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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. @linuxgurugamer can I use this as an auto-trim, i.e., as the fly-by-wire in atmospheric autopilot? Say, I click a button and it tries to keep a straight flight, to the limit of the control surface's authority?
  2. Possibly a good point. However this is not real life, allowing for some broader, looser depictions, wouldn't you agree? KSP is a colorful, loose thing so I allowed myself to do them like that. It is optional anyway so I imagine I or anybody else can go nuts as they may see fit. In any case, doing what you say would probably result in a very bland group of ribbons. Realistic as it may turn out, it would probably not fit the game overall feel. Anyway, Custom Ribbons can be done by anyone: try developing one such pack following your knowledge of ribbons and lets see how it turns out! Finally: my grandfather fought in Italy during ww2 and he has a bronze star medal, amongst other medals. This one hiwever comes with the proper medal, the ribbon as you describe and a third thing: a small metal button, around 1cm wide with a sort of cuff behind it. What was it for? EDIT: let me explain a little better. It is actually the same as the ribbon, however much smaller and made of metal. Where was it supposed to.be used? Is it a lapel pin?
  3. You most certainly have to place your main landing gear closer to your CoM. Actually, right below it, then offset it just a little so that it falls toward your smaller steering wheel, which is not there to support weight but rather just to steer. In your design, it is pretty clear that pitching upwards must be really hard with that design. Besides, look how close to the wheels your elevator is! A tough angle to pivot on. In any case, remember that lift is also a consideration. Is your craft too heavy for those tiny wings? Conversely, does it fly fast enough to generate the necessary lift? Lift pushes upwards while weight pushes downwards; more speed generates more lift; wheels on the ground generate drag; so you must come to a situation where your maximum land speed provides enough lift to surpass the weight. Not all designs allow for that, hence, they fail. I play with F.A.R., a mod that makes aircraft design more realistic (and difficult), and I promise that plane there would never fly with FAR enabled!
  4. Some mods will give you more to 'grab' with, like magnets etc.
  5. In my 1000+ hours of KSP, I have only seen this happen once. It is a thing to celebrate! Rendevouz-ing with an asteroid is not that hard, but slowing one down to keep in within Kerbin's SOI is very hard, specially for the bigger ones. And the only way you can really explore an asteroid, build stuff around it etc is when it is not leaving orbit within a few days!
  6. Ah, those soviets. What a talent for designing craft that were both ugly and beautiful at the same time. @Beale when and if you have the time, you could consider using the vostok capsule as a basis for a 'zenith'-like unmanned probe, with a science experiment (intel photos?). Actually, it is there in 'vostok continued' (dont know if the idea was yours in the first place, or the other player who adopted the mod came up with it). It's a great idea, and I would imagine, not too hard since if probably uses 90% of the artwork of the vostok model.
  7. Hey @blackheart612, I made and published a custom ribbons mod for 'final frontier', you know, medals badges and whatnot. For the ground vehicles badges, I used a grounded-looking image: Hope you approve! Btw, here is the mod:
  8. Oh no, you are quite right. English is not my native language and this kind of correction is most welcome. Do feel free to browse away and point out any other mistake you might find! I will make the corrections - K and all, its fun to play along with this kerbolik fol'k'lore (pun intended). I actually tried to make funny descriptions here and there and, lacking inspiration, left some of them a little bland. I will change them over time. Glad you liked it. It seems a bit silly to invent medals that require manual awarding, but FF is a wonderful mod and deserves some contributions - even if purelly for roleplay and immersion.
  9. Almost all of this, TBH, is only solved with the use of mods. Vanilla is just too lacking on those matters. A few notes: 1. There is a mod called RCS build aid. With it you see in the VAB your empty and full CoM, and it is much easier to position the RCS in a proper manner. It also projects torque and thrust vectors. 2. Some sort of docking cam is a must for orienting a docking procesure. I personally like KURS. Both are available in SPACEDOCK.
  10. Hello everyone, I made a custom ribbon pack for Final Frontier. I published it as a content mod in Spacedock. Would be very glad if @Nereid would tell me what he thinks! Btw, I am still wiling to improve the pack, creating new ribbons, so suggestions and feedback are most welcome, be them vague or concrete. My many thanks to nereid of course. Here is the forum link: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/175124-kerbal-medals-for-final-frontier-14x/
  11. Maybe a future thing could be the voskhod, with 2 very cramped seats, or 3 very, very cramped seats!
  12. I have been thinking about this. I will talk to nereid and see if it is possible!
  13. The third one looks like PEPE, the sad frog meme! @Beale since there are new texts, please send me the newer version so that I can update the localizations!
  14. Come to think of it, some mods have something of a sort. In 'kerbalism' they can get crazy for a while, and in 'kerbal health' they get permanent radiation contamination. Hummm... maybe a radiation ribbon is a good idea!
