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    Special Executive for Kerbal Transport and Exploration
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    SPEKTRE Island and Piz Kloria

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  1. Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with the statics not showing (I saw the same issue on GitHub). They only appear after I press the Landing Guide System. I'm I doing something wrong? Here is my log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sj5h0wlcy35xdn32vgciy/KSP.log?rlkey=ftygqjl9dbxfelv5x727ckney&st=lipb1cle&dl=0
  2. Hi @Judicator81, thanks for the great mod! I was wondering if some sort of "paint all parts" command is doable? Cheers
  3. Hi awesome mod creator @ColdJ, glad to be here I wonder if @Caerfinon could say hi (he's probably busy building something great)
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Can you check if it's working now?
  5. Hi @linuxgurugamer, I guess the mod is not working properly with the new version (1.11.2) In my case, I can select the Kerbal/group of Kerbals (the circle comes up nicely) but they don't move to the location. It also triggers the running animation of the Kerbal, but they don't leave the place. Sometimes they run a bit but suddenly became stuck. Here you can find my latest log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x5Vq8N7z_g-SNOeCJv12zP-rQb9dyG2Y/view?usp=sharing I'll be glad to provide more info if you need it. Thank you very much for maintaining such a great mod! Cheers
  6. Hi @jrodriguez, first and foremost thanks for the amazing mods This is just a heads-up in case you need info for Vessel Mover in 1.10. I noticed that Vessel Mover is working partially fine in 1.10. It moves the vessels nicely, just the Vessel Spawn function is returning a NullReference. I can also share my log if you need. https://imgur.com/a/PZsOEjl Cheers and once again thanks for the amazing mods
  7. Hi @linuxgurugamer, is it possible that the same solution for the error in Vertical Velocity Controller mod be applicable to Eva Follower? Cheers!
  8. Hi, thanks for the update I'm still getting some errors. Like the ones in the image: https://imgur.com/a/oNfG8N4 Here is my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xsjhai0bl6ufxnb/KSP.log?dl=0 Cheers and thanks again for maintaining so many great mods.
  9. Hi @linuxgurugamer, first of all thanks for maintaining yet another amazing mod! I've installed the latest version of EVA Follower (first from CKAN, later from the github link) and it's not working with me . My game is updated to 1.8.1. Kerbals are not respond to click commands, I can't select them/they don't show the circle around them, and the buttons (Wait, Run, Add Waypoint) on the Kerbal GUI don't do anything. I'm also getting the pink square error as soon as I launch a manned vehicle (it only comes up with this mod ). I'll be happy to share more logs and info if you want. My latest log is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afav6p3h6sh3rho/KSP.log?dl=0 Cheers and thanks once again
  10. @Lisias thank you very much for your reply Here's my MM Config.Cache: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9puu4ldgwg5ibtz/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0 Cheers
  11. Hi Lisias, First of all thanks for your amazing work and dedication. I'm having some warnings in the opening screen. Here's my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/900t71lmcgro7ys/KSP.log?dl=0 (I'm not sure if this is the correct log file) Cheers
  12. Sure, I'll be happy to share it I believe we should check with @Enceos first, to see if this is not infringing the license. Or with some of the forum moderators.
  13. Hi @Friznit I've managed to make it work by following this guide here: https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/wiki/Equippable-items-in-KIS-v1.15-and-higher What I did was look the settings.cfg in KIS and switch the old entries for the new aliases in the "equipBoneName" in the Kerbal Hacks object's config. Example: Put "aliasHead" (for example) in the "equipBoneName" line in Module section of the .cfg file of the object. Hope it helps you
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