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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. Yes @Minwaabi I find that Dang It becomes very enjoyable when you fiddle with the settings. Failure rates can be tweaked there, and by category too. The settings can be reached by 'esc' and clicking the difficulty options button; the settings will be there along with the other mods.
  2. I think I was addressing the OP, not your argument. You were having a (heated) discussion with another guy, not me. I have no stake on what you were arguing either.
  3. This thread's main argument has the same moral span than suggesting there should be no graphics settings; people just can go out and buy suitable computers instead. Not trying to be anti-dialogue here, but really, this whole discussion is a non-starter. Removing settings for the sake of the game being ''better'? Imagine the outcry! The developer would eventually go about saying "I MADE A HUGE MISTAKE" (again, in GOB Bluth's voice).
  4. Yep. It is also not called Kerbal Clicking Program. Maybe we should do away with mouse interfacing altogether then! I love it when people take what they feel is best for them and try to make in mandatory for everybody else. This whole thread is silly; are we really discussing the idea that every single tweakable has to delegated to the modding community? "COME ON!" (in GOB Bluth's voice)
  5. I am a little surprised to see all the reported issues. It is working just fine for me! I got my install from CKAN, I know it is not popular but it does got all the dependencies right. Maybe it is a matter of incorrect dependency installation?
  6. Tantares got PINNED?! What happened, has it gotten such a recognition that it is now .... cannonic or somethig? Semi-stock?
  7. This sure is one cool mod. I am specially glad it dialogues well with my fav LS mod, TAC.. Great to see this updated.
  8. In the first minutes of the flight the lights are going to be there, reds and white pointing in the correct angle. Then sometime later not; and later on in the same flight they disapear alltogether; further on they appear in the wrong facing etc But forget it for now; I will reinstall it and report again. Reinstalled. This happened: 1 - Viewing from the KSC it seems fine. But during a flight, it start allright but then change. Taking off and gaining a distance from the runway you can still see them, but then they disappear, and even though running back into the runway and completing a landing, I never saw them again. 2 - I had changed the glideslope and the tolerance during the flight (is that it?). Was landing, they were gone... then I clicked 'reset config' (or whatever that is) and ... well, they appeared again, but again seeing from the back (that is, I saw the lights on the farther header, so, wrong). 3 - Finish flight, recover the craft, go back to KSP view... and the lights are back on. I will be sending my log. A question: is there a necessary relation between the glideslope and the tolerance? I set mine to 5 degrees GS, and a wide array of tolerances - 1.5, 3, 5 ... did no difference.
  9. Sorry Linux. Well, they appear unbiasedly in KSC view and flight view. They glitch in flight view certainly. I deleted it, thinking maybe a fresh install would do it (also, it was from CKAN. I will try to get it from github to see if it makes a difference). Will do so and, if the problem persists, log will follow.
  10. Yes it is weird for me too. The issue I reported seems fixed (the saved changed settings remain changed) but the lights do not seem to appear where they should. And it is a fluctuating issue too; at one time it was fine, then it disappeared, then (and this is the weirdest) they appeared backwards, meaning, i saw the lights at the wrong end of the runway - i.o.w., the ones on the closer header didn't appear, but I could see the ones on the farthest header.
  11. I love those memory helpers. Like "dead foot", dead engine. Seems naive and obvious, until you verify how many accidents happen because the pilot killed the wrong engine.
  12. Thanks linux. By the way, saving settings during a flight does not seem to work, it doesn't matter what I do and next flight it will be back to the original setting (3 degrees glidepath, 1.5 degrees deviation). I went directly into the config and changed it there to have a permanent alteration.
  13. What a great mod @Angel-125. Comets are such a 'common' space feature, it is odd that Squad didn't want to implement them. Besides the challenge of a very hard rendezvous, what else can comets be used for/with? They generate more science when compared to normal asteroids? They should, me thinks; besides it is a good way to reward the difficulty of approaching them.
  14. One thing I never understood about PAPI lights, where exactly is the exact glidepath? Is it where I get two reds and two whites?
  15. It would seem you are using ... what, the SM Marine boat parts pack? I thought those mods were incompatible with more recent KSP versions.Are they really? I miss building boats and those were the only decent modular ship parts available.
  16. Be sure not to config it as a command pod. That way you can turn it 180 degrees to have a front-facing passenger seat, and it will not invert the control orientation when you cycle throug the kerbals.
  17. A wise move. That thing looks cool but without actually firing, its just cosmetic. I'd loose it in a jiffy if it means mantaining the main parts.
  18. Yeah I actually have like +1500 hours in this game, and that is exactly the reason I went for the "first missions" part initially to enjoy your mod, but wouldn't ever do it again in a second time in another savegame. What I am trying to say is, your mod has good potential to replace the 'exploration' stock missions altogether, that is how good it is. But it would be nice to have an option not to have to go through again, every time, the initial 'test this, test that' missions. Well, as I said, it's enough to autocomplete them all with alt+12. I would sure redo all of this mod in every single new fresh career I start.
  19. Always great to see bugs being fleshed out.
  20. @garwel I updated, loaded a previous savegame, went into the difficulty settings, checked "training" (which was unchecked). That is enough for fully enabling the new features in an old savegame, right? The "train" button appeared in the VAB as it was supposed to. But after a 40 days training period in my first experience with the new update, idk, it seems nothing changed. It was a small one-crewed capsule, Valentina was supposed to endure 9 days on it, after training it remained in 9 days. Is training only worthwhile on larger vessels?
  21. @General Apocalypse your mod is great! It sure provides a much more enjoyable path than the career mode 'explore this' and 'explore that' missions. Still, are you accepting suggestions? After going through like 1/3 of the way through most missions, starting a new savegame (for unrelated reasons), going 1/2 of the way yet again, creating a new savegame again (again for unrelated issues), it quickly becomes boring to go through the "first missions" part of the mission pack all over again. I loved it the first time; I think it was GREAT, nicely conceived, great to give this feel of progression... but after a while you just want to jump into the more meaty missions. I ended up just alt+12-ing my way out of the 'first missions' section. Maybe there could be a single mission right at the beginning where, when completed, unlocked the rest in the same way that the last mission in 'first missions' unlocks the others. Or something like that, perhaps a separate config which starts directly on the second section, or maybe even a separate download.
  22. I am kermancutus, of borg. Resistance is futile.
  23. Same here. It's too bad too, it kinda still works but it sure is hard to use. EDIT: the rotating camera is affected too. EDIT2: I have tried the 'hullcam' mod, and it seems to be working as usual/intended. It works a little differently though.
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