  15. KERBAL MEDALS (FOR NEREID’S FINAL FRONTIER) INTRODUCTION: There is this wonderful mod by @Nereid, called FINAL FRONTIER (FF for short), which detects when your Kerbals break records, achieve landmarks and so on, attributing ribbons when such accomplishments are reached. It is a wonderful flavor mod, not only for helping you to keep track of specific achievements of your little fellows, but also as a role-playing thing. However on this last aspect of the mod, I always felt the need of more content. I wanted to assign my Kerbals actual medals, when I wanted to and as I saw fit - for purely role-play reasons. As it tuns out, Nereid made his mod such that you can create your own custom ribbons. So I went ahead and did a bunch of them. I don't particularly think the ribbons look like a million dollars, but they do not look as complete crap either! Here goes a few images (not a complete list): HOW TO INSTALL: The usual. Drag and drop into your KSP folder. Do note that Nereid's main mod goes into its own folder (NEREID), but this one goes into the custom ribbons folder (STMRibbons). HOW TO USE: Simply use the FF GUI to assign/bestow/confer/award the medals as you see fit. Some of them are conceived in 'classes', so you can use the 'revoke' button to erase the lower-tier one and replace for the higher-tier equivalent. Do note that, unlike FF, where a ribbon is applied automatically when some record is broken, here this does not happen. Award if you wish, or don't. DEPENDENCIES: Only Nereid's FINAL FRONTIER, which is itself pretty dependency-free. GAME VERSION: 1.9.x. Actually there is so little to go wrong here, that I imagine this should work with ANY Kerbal Space Program version - as long as FF does too. MOD VERSION HISTORY: Current: 1.5. Recompiled for 1.12.x 1.4 sames as below. Recompiled for 1.10.x 1.3. same as below. Recompiled for 1.9.x. 1.2. Same as below. Recompiled for 1.7.x. 1.1 - Added a few ribbons, changed some descriptions and names, corrected some errors. More exploration ribbons were added, to match the anomalies existing all over the Kerbol System (for instance, if you visit the Mohole, there is a ribbon for that). Some medals were renamed to help differentiate them (and their uses) from one another, although it makes little difference since the idea is that you use them how and when you want. Most changes were made on account of other player's suggestions, which are much appreciated. Recompiled for 1.4.5. Older: 1.00 - original release version. IMPORTANT NOTICES: Nereid has made the mod in such way that there is a "base" number for each ribbon pack. He warns in the custom ribbon's config files that he has claimed the number 1001 and lower for himself. I went ahead and claimed the range between 9000 and 9999 for my mod, so if you wish to create your own ribbon pack, please do not use 1001 and lower (as warned by Nereid) neither 9000 through 9999, in which range my own ribbons reside! SUGGESTIONS/FEEDBACK: I would love to get suggestions for other medals, badges, commendations, ribbons, ranks, orders and whichever the community can think off, either vague or concrete ideas. So far I still have some energy to spend on this so keep ideas coming if you have them. LICENSE: MIT COPYRIGHT ON THE IMAGES: I did my best to use artwork coming from my own KSP game, or public domain images. If I eventually used some image that belongs to you without your authorization, please PM me and I'll get it off. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: My many thanks for NEREID for his own great mod, and for his authorization to do this (his actual words were that I didn't need one!). WHERE TO GET IT: Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1864/KERBAL MEDALS (for FINAL FRONTIER)
  16. A wise chioce. I can't for the life of me understand why vanilla vostok analogues were made that big. Maybe to allow for 3-crewed workable IVAs but, still, they are look weird with that massive size....
  17. Keep tweaking it though, till you get there. You got something here. Maybe put one seat at the bottom and the other at the top, near the hatch.
  18. Wasn't this thing used in that "hunt for the red october" film? The part where they travel underwater from sub to sub using.... well, this?
  19. What a great mod. We do need more atmospheric returnable shells.
  20. Cheers! So I am posting this issue just for improvement's sake, it sure is not a complaint. I love this mod. Also, I am using the 1.3.x version. This is what happened: I accepted both the 'ham the chimp' and 'zvezdoshka the dog' missions at the same time. Now, as everyone knows, when you are performing a mission and reach a goal, all different accepted missions that require that same goal will count that goal as completed: the game has no way of knowing which one you intend to fulfill. So in mid flight, there I was with a green 'check' on the mission goal "have space for one crew", for both the dog and the chimp mission. So far so good. I was aiming at the 'chimp' mission so I only did a sub-orbital flight (this has no relevance to the issue I am reporting, btw). When my armed parachute deployed, it decelerated a bit too abruptly and the "chimp" fainted due to excessive G. Here is thing number one: when the chimp fainted, the "have space for one crew" goal went from 'check' to 'failed' (a red cross). Not 'unfulfilled' (the pale grey little clock), but 'failed'. My guess is that the game can't tell if there is space for one or not, if a seat is occupied but the passenger has lost consciousness. When the chimp finally woke up, this situation did not revert and remained a failed goal up until the end, and after recovery too. So although I did carry out all mission parameters, including rescuing the little bugger safely, it still counted as a fail. And since the chimp does not return for another flight, there is no do-over! Thing number two: the failed parameter counted simultaneously for both missions, ham and zvezdochka, even as I was playing out the first one. When I started a new mission for zvezdockha, it already started with a failed 'have crew for one' goal, and sure enough, remained failed all the way through, so both missions eventually ended impossible to fulfill. Now, again I tell'ya, I am not complaining, but rather just testing out the mod to exhaustion, since I like it so much. Maybe the mission parameters can be improved a little bit, checking or un-checking some parameters? I am aware that perhaps there is no way to do that, for game hardcoding issues. Perhaps a note in 'high caps' on the mission description, warning that the passenger cannot faint during the mission or something. EDIT: for those who do not know this, you can auto-complete a mission with the 'debug tool' (alt+f12). I did it this time without feeling it was cheating, since I actually did fulfill the mission parameters. This is a good way to get rid of 'stuck' missions where cancelling is not an option, and it counts as a completed mission for all purposes, including unlocking the following missions to which the last one was a requisite. Note that without this shortcut, I would be actually stuck forever with these two missions, unable to get to the next ones!
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