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Daniel Prates

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Everything posted by Daniel Prates

  1. @DStaal I think you, and possibly @Tonka Crash too, misunderstood me. Or rather, I think its more likely that I expressed myself badly. I am not complaining about this or any other mod, and much less I am bugging any mod maker. What I meant was, this past few weeks I made several remarks in several mod threads about issues arising from the new KSP version - tastefully, me thinks. My beef is that many random people showed up (not the actual mod maker) to debate that there is no such thing as a new KSP version creating issues with mods, which is ludicrous - it affected several mods, some rather relevant like this one. That's all I was talking about, if perhaps a bit inaptly. Serves me right for writing on my mobile and not thinking through my wording.
  2. Thanks @IgorZ. KAS is one of the most important and needed mods out there, your effort to keep it current is much apreciated by me and thousands of other people, I'm sure. Everytime a new point-something is about to be released, I voice my concern with mod compatibility. And everytime some "expert" will show up with a "new verisons dont break mods" type of comment. Guess now I'll go quote-digging in my notifications list and give some people a piece of my mind. With evidence, not only KAS but others.
  3. Great! Grounded was indeed behaving a little weird. I would sometimes capsize, and the tipped vehicle would slide forever as if it was on ice. Really never stopping. Weird right? That would depend on the wheels though. Some wheels from "kerbal foundries" would cause that, others wouldnt. And people say new KSP versions "shouldn't" break mods! HA, I say!
  4. BTW, KAS now has a substitute for the old attachable strut, which is a telescopic arm. Hehehe for my taste, it looks very good. Very kerbal-like, too. And indeed it requires some care regarding the 'how and where' you place it.
  5. Struts in general were always kinda troublesome. KAS had one that was awesome, could be attached by kerbals in EVA... but it had to be deprecated, which is too bad.
  6. A great policy by the way. No parts mod should be designed in such a way that it dialogues only with itself. I often design planes that mix airplane plus + stryker + SXT + ministry of space, and the fact that they all go excellent together is a compliment to all of them. Now, to sit down, relax and wait which one of them will be the first to fill in the only outstanding airplane's parts gap we still have: blisters, glazed noses and tails, observation cupolas. ...
  7. That is why we use KH. Any chance you could consider a healing factor, or a health bonus, having the presence of a scientist? I gather, if a lab counts as a "med bay" of sorts, maybe the scientist could count as having some paramedic skills. Would add another layer to long mission planning.
  8. This mod is wonderful. I often design craft with a 2.5 tank feeding a 1.25 engine, and the stock auto-shroud would always make things look weird....
  9. Actually when I said I was not happy, its not because of the wobble, but rather the GUI of each mod and how they are operated. AA has one excellent feature, which is the 'fly by wire' (in my mind I call it "always-trimmed flight" hehe). Kramax on the other hand has a better auto-level flight afaik. Haven't tried yours yet, will test it and share some insights. EDIT: just did. It's excellent. I will adopt it is my autopilot from now on. I will keep AA however, for the 'flybywire' function.
  10. My comment was the "polite" version of how I really feel about it. Deep down I think like you. But time has shown me some things are a waste of time to say in this forum.
  11. Glad to be of assistance. And some people say that new game versions do not break mods! Ha! It is bound to create oddities, since Squad (or T2 or whomever) is bound to make changes here and there, and they do not take into account if it will affect mods or not. I am not saying they should, btw.
  12. Great! Lets check it out. I use atmospheric autopilot AND kramax autopilot, and I am still not happy. Lets see if this is the thing. Wobble apparently is indeed a game thing and not a mod related thing, since it happens also with the other mods mentioned. Usually its worse when I forget to deactivate the command pod's reaction wheels.
  13. Wait, a mistake from my part. It seems its 'fuel tank plus' and not 'modular fuel tanks' the mod that ads a button, directly in the part UI, which is presenting an error similar to the one here. I just installed modular fuel tanks and it has it's own separate UI, which works fine. The thing thus could be related to the part context menu and how it relates to the part's configs, as mods that use it's own UI seem to be working fine.
  14. Happens in 'modular fuel tanks' too. You click to change fuel type, and it adds instead of changing. Obviously an issue caused by the new game version.
  15. I'll check the new release imediatelly. After 1.7.1, something weird started happening. If I click "next fuel tipe", say to change from L+O to LF, the other fuel type will be ADDED instead of changed, doubling the mass. Clicking further will add further ammounts of fuel. PS: its happening in other mods too. 'SimpleFuelSwitch' for instance. Its likely a new ksp version change causing issues with mods of this sort.
  16. Oh yeah good question! I remember those, nice white and orange rover wheels that went along with the corresponding hinges and elbowes. That would be awesome, ksp lacks a decent rover wheels mod. (Edit: there are some of them around, I didn't mean to say they are bad).
  17. This would be even better if you could choose between LF+O, LF only, and Monoprop.
  18. TBH I bought it mostly for the new surface features, which look promising. And to support development, of course. Aa for the the new gizmos, I already imagined that they would not surpass their old and tested mod counterparts.
  19. Clearly we are not using the same mods hehe. But changing the subject. I have just downloaded the DLC and it seems that, other than the announced changes, the game remains pretty much the same. I was all worked up, expecting we would go to a drasticly different 1.8.
  20. Hmmmmm.... The DLC just came out, I am downloading it now. If it changed the game version (another damn 'point someting'), maybe it will take the community some time to update module manager etc.
  21. In any case, KIS and the new stock inventory system won't affect each other, right? Will we still be able to use KIS as the preferential inventory system?
  22. Right. It would seem the space shuttle was an exception, bur for very particular reasons, as discussed above.
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