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Everything posted by zanie420

  1. @The Destroyer, I don't think the required mod list is complete. I still am missing parts after installing NFE. However I can now open the y-4, z-2, and z-7. Attempting to load z-6 and I get:
  2. @The Destroyer could you list the necessary mods? I seem to be missing parts....
  3. Excellent, I learn so much better by example and hope to pick your brain a little. Stay warm! I seem not to be able to re-create this...
  4. When are you giving up those sweet, sweet, .craft file? Hmmmmm?
  5. I swear I looked for this as a known issue first! Wow, I didn't even try to launch something, my bad...... That's so weird. Go to the VAB, get in a vessel, launch, and it's daytime??? Land, recover vessel, and it's night again??? LMAO Ok, I will try out some planet packs and installing KSPI-E and see how it goes. I am truly ONLY trying to be helpful and contribute.
  6. @The Destroyer, I second @FreeThinker. I am willing to help too. I have the determination, the time, and the inclination. I just need direction. There is a definite need and demand for a decent video guide that can be maintained and updated. As for making needed parts, I will run through some Blender tutorials. Any other tools I should learn?
  7. Unzipped to C:\temp\KSP_win64. I ONLY have Kopernicus, Module Manager, and ModularFlightIntegrator installed. output_log.txt : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8elKyUaZnFfQlpzNnQ1by1IZjQ ModuleManager.ConfigCache : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8elKyUaZnFfSFZNdGJIWU9Sc2M Logs folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8elKyUaZnFfVFlnM3BMMTU5QTQ Screenshot of Gamedata folder
  8. @Sigma88I can reproduce the issue within a clean install, with only GN and it's requirements. Please tell me what logs to provide you.
  9. Indeed I did see the aforementioned orange script and that is what prompted me to uninstall HETTN to see the effect. I thought you, @Probus, and @FreeThinkerhad recently figured out how to make your mods play nicely together It is highly likely that I misunderstood . KSPI-E is dependent on CTT, while I don't think that ETT has to have it. @Nertea recently updated CTT, if that make a difference.
  10. @ev0, I uninstalled HETTN and now my tree looks normal
  11. Thanks for responding @ev0 I wasn't sure how to add the text files, and didn't want to post the entire output in this post. So I hope links to my google drive are ok.... Mods list: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8elKyUaZnFfS0ZJSUxxTGp4LUU Output_log.txt https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8elKyUaZnFfQlpzNnQ1by1IZjQ edit: maybe drive is having issues? I logged out and tried to test the links and they don't resolve. It there another suggestion for sharing the output_log.txt. It's too big for pastebin edit2: must just be me, had some user in IRC successfully try the links and they work.... weird
  12. @Freethinker this is perplexing me. I know I have transmitted power with this setup before. Each time I switch to the relays, they are full on mega-joules, but start to slowly dwindle to nothing. But I can switch to another focus, then back to that relay quickly and it is fully charged again. No matter what wavelength I try, I cannot get a receiver to connect. I notice that at the top of my screen, each time I switch vessels, it is saying Activating Transmitter or Microwave Receiver activates.... as if they were not active while not focused on? edit: I decided to see if I designed my relays incorrectly, and I had forgotten radiators. However this didn't really solve the issue of no connection. I decided to build a new relay out of completely different parts. On the launchpad, with the sun in view, I am able to receive power with the folding gold dish, as opposed to the transceiver arrays and transducer I have in orbit within line of sight of the transmitter. I am suspecting that the computer core, which I used as the root part on my existing relays, is sucking away the mega-joules....
  13. Ok, tell me what to send you other than screenshots. I just unzipped the installed from the KSP homepage, installed Kopernicus, Module Manager, and ModularFlightIntegrator via CKAN, unzipped Galactic-Neighborhood.v0.3.1.zip to the temp install folder overwriting the Gamedata folder. I start a new sandbox game and it is initially sunny, by goes dark. I can see Kerbin in the tracking center however. It's still perpetually night on the surface of Kerbin. The Sun never comes up at KSC at any time warp. I could send a clip....
  14. Tried GN again and Kerbin is still 'cloaked'. However it did move the Origins planets to another star. Any ideas @Sigma88
  15. Well, I just installed it again, started a new career called ETT and it works now. It must have been a conflict with another mod? I swear I had it isolated, I apologize. Has the tree changed? Maybe I added mods and thus new nodes, but I have lines on top of lines! Looks like a spiderweb.
  16. It's your craft sir! From the file you provided earlier in this thread. I had it working before, when we identified the bug with wavelengths
  17. Hmmmm.... my solar station seems not to be transmitting power unless it is the active vessel. Seems like the transmitter is not activated until I fly the ship? My relays are not connecting when I switch to them, however they do seem to have charged up on mega-joules while I had the station active.... what am I missing?
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