough to get back without doing a gravity assist at Eve and adding a few years to the return trip. Decided to send Jeb out with spare fuel to rescue him. It was much easier after landing Bob, upgrading mission control, and being able to plan maneuvers! Returned to Kerbin with both Kerbals and tons of Moho science! Contemplating next upgrade....
  4. Got to Ike and Duna! For Ike I upgraded the Astronaut Complex to get EVAs, so Jeb could reset instruments, and of course walk around on Ike and Duna. After landing on Duna I upgraded the Tracking Center to finally have conics! Not sure if I want to return Jeb home, or exploit the very close Moho and Eve windows.... that will be next video
  5. @jonny and @ManEatingApe, how the hell did you both pull off a Duna intercept without conics? Thanks for making it seem so simple! I spent literally all day yesterday attempting this over and over without success. I fear I am misunderstanding something fundamental. I am using the transfer window planner mod, which provides a visual reference, to setup the phase angle and depart at the correct ejection angle. However when I advance time, I never seem to be within Duna's SOI. This is soooooooooooo frustrating! EDIT: I did it! What I was doing was messing up my mid course correction burn. For some reason it is kind of anit-intuitive to me. I was arriving too early. After reading up some, I realized I need to burn retro and radial to correct for that. After slipping past my first intercept today, I learned you have to patiently wait for closest approach and not warp over it.... which I think I may have been doing ALL DAY YESTERDAY!!!!!
  6. Man, video editing is tough. Kerbin SOI complete. Next video, I will be taking the launchpad upgrade. Need to futz around the KSC and grab all the science so I can fill out the rest of the 90point tier.
  7. @5thHorseman, what is considered a landing? Can I crash a probe on the Mun and Minmus to get my first upgrade?
  8. Oh helll... when you throw the gauntlet THAT way.....challenge accepted I will endeavor to make a better cut video this time, perhaps with music and commentary, it was my first ever.... and first shuttle designed for that matter. Look for it in a few hours. Thanks for the badges, I covet them all.
  9. Here is my mission log, getting the Mullet Dyne fuel pod up, my first video included: @michal.don, I noticed that the RCS on the MulletDyne pod is all disabled. Is this on purpose? To complete the return challenge, are we not allowed to control the pod's RCS?
  10. Original challenge thread: KSP version 1.3, mods used [X] Science BetterBurnTime Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux MechJeb2 Precise Node Transfer Window Planner First flight, getting the Mullet Dyne Fuel Pod into orbit and landing on the runway https://youtu.be/-zuHT4PHfFY
  11. Where can I see this? All your albums are missing
  12. Made it to Gilly finally http://imgur.com/a/KyXOJ The only Kerbin body I haven't visited is Eeloo now
  13. @boolybooly Maybe I misunderstood the Utilitarial Distiction definition. Was I suppose to take ore with me to Gilly as well as return with the load I mined while there? At the very least I should get the Astrokerbal Distinction, right?
  14. Yes, grinding tourists contracts is tedious. I believe this exploit of turning ore to monoprop on the launchpad/runway is still a viable way to make funds quickly. Of course you need funds to build the rig in the first place It's not cheating it they developed it that way...... right? Besides, an Eve ship is ridiculously expensive. The learning curve with spaceplane piloting was a steep one for me, but in the long run soooooooo rewarding. Coming back to Kerbin with some fuel/ore left, is even better. Kraken be praised. I am going to go through everything I can find from your current run, and figure out if I want to take another stab at Munless Night combined with Caveman Evolved, perhaps on moderate with no reverts/respawning starting this morning. But that means attempting to get to Duna, at the first window, without conics or maneuvers..... all with a level 1 pilot. I am unsure this is within my capability. I need to see how someone better skilled than I has accomplished it.
