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Everything posted by Numerlor

  1. Well I didn't try this but that would work for sure, but maybe do it as no direct sunlight when <0.00 and keep that tiny energy flow
  2. I don't know how thisworks but I got direct sunlight when sun was on horizon with 0.00 sun exposure and energy flow. Download
  3. and flagpole if you drive on it with all science equipment but I saw some threads about first astronaut complex science but only in tiny spots
  4. Well, I forgot that you get money from milestones because of 3 month sandbox and where could I park my rover to get science from astronaut complex? I managed to do it near flag pole but no success there
  5. SSTO small shuttle on Minmmus or some kind of rover/plane hybrid for refueling
  6. I have a feeling that the tag was big as word but now I get this on phone (720x1280) Also why are there only images of person who last replied on mobile vereion?
  7. @ZooNamedGames, you see game was designed for career and in career when you have these wheels you have "slow" planes. When you unlock better engines you already should have better engines and kerbin in immediate vicinity explored, so you need more aerodynamic solution that won't limit your speed. It is same as in Atmosphere for Eeloo thread, developers are more focusing on important things like mechanics and not to have pretty useless things that will serve mostly cosmetic purpose. Sorry for writing it like chicken without paragraphs etc but I'm on phone
  8. Well, maybe wait for 1.3 and early bugfix patches, after that wait a week or so and they should have enough time to help fellow developer like you maybe some finishing touches to code etc
  9. Maybe for FTL you could ask other modders that have done mods like that to save time
  10. If you're going to Eeloo I don't think you would need one more set of science, and from what I got developers are focusing more on mechanics than realism etc. Only purpose for atmospheres in ksp are planes and difficult entry/takeoff
  11. Why do it then? Just wasted development time, maybe some kind of mod but definetly not stock
  12. I don't think that would be very good idea, if you are going to eelo you have got big rocket with high heat tolerances. For me that would be just annyoing
  13. Well, I have nothing to do now between designing apollo mission rocket so I decided to take up on this challenge. So far I only have 2 vehicles so not much but I like them. Also I have question about funds, can I cheat them or do I have to complete contracts inbetween? and what about KER?
  14. maybe with some kind of kraken drive
  15. If I count every video for challenges then it is over 300gb
  16. What I want to is empty fueltanks in flight. I'm doing shuttle challenge right now and only doing orbital rendezvous the thing is that I didn't get fuel right and I'm stuck with 1000 Lf but that problem can be solved by burning normal, the thing is that I also have 700monoprop and I detached every RCS unit, so is there mod for that (I know I could edit save file but that doesn't look right for the challenge)
  17. Now this I didn't know, and I was struggling switching to 30 probes just to rename them from untitled space craft
  18. Well I didn't take that the small craft with built in antenna can connect that far and I completly forgot about it, but this seems like the answer because when I draw straight line from it, it creates something like this which is neough to convince me
  19. I have been searching for relay stations map without succes, I remember seeing one thought and I don't think it is because of position because it only draws straight lines and I only have those 2 things in orbit, maybe some artifact from 5th antenna?
  20. Shouldn't space transmission frequencies be in the range that can penetrate atmosphere to get better signal quality and strenght?
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