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Everything posted by Delay

  1. Since it only had one engine, the real problem was that the turbine was just underpowered. A 65 t behemoth carried by a single Goliath can't go well. Similarly I don't think a DC-10 could've reliably flown on its tail engine alone.
  2. Fixed my plane from yesterday. For some reason it flies perfectly now, and I haven't done anything other than replacing the wings. And I also tried building a Mk3 airplane that basically looks like a DC-10... except it only has the tail engine. You can probably imagine how that went.
  3. Error 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169: Transcendental error.
  4. I took some time off my Principia career and design a plane! And by plane I mean this thing. It's very difficult to control in turns because for some reason pitching causes it to roll over completely, but by tapping pitch instead of holding it can indeed fly very well! Only problem is landing, where the controls are supersensitive.
  5. Better yet; see if Task Manager can be opened at all. If it can't be you certainly know that something has gone very awry.
  6. Update, a positive one this time! I found an object which I can draw (at least somewhat) well! Ironically, it's an impossible cube, albeit not isometric, but this weird projection where the Z-axis is at a 45° angle (a cabinet projection, apparently.) I love how I can draw a perspective-breaking object, but not a stick figure.
  7. Stream resumes. ... and now it's back to coasting.
  8. You can't see any stars in the background, just the engine and that light. From that I conclude that exposure time is not very high.
  9. No, can't be the moon, unless it goes from new to full in 7 days.
  10. It's probably better this way.
  11. Live coverage wouldn't be a problem with the fairings, I guess. The only reason ASDS cameras go out for a second is because of the M1D firing.
  12. @NSEP You don't place them on the floor, do you?
  13. A person finds out that things are not as they seem.
  14. in 1996? Also, @adsii1970 I'd like to believe that people in that time were smarter than today. Please don't take that away from me.
  15. The previous image was taken while in a parking orbit, waiting to rendezvous with (and capture) an asteroid! Easy does it... At this point I was still speculating about whether or not I had enough dV with the asteroid to capture it. Turns out, I did. Releasing the asteroid... ...and going back home. Edit: A launch window to Eve is open. I'm going to land on Gilly soon!
  16. Did anyone order a wormhole to Kerbin?
  17. I've seen that happen myself: When loading a Portal map I made, which I occasionally begin, but as always never finish (that's a seperate complaint in and of itself) the CPU often shows values above 2.13, even 3 at times. But I've always assumed that's a bad thing and should be avoided.
  18. I'm looking at the minimum system requirements according to Steam:
  19. Slowly noticing that my CPU is going out of date. It can't even run Portal 2, which apparently needs 3 GHz to run, I have 2.13. The problem with replacing CPUs is that I might as well just buy a new computer.
  20. It seems like I have at least one screenshot worthy of this thread in any mission I do. Tell you what, as soon as I overcome my laziness to install KS3P I'll flood this thread!
  21. Landed a first stage! Kind of? And I, once again, went to Minmus for science! And a contract... I had so much dV that I decided to go into a polar orbit... ... and later back into an equatorial one to go back to Kerbin! This time I was able to get a screenshot of the whole trajectory! And after going back to Kerbin I still had enough fuel for not only slowing down, but also to do a plane change to reduce my inclination. By the way, after both maneuvers I still had about 190m/s of dV. It was a simple two-stage rocket with a small fuel tank, I didn't know that it would have this much. Oh, and for some reason I decided to take a screenshot of the crew. I was playing around with the pod overlays and got the camera inside the capsule.
  22. Actually, Hazard-ish would be proud:
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