  15. Shame on me for not reading everything and thinking I could just claim a badge I humbly submit my redesigned craft affectionately dubbed Klementine. Here is my imgur album of a mission launching from Kerbin to Gilly, filling the ore tanks (600), and returning to Kerbin fully intact! KSP 1.3 mods: [X] Science BetterBurnTime Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux MechJeb2 Precise Node Transfer Window Planner http://imgur.com/gallery/KyXOJ
  16. I have decided to make this my next challenge This insomniac stay at home father chooses to hinder himself in career mode, and go to the Mun, and do the others things..... because, yeah actually it is harder isn't it? @Jetski what happened to your albums or mission log? I was hoping to revisit the only current finisher for ideas. @5thHorseman just saying upfront that I totally plan to copy your initial 3 missions, as I see no better way to do it. Highly impressive. I would like to clarify that you feel the best strategy, would be to get to Duna/Ike before Mun/Minmus? I would love to give this a try, and have shown my willingness to completely ignore Kerbin's moons previously LOL. Also, I am eager to see your videos. I am thinking of doing some recording myself. Nobody seems to want the huge imgur albums @Tattiebogle I tip my hat to you. You are making me seriously consider my difficulty level before starting @Physics Student that is truly a beautiful craft. I am going to need to examine your designs as well if I am going to be forced to assemble in space as this challenge does require @jonny you also make me want to combine this with another run at Munless night, since my goal would be to get to Duna/Ike first. Man it seems daunting however
  17. I would like to submit the Mk2 spaceplane I used in my recent Jool5 run. http://imgur.com/ScSlQcB
  18. Excellent news! I appreciate the effort it took to look through my entire mission album, being about 300 images! I will proudly claim my badges now that I have your ruling Is there a different badge for low mass? Just curious. I look forward to seeing my name on the leader board as well. Thanks again @sdj64
  19. I could send you the craft file. Thanks, it was a LOT of trial and error over about a week. I had to give up on landing at Tylo with a Mk 2 plane. I could just NOT get enough oxidizer with that form factor to get TWR good enough on stock engines. I BARELY did it with Vall! I eagerly await a ruling from @sdj64, hoping to claim the Jool5 accomplished and low cost contender badges soon! I have yet to make it to Eeloo or Gilly. I think I will do a grand tour next. Will need to come up with an Eve strategy, or just use this: https://kerbalx.com/KergarinAerospace/Kergarin-Aerospace---Omega
  20. NICE!!! Hey @Jetski, I finally made it to Jool http://imgur.com/a/zBDPE
  21. @sdj64here is my mission log for my run at Jeb level with low mass and cost
  22. Orginal challenge topic: KSP version 1.3, mods used for 'stock' category (preapproved) [X] Science BetterBurnTime Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux MechJeb2 Precise Node Transfer Window Planner SSTO with IRSU, single launch Crew: Jeb, Val, Bill, Bob, and Sam (room for 1 more) Vessel mass was 53,139 kg at a cost of $111,869 funds Imgur album seems not to be embedding correctly, here is the link http://imgur.com/a/zBDPE Mission synopsis: Launched from KSP runway and achieved LKO using rapiers Transfered to Minmus using LV-N, landed and refueled Waited for Jool window, used return to Kerbin to kick out to Jool encounter Jool science acquired Tylo gravity assist to Bop, Tylo science acquired Landed on Bop, refueled several times jumping about the biomes and collecting all the science, planted flag Transferred to Tylo, lowered orbit to 8km, Val used disposable lander, surfaced, got reports, planted flag, almost got back to orbit, finished with EVA prop Rendezvous and rescued Val, transferred to Laythe aerocapture, landed and refueled several times collecting science from island biomes, planted flag Transferred to Pol, landed and refueled several times jumping about the biomes and collecting all the science, planted flag Transferred to Vall, landed and refueled several times, collecting science from 6 biomes, planted flag Launched with full oxidizer load and got to orbit, transferred to circular orbit of Jool, transferred to Kerbin aerocapture, landed on Kerbin
  23. @sdj64, can you clear this vessel for the challenge for me please? Here is the list of mods I want to use in my 'stock' run: [X] Science BetterBurnTime Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux MechJeb2 Precise Node Transfer Window Planner
  24. Before I attempt this endeavor I would just like some clarification please. As no one has completed this challenge at Jeb's level, that is what I intend to try. What I need to know is: To attain Jeb's level, I need a minimum of 5 unique landings with different Kerbals AND collect science, which gives me a score? So this needs to be a career game correct, or am I missing something? Would it be modding to use something like [X]Science! to help keep track of experiments accomplished? Since it really has no more advantage over assigning action groups to science equipment and using the data storage to collect all? Thanks! Having just completed my first challenge (thanks @Jetski), I want to be sure I start this one with a well thought out strategy
  25. Excellent! Getting an MPL in Kerbol orbit early was an idea I abandoned. I thought about pushing my existing one out of Kerbin's SOI with another ship, but it was too valuable in LKO by that point in my strategy of returning with interplanetary science to process. I await seeing how you pull it off. I thought about using [X]Science! as I have in modded playthroughs.... it would indeed have helped with all my running about in the space center! I kept thinking the button with there and trying to hit it
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