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Everything posted by GonDragon

  1. This is a Parts mod, it do not use any plugin, so it should work perfectly without any change. Unless the OP want to make any kind of rebalance, the only thing that he should do to update is change the name of the thread. I didn't tested it tho, so I could be wrong. But it most likely that this mod works perfectly.
  2. I only tested the Docking Port Jr, trying to do the weekly challenge, and works normally. With what size of docking port are you having problems?
  3. I tested it in KSP 1.3. It seems to work in a craft with stock resources. I do no tested it in a craft with custom resources.
  4. Just tested it, works like a charm. Thanks for the update!
  5. A work around could be... get back to the old version? There is no hurry to update everything to its last version.
  6. Well, the first thing should be actually know what are you installing. Some mods has dependencies, that means, they NEED another specifical mod to work. Some others, go a step further, and not only tell you that they need another mod to work, but also they Bundle that dependencie with the mod. So, when you download a mod to install it manually, there is a posibility that you are, really, installing more than just one mod. At this point, you should think "Why there are so many folders in this mod, and why do I need them?". If you took a briefly look at them, probably you can recognize that every folder belongs to an individual mod, and only one folder contains the mod that you actually are trying to install. So, What to do?. First of all, read carefully the thread where you downloaded the mod. Some mods overwrite files of other mods for compatibility; All the mods that do such things, advice you about in his thread or in a README file. Second, check those folders, what mods do you have right now; It's more probably that a mod that comes bundled was outdated, than a mod that you installed by yourself. Third, install only what you need; If you already have the dependencies, and nothing should be overwrited for compatibilities purposes, install just the actual folder of the mod.
  7. As what I test, this mod it's compatible with 1.3 Now, with @PocketBrotector we are doing some rebalance in the stat's of the parts, and extending the support for other mods trough MM patches. Everyone is invited to help us trough the Issues Tab in the GitHub, or via a PR.
  8. Stock Part Revamp (Alias Ven's Stock Part Revamp) it works perfect for 1.3
  9. Almost. It would be "No se puede abordar un espacio habitable lleno.".
  10. There is a mod on CKAN called "Zero MiniAVC". That mod disables all the MiniAVC, I never tested it tho. You can also download it from it's GitHub. And, about KSP-AVC... there is a way to disable the compatibility check of specific mods?
  11. I don't know... because... it's a secret... a "super secret" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Perfect! Tomorrow I will take a look. I'm very familiarized with USI-LS, but for 1.3 I also wanted to test TAC-LS, so I think I can help with those.
  12. Yes, I just tested it again to be sure. The retractable ones can retract, and all of them produce power. The only problem I found, is that the Engineer can't retract the unretractable solar pannels, but that was also an issue in 1.2.2 (I just never relate it to Ven's parts).
  13. Well, I think that, first, the best could be ask @CobaltWolf if it can contact with the mod autor, since they were working on a "super secret project" when benjee10 stoped posting. The licence of this mod is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, so a community maintenance is possible, but is always better to ask first. Anyways, if someone decide to maintain this mod (and the author is OK with that), I could help with some MM patches for life support mods.
  14. Well, I Think that with an MM patch, you could change the manufacturer of a part, so you can, for example, change all the stock parts to being manufactured by the same manufacturer (Like, "Squad Company", "Stock Inc.", "Jeb's Junkyard Manufacturer", etc). You can do the same with mods. So, instead of have all the USI Constellation in the same tab, you could create "USI Rover Division", "USI Exlorer Division", "USI MKS Division", etc. The same with mods that use Stock manufacturers, or do not use any manufacturer at all.
  15. I downloaded but yet not tested it. But as I see, the only plug-in in this mod is "DeployableAeroSurfaces"... So, if the parts that use that plugin works, then everything should work properly.
  16. With Janitor's Closet, you can filter the parts per mod. You can even hide Squad part's if you want.
  17. Spanish Localization Localization { es-es { #autoLOC_AirlockPlus00000 = AirlockPlus #autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP001 = [Shift+<<1>>] Abordar alguna parte disponible\n[Ctrl+<<1>>] Selecciona parte a abordar #autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP002 = No se puede abordar una nave llena. #autoLOC_AirlockPlusBP003 = <color=<<1>>>Selecciona una parte para abordar\n[Esc]: Cancelar</color> #autoLOC_AirlockPlusAP001 = Nave de Tripulación: <<1>>/<<2>> #autoLOC_AirlockPlusAP002 = (Turista) #autoLOC_AirlockPlusAP003 = EVA } } The first line, as the name of the mod, I think it should remain untranslated. But if you want to translate it anyways, I Think that "Esclusa Plus" it should work better than "Esclusa de aire aumentado".
  18. I come here to say that the mod works perfectly in 1.3, without any further modification. Just remember to download the latest ModuleManager.
  19. Hi! I come here just to say that GPP has bundled old versions of Kerbal Konstructs and Modular Flight Integrator. I understand why you need an old version of Kerbal Konstruct, but... There is any specific reason for the old version of Modular Flight Integrator, or I could just update it without worries?
  20. Well, I use USI LS, and one thing it has is that if you are out of supplies, you have 15 "starving" days to obtain more before you Die. I don't know how is programmed Snacks, but maybe it could be possible a patch to remove the "death" when out of snacks and, instead, lose health (at a velocity that your kerbal will be dead if didn't find Snacks in 15 kerbal days). Even a similar thing could being included for the others life support mods... Now I'm curious about that, if I found some free time, I will take a look at the Snacks code, to see if a patch for something like that is even possible.
  21. Is this mod still in development? The models are great, and the textures looks really stockalike-ish. This mod could be a great addition to any career mode game, even if it consist only on the 4 tanks, and its adapters.
  22. I made a small patch, you can get it in my GitHub. It just a little integration patch with USI-LS. Now, the inflatable habitats actually provide habitat.
  23. I added a new Patch: IVA-Placeholder: I implemented Stock IVAs into the crewed parts. Most of the parts, haves the Procesing lab IVA (They are based in its model, so it fits perfect). The big "Abode" part, have the MK3 Passengers IVA (fits in it better than I expected).
  24. Hi! I like this mod, it's stockalike, and goes well with Nertea's "Stockalike Station Parts Expansion", so I made some patches: USI LS Patch: I modify the original USI-LS patch that comes with the mod. Now, the parts "Aisle", "Foyer" and "Lobby" includes a small and inneficient recycler; "Abode" now provide some habitat for it's 10 passengers; Finally, "Peekaboo" works as a coupola, providing habitat. CTT Patch: Distribute the parts among other nodes, in the Community Tech Tree. Near Future Electric (RTG decay) patch: Now, the generator has a decay rate. I uploaded those patches to my GitHub, here it is the link. Edit: To use those patches, download and move them into the "Patches" folder, inside the mod folder. You should overwrite the original USI LS patch.
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