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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. This is all very relevant as an inquiry @linuxgurugamer but at the end of the day shouldn't the goal be to "tone down" deadly reentry as a whole? It seems to me that the alternate solution would have to be to go out on a part-tweaking spree, changing specs for dozens of parts (maybe more!), when "undeadly-ing" dreadly reentry would appear to be a single-stroke solution. Or am i missing something? I admit, I went through the heat properties in the alt12 debug menu (as the GUI suggests), and if I had found an easy and intuitive "decrease/increase heat sensitivity" toggle, I would just have used that and forgot about it. But apparently, squad has made it more complicated than that so I didnt dare poking those configs even with a long stick.... this is why I'm asking, is it hard to hardcode a "deadliness level" into Deadly Reentry?
  2. Interesting, that with the typo. I also read your comment in Corvus' thread. Just to be clear, that has to be changed where, exactelly? Regarding the chutes: i use stock chutes, and of course, the chutes parts provided with the mods. In my scenario (starting from circular 100km, setting peri to 40km and descending), the result was this: 1 - Corvus: shield consumed and blew up, then, the pod went soon after. The chute survived (up until the rest exploded, that is); 2 - Tantares: there is a spherical vostok-like capsule, with it's own chute. Interestingly, beale made it with no ablator, just a high heat resistance. Without DeadlyReentry it survives, but with it.. no chance. The chute was the first to go over the limit, then the capsule; 3 - Stock: I reentered a mk1 capsule with a basic stock inline chute and the basic 1.25 heat shield. The shield consumed then exploded, but the rest survived. The chute barely made it though: it came close to the limit.
  3. I stopped by to talk about this, only to discover that everyone is talking about it too. Great, not only it shows that lots of people like Deadly Reentry, but also that I am not alone in thinking that this mod got WAY TOO DEADLY in its more recent version! I did some testing with stock, tantares and corvus parts, and discussed it a lot in the corvus thread with the owner of corvus, and he too was intrigued. My findings is that it is nearly impossible to return capsules from a myriad of stock and mod parts, even in shallow dive slopes, even coming from LKO. The GUI for Deadly Reentry allows you to set a lot of variables regarding G, but refers to the debug mode if you want to tweak heat properties. I don't know if I wanna do that, TBH. I will guess that this not revolve only around tweaking the amount of the ablator consumable. Parachutes also suffer a lot in the descents I watched, some exploding even if perfectly facing away from the heat after quickly rising above max temperatures, even in the initial phases of the reentry.
  4. Yes why not? The service module is there to provide for everything until separation, anyway.
  5. @micha, scrap what I said above. Corvus is fine: it's Deadly Reentry who has recently gotten... well, DEADLY AS %#$*@!! I did, besides the previous Corvus testing, two more flights. One was a TANTARES capsule (@Beale please observe if this is of your interest), and the other was a purely stock craft. Both started reentry from around 100km altitude, and I set periapsis at 40km. You know, for a shallow dive, so that it had plenty of time to slow down progressively. The result was the same as with Corvus: Deadly Reentry has gotten so badass in its latest iteration, that it is nearly impossible to return anything from anywhere. The poor vostok-like capsule was eaten alive before even reaching 50km, the parachute exploding much earlier. The stock mk1 capsule survived the rougher patch, but the ablator material was entirely consumed and exploded, whereas the parachute nearly snuffed it too as it came close to 90% or so of it's max temperature. So IMHO there is no tweaking necessary regarding CORVUS, if the same thing happens with a wide array of other parts! I think I shall take this to the Deadly Reentry thread to see if the overall deadliness is tweakable in some broader way. If not, then I'll certainly be retiring Deadly Reentry for the time being. It has gotten too way... deadly. Hehe. Anyway, thanks for listening. And I was glad to do this crosschecking of Corvus parts with you, its one of the best part packs around and I am glad to help. Cheers!
  6. Insofar I do think it is too much. Specially for the ablator, which does not do the job very well. Let me try Deadly Reentry with some other stock craft to compare.
  7. Well quite frankly in current settings reentry WAS deadly several times. Many a kerbal died in previous attempts. The pics are from the last one, the only to provide a surviving witness. It was only manageable by a very careful, timed reentry, with some atmospheric touch-and-go and a quite high initial pre-entry periapsis (50km) so that I got as much slowing down as I could in the early, thiner atmosphere. It is in my experience that reentry was not that deadly before. So, pheeew! But then again, I was thinking that this was caused by a too unforgiving setting in regard to Deadly Reentry, which is tweakebale, and not with your parameters for the parts. Other craft with other parts were barbecued too. I'll do some more testing with other Deadly Reentry settings and let you know!
  8. Did a complete play-through and not only the error is no more, but also, evidently everything is working normally!
  9. Hi there @SpannerMonkey(smce), I have only now just realized how far ahead in the tech tree the ST NOIR engine is. Well, using community tech tree anyway - can't say for stock tech tree but I imagine it must be in the same node. Seeing that it is supposed to be a very early stages piston engine for an aircraft worthy of the movie "those magnificent men and their flying machines", shouldn't it be moved to a way earlier node?
  10. Interesting, I will fiddle with it and if I find something useful I'll report back!
  11. Yeah so I gather the only issue is the gauge showing when it shouldn't, but still, it does serve a purpose. Could be interesting to reentry an EVA kerbal and see what the gauge says! Thanks!
  12. As per my suggestion a few weeks ago. Thanks for listening! It does look a lot better.
  13. Hey @micha I know other mods are not your problem, and I am not complaining, just thought it interesting to report an issue. I just downloaded the newest 'deadly reentry'. It reports a modulemanager loading error in the loading screen, relating to the "mm_patches/corvus_dre.cfg" file. What does it do exactly? Can I just remove it without harm?
  14. @Starwaster many thanks. This is a wonderful mod and a very essential one, my 1.4.x games just werent the same without it. The temperature gauge in EVA sure is weird, but it is correct, right? It takes into account the kerbal's current and max temperature and shows a valid warning, does it not? Or I'm wrong and the gauge is just nonsense data? Because if the first applies, then the gauge is actually an useful thing.
  15. I am now using this one and it works fine with 1.4.5: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/175197-13114x-b9-procedural-wings-fork-go-big-or-go-home-update-20-larger-wings/
  16. A further heads up: working fine with 1.4.5.
  17. I think a tutorial video is a great idea! Perhaps write coments directly in the video if narrating it will not do.
  18. (narrator) - ... the terrible ... NJORL'S SAGA! (viking) - Its not that terrible! (narrator) - No, I meant terribly VIOLENT. (viking) - Oh, yeah!
  19. The new IVA looks wonderful. But what I really want to comment is: what the heck is that craft orbiting around of? Are those ... rings?
  20. @Boris-Barboris many thanks. This is an indispensable mod.
  21. And kerbal health adds some functions to the larger crewed parts, like "med bays" and "comforts" which, when turned on, increase kerbal endurance (at the expense of a lot of EC). Its a thing of genius.
  22. FYI everyone, there is a new KerbinSide for 1.4.x and I have simply pasted the old "customrunways" config file that was valid for ksp 1.3 into my new 1.4.5 game (with current kerbinside and current navutilities). Insofar I have only tested a few runways but it seems that it works fine with the more recent iterations of this mod and kerbinside. "Well duh!" you may think, but not quite: I read somewhere that the new kerbinside moved around the launch sites. If that is true, the displacement was only slight or perhaps it only changed a few of the sites. Can't say for sure. But anyway, it seems to work fine!
  23. This explains some other issues I've been having. Allright thx for the info!
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