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Everything posted by Delay

  1. To compress today's complaint to its absolute minimum (because I'm still annoyed about it and still have to process it): Streisand effect.
  2. H? KSP Forums? Space? SpaceX? Hawthorne!
  3. I think most of us started like this. Good luck!
  4. Is it winter and you feel like you're freezing to death? Try the good ol' fire! Guaranteed to keep you warm, and maybe the warmth even spreads to other homes, too!
  5. New day, new plane! This one is "ordinary"... ugh. Hey Jeb, what are you doing on the wing? Size comparison, I guess.
  6. I built this thing which, as of now, has no name. Any ideas? It's a bit tough to get it off the ground, but as soon as it's airborne and properly trimmed it flies really well at all speeds (from 60m/s to 851m/s). There's only one slight problem: This craft has a tendency to start rolling for no apparent reason, but that's easy to correct. Here it is after (a rough) landing. The fact that I landed successfully on the first attempt tells you more about the aircraft than my piloting skills.
  7. Did an eye test today. I knew beforehand that I have bad vision, given that I sometimes have to ask the person next to me in class what the text on the whiteboard says, but I didn't expect it to be this bad. I had to look at a series of black numbers/letters through this (electric)-eye-correction... thing™. With that I was able to see everything clearly. Then it was turned off and all I saw were blurred, gray dots. I'm pretty sure that I need glasses.
  8. Physics timewarp please.I don't want to fall through Earth and then explode when the warp ends.
  9. For Eve and Duna, there's an even better way. No need for a launch calculator there! Kerbin-Duna: Wait until Kerbin's tangent (a straight line that "touches" Kerbin's orbit) points slightly in front of Duna's current position. Duna-Kerbin: Wait until Kerbin is 90° behind Duna. From there you can adjust until you reach a kerbin encounter (+-correction/plane changes along the route) Kerbin-Eve: Wait until Eve's tangent points slightly in front Kerbin's current position. Eve-Kerbin: Wait until Eve's tangent points right at Kerbin. Oh, and if you want to go from the Mun to Minmus, it's the same as Duna-Kerbin, only in the other direction: Minmus is 90° ahead of the Mun.
  10. I CAN NOW PLAY KSP ON MY COMPUTER! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! Currently trying to find a nice balance between performance and detail. As much as I was able to gather for now, Kerbin is playable, Mun and Gilly play perfectly.
  11. First potential science return. How likely is it that TESS will find an exoplanet during the first few days of actual operation?
  12. Okay, windows is now fully updated. At least I think so. Graphics card problems have been fixed and the sound card also works, so I have sound again. There's just one more apparent problem that I don't know how to fix. For some reason, 4GB of RAM causes the computer to refuse booting. I have one 2GB "stick" and two 1GB sticks. If I install one of them I have 3GB of RAM (that works), but as soon as I put in the second 1GB stick it stops working. Any ideas?
  13. I can, but it's horribly inefficient and takes 2-3 minutes. I think my fastest solve was 2min 08sec, but I'm not sure on that.
  14. Yeah, I had this happen recently. I was going to a Jool satellite to plan the further route... only to hear an explosion and after a few seconds, the probe core came into view. The rest of the craft was marked as debris. Had I not quicksaved I would have lost the craft during this Kraken attack. Thankfully it was a one-time effect.
  15. Ha! 2x2x2 is easy. Next time you should try a 7x7x7 blindfolded, that'll be fun... For everyone else. I just quickly want to make clear that I doin't even have a 2x2x2, only a 3x3x3. But there's a different thread for complaining here.
  16. Good luck! I hope you make it this time!
  17. I can imagine it could if the first stage is expended and the payload is very light.
  18. I mean, I like that idea, even if it was a joke, but... Good luck with that.
  19. Okay, so formatting was now a success and even W7 is already installed... but the problems aren't over yet. Now it doesn't detect the graphics card and the drivers refuse to install. Great.
  20. After being stuck for 4 more years than even Microsoft recommended, I'm finally leaving WIndows XP behind and get Windows 7. Yes, 7. Not Windows Spyware Edition 10. Taking the opportunity I decided I want to format all of my hard drives and start completely new. I had this computer for a long time already (< 2011) and there's a lot of stuff I don't use anymore that still takes up space. The problem is that Windows Incompetent XP is not able to successfully complete the formatting. A (almost) 1TB hard drive! Completely unusable right now!